Final Fantasy 10 (PS2)

Squaresoft's famous game is now in full 3D. The game is also popular because the new Full Motion Video maxed out with DVD quality. The battlesystem uses Aeons with help the Summoner Yuna to defeat enemies. The bosses look much more realistic in this game then they have with any previous game. This is the first Final Fantasy game that allows you to summon your allies.


Characters | Walkthrough | Screenshots |

- Final Fantasy X Review -

Tidus | Yuna | Rikku | Sir Auron | Wakka | Lulu

Wakka is the coach and captain of a local blitzball team, the Besaid Aurochs. A team that have not had a single win the past 20 years.

Wakka plans to retire after the years tournament. When Tidus arrives he then makes plans to go out with a bang by winning the tournament. After he retires he is playing of becoming a full time guardian for Yuna. He decided to become a guardian after his brother was killed during a fight with Sin. His brother used a Al Bhed weapon which makes Wakka hate all Al Bhed. He uses a Blitzball in battle to hit air targets. 
Wakka's overdrive are slots. he spins some slots which if matched will cause greater damage. All his overdrives can be learned from winning blitzball tournaments.
Overdrive Effect
Element Reels Does elemental damage based on the reels
Attack Reels Hits all enemies a certain amount of times based on the reels
Status Reels Adds different status effects to normal attack
Auroch Reels Special Reels that do status, elemental and number of attacks.

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