Final Fantasy 10 (PS2)

Squaresoft's famous game is now in full 3D. The game is also popular because the new Full Motion Video maxed out with DVD quality. The battlesystem uses Aeons with help the Summoner Yuna to defeat enemies. The bosses look much more realistic in this game then they have with any previous game. This is the first Final Fantasy game that allows you to summon your allies.


Characters | Walkthrough | Screenshots |

- Final Fantasy X Review -

Tidus | Yuna | Rikku | Sir Auron | Wakka | Lulu

Lulu is one of Yuna's guardians. She along with Wakka think of Yuna as a younger sister. She was once the girlfriend of Wakka's brother until Sin killed him.

Lulu uses black magic on any enemy that gets in her way, at first she sounds cruel and insensitive to everyone especially Wakka but she is a caring women. She uses small dolls to attack the enemy which can also be used to help her concentrate when using her more powerful spells.  
Lulu's overdrive is fury. Lulu will use her spells a multiple amount of times at 40% the damage. These spells can be casted even under silence and can not be reflected back.

Celestial Weapon

Lulu's Celestial Weapon is the Onion Knight, this allows Shiva to break damage limit and has the abilities
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Magic Booster
One Mp Cost
The Onion Knight is in the Southern Part of the underwater ruins of the Baaj Temple, You will have to fight Geogaeno again in order to get it.

The Venus Crest is obtained by going back to the farplanes in Guadosalom. The chest should be on the left side of the room. The Venus Sigil is at the thunder plains, for this you must dodge 200 consecutive Lightning bolts. Then return to the Al Bhed inn to find a chest outside containing the Sigil.

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