Final Fantasy 10 (PS2)

Squaresoft's famous game is now in full 3D. The game is also popular because the new Full Motion Video maxed out with DVD quality. The battlesystem uses Aeons with help the Summoner Yuna to defeat enemies. The bosses look much more realistic in this game then they have with any previous game. This is the first Final Fantasy game that allows you to summon your allies.


Characters | Walkthrough | Screenshots |

- Final Fantasy X Review -

Tidus | Yuna | Rikku | Sir Auron | Wakka | Lulu

Auron is well known all around Spira as the legendary guardian who guarded high summoner Braska when he defeated Sin. 

Auron is wise and says few words, he guides Yuna and Tidus on there quest to defeat Sin. He uses a huge sword that can cut even the strongest enemies in two. He also uses his breaks to lower enemies stats. 
Auron's overdrive is Bushido. They are ancient sword skills that cause major damage to anyone they are used on. Auron learns new overdrives by finding special spheres all around the world.
Overdrive Effect Spheres required to learn
Dragon Fang Damages all enemies ---
Shooting Star Deals double damage to one enemy and can knock enemies away 1
Banishing Blade Deals double damage to one enemy and puts all the breaks upon them even if they are immune to them 3
Tornado Causes Major damage to all enemies 10

Celestial Weapon

Auron's Celestial Weapon is the Masamune. It allows Yojimbo to break his damage limit and also has the abilities
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
First Strike
Counter Attack
The Weapon is obtained by taking the rusty sword from the eastern area from the Cave Of The Stolen Fayth in the Calm Lands. Place the sword into the status at Lord Mi'ihen to obtain the Masamune

To obtain the Mars Chest go along north of Mi'ihen Highroad until you reach the entrance then use the U-turn to go to the Old Part of the ruins, to find the crest. To find the Mars Sigil, you must catch 1 monster from 10 different places and the old man will give you it.


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