Final Fantasy 10 (PS2)

Squaresoft's famous game is now in full 3D. The game is also popular because the new Full Motion Video maxed out with DVD quality. The battlesystem uses Aeons with help the Summoner Yuna to defeat enemies. The bosses look much more realistic in this game then they have with any previous game. This is the first Final Fantasy game that allows you to summon your allies.


Characters | Walkthrough | Screenshots |

- Final Fantasy X Review -

Tidus | Yuna | Rikku | Sir Auron | Wakka | Lulu

Tidus is a young blitzball player and the star player of the Zanarkand Abes. He resents his father who was a great blitzball player before his strangely disappeared.

After the search found nothing he was presumed dead. After that his mother lost her energy and also passed away. Tidus uses quick movements combined with his sword given to him by Auron as a present from his father to catch the fastest of foes. The memories of his father haunt him and he is abit of a cry baby. 
Tidus's overdrive are Swordplay. Tidus will use skills he learns along the way, he learns his skills after he has used his old ones a certain amount of times.

Overdrive Effect Time Used
Spiral Cut Does double damage to a single enemy ---
Slice And Dice Does 6 attacks at half damage to all enemies 10
Energy Rain A powerful attack that does damage to all enemies 30
Blitz Ace Does 8 hits to enemies at random and finishes with the Jecht shot 80

Celestial Weapon Details -->


Tidus's Celestial Weapon is the Caladbolg, It has the abilities
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Evade & Counter
Magic Counter
To obtain the Caladbolg, you must train a Chocobo and beat the Chocobo Trainer at catcher, afterwards there should be a man watching the race who is meant to be guarding the Caladbolg. Go to the north west part of the Calm Lands and go down the little dip to find the Caladbolg.
To get the Sun Crest you must go to where you fought Yunalesca, there will be a box there. This is recommended you do just after you defeated Yunalesca as Dark Bahamut will be there second time. Go in and out the room and it should appear. The Sun Sigil is obtained from the Chocobo Trainer when you beat her with a 0.0 time. This involves getting many balloons and missing birds.

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