<BGSOUND SRC="Moonlight.midi.mid">
Blue Moon:  Blue moon is the name commonly give to the second
                    full moon of the month.
                    Common castings:  overcoming great obstacles, the
                    seeminly miraculous.
Dark Moon:  The 3 and 1/2 day period just before the moon is new
                      a time for rest and recuperation.
Full Moon:  The Goddess in her aspect of mother.  The visible
                    moon is fully illuminated by direct sunlight.
                   Common castings:  manifestation and completion.
The Waxing Moon:  The Goddess in her aspect of maiden.  The
                                period of time between the new moon and
                                the full moon.
                                Common castings:  growth oriented energy,
                                increase, success and fertility.
The Waning Moon:  The Goddess in her aspect of crone.  Occurs
                                after the full moon.
                                Common castings:  decrease, banishing,
                                closure, lessenings, endings.
The New Moon:  The moon is completely in line with the sun and
                           the earth and is beginning its cycle.
                           Common castings:  beginnings, slow but steady
The Four Quaters of the Moon:

The 1st quarter begins when the sun and moon or conjunct or united, just after the new moon. (New Moon - Cresent)

The 2nd quarter begins halfway between the new moon and the full moon.  The sun and the moon are 90 degrees or squaring each other.  (First Quarter - Gibbous)

The 3rd quarter begins with the full moon.  When the sun and moon are in oppostion.  (Full Moon -Disseminating)

The 4th quarter begins halfway between the full moon and the new moon.  When the sun and the moon are again squaring each other.  (Last Quarter - Balsamic)
Name of the Month Moons:

January:        Wolf or the Cold Moon
February:       Storm, Hunger or Snow Moon
March:           Caste, Quickening or Storm Moon
April:             Seed or Wind Moon
May:              Hare, Flower or Planting Moon
June:             Dyad Moon
July:              Mead or Blessing Moon
August:         Wort, Corn or Thunder Moon
September:    Barley or Harvest Moon
October:        Blood or Hunter's Moon
November:     Snow or Mourning Moon
December:     Oak or Long Nights Moon
Sun phases and common castings:

Dawn:  inception, hope, change, increase and joy
Noon:  blessings, energy, success, the God aspect
Dusk:  completion, closure, endings and release
Midnight:  The Witching hour, balance, the Goddess aspect.
The Seasons and Common Castings:

Spring:  flowing of new skills, hopefullness, trust, friendship,
             gentle love, overcoming negativity, change , a fresh
Summer:  fertility, power, strength, healing , illumination,
                banishing darkness, personal empowerment,
Fall:  justice, harvesting, cleansing, conservartion, balance
Winter:  home, family, health, purification, rest, renewal,
              completion, closure, overcoming fear, goodwill, charity
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