<BGSOUND SRC="3_doors_down_-_here_without_you.midi.mid">
Tree Magick

ALDER -   a tree that was sacred to the Druids.  Whistles can be made of of the alder tree to call to Air elements.
"Elder is the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye be!"

APPLE - indicates choice and is useful for love and healing magick.  You can use apple cider as a substitute for any old spells that call for blood or wine.

ASH - many wands are made out of ash; good for healing and general or solar magick.  Fresh ash leaves under your pillow will stimulate pyschic dreams.

BIRCH - useful in love magick

BLACKTHORN - indicates strong actions of fate or outside influences that must be obeyed.

BROOM - used for purification or protection of sacred spaces.  Burn to calm winds.

CEDAR - used for grounding and earth energies

ELM - aides stability and grounding.  Associated with Mother and the Earth Goddess and said to be abode of the Fae.

FIR - indicates long views and clear sights with vision of what is beyond and yet to come.

FIR (SILVER) - burned at childbirth to bless and protect mother and child.

FURZE - wood and blooms are burned for protection and preparation for conflict.

HAWTHORN - wands made of this wood have great power.  Blooms are highly erotic to men.  Used for protection, love and marriage spells.

HAZEL - wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing.  Used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration.  Tool for finding lost treasure and water.

HOLLY - associated with death and rebirth.  Useful for sleep or rest; and to ease the passage of death.  A bag of leaves and berries carried by a man is said to increase his ability to attract women.

JUNIPER - used for visions and to attract love.  Juniper grown by the door will discourage thieves.

MISTLETOE - all purpose protection and used in love incenses.

OAK - used for protection, strength, success and stability.  Burning oak leaves purifies the atmosphere.

PINE - used for purification and fertility

ROWAN - used for knowledge and general divination.  Sacred to the Goddess Brigit.

WILLOW - used for wish fulfillment, to gain eloquence, inspiration, skills and prophecies.  A moon tree sacred to the White Lady.

YEW - associated with death and rebirth.  May enhance magickal and psychic abilities; may induce visions.

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