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Magick is essentially the use and control of natural energies or power to produce or effect a change.
There are three basic sources or power:

Personal Power:
This is the power that resides within us.  In magick you harness your personal power arouse it and infuse it towards a particular purpose, release it and direct it towards a goal.
We gather energy everyday in our natural lives with the things we do.  We absorb it through the sun, moon and food; and release it with our activities.

Earth Power:
This is the power that resides in the planet and it's natural resources.  All of these can be used for their unique properties and energies to lend power.  These unique energies can be harnessed and used for magickal purposes.

Divine Power:
The spiritual power which is channeled from the Deities.  This is the force of life, the source of everything, the power of the universe which created existence.  Both personal power and earth power are manifestations of divine power.
There is a lot involved in preparation for the use of magick.  When you feel you are ready to cast you need to do your research to make sure your goal is reachable.  You have to know what deities to call upon, which crystals, incense and colours to use.  You have to know the days of the week, the phase of the moon, the astrologicial correspondence or the phase of the sun. 
As you see there is a lot involved in casting.  You can't just dive into it with no preparation and except the best possible outcome.

You can refer to the other pages on the website to get a more in depth information on: days of the week, candle colours, astrological correspondences and so on.
Magick begins within us, it is intuitive knowledge and instinct.  The mind needs to be trained in visualiztion, meditation, concentration and imagination to be able to harness the power for use in magick.

Meditation is essential in the practice of magick.  Meditation proceeds the use of any magickal practices, it aids us in the transition from the mundane to the magickal. 

Visualistion is probably the most important part of magick.  It is used to guide and project the power raised during a rite or ritual.  Visualisation is the art of being able to see what is not there; it is to be able to hold a non existant image and shape or change it into what you want it to be.  It is not the power or the energy but that which the magick is directed at.  Visualisation is something you can train yourself in ~ start simple like by visualising an object and holding it in your mind for as long as you can.  Each day manipulate that image a bit more until you control it.  You will then be well on your way to being able to use visualisation in magick.

A final warning in the use of magick.  When you are using magick you are using some very powerful forces and energies.  Excessive or repeated use of these powers and energies without the proper care will leave the user feeling debilated.  You have to take proper care of yourself so you do not deplete your energies or become ill.
To combat these difficulties make sure you do proper grounding and centering techniques after each magickal working.
When beginning a magick working you center yourself by drawing the personal, earth and divine energies into you.
When ending a magickal working you ground/or dispel the energies out of you.  I do this by sending the energy back to the earth with the intentions of healing Her.

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