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Well lets have a little chat here about meditation.  No, don't shake your head at me and tell me you can't do it.  Geez, do you know how many people say that - including me at one point in time.

Let's face it - if you want to be a witch you have to meditate.  No really you do!  Witchcraft is all about changing energy.  The energy that exists in everything in some form or fashion.  This is where the Quantum Physics Therory comes into play.  Quantum Physics tells us everything possess energy.  Now the energy between say a rock and yourself  - different energy but energy all the same.  To practice witchcraft you have to be able to alter that energy for that greater good and the only way to to that is to alter your state of consciousness.  Hence this is where the meditation comes in.

Listen I am not telling you to turn yourself into a pretzel.....nothing that is healthy for us should land us in the hospital.  If you want to sit on the floor and chant "OM"  well that's up to you (frankly I am not sitting on the floor, that signals the dog to attack for some reason).

Join the new age and mediate comfortably.  Sit or lay down in which ever way is most comfortable for you.

Laying down you say is going to put you to sleep............yeah well that happens.  Meditation is supposed to relax you after all and who's to say you won't have a nice phopetic dream.  At any rate it's not the end of the world, don't panic.

So you want to sit up, well find yourself a comfortable chair or couch or the floor is you prefer.  And start out simply for Goddess's sakes.  You didn't learn to ride a bike in one day and you aren't going to pick up the art of meditation in one day either.

Now put on some nice music, it can be whatever you want; whatever relaxes you and takes you away.  Try meditation music - beach, rain, surf (oh you might want to make sure your bladder is empty first), or classical music or classical rock for all it's worth.  See there is no set rule it's whatever works for you.  Oh and if your kids are pulling at your pant leg or your husband/wife is unable to survive without you for that moment in time this just isn't going to work.  So plan an time to do this when you have at least 10-20 minutes of blessed peace.  Not easy in tis day and age I know but it can be done.  It doesn't have to done at the same time everyday it's not medicine after all; it's a way to alter your lifestyle and bring some peace to you.

After some practice when you are reasonably confident in what you are doing you will find you are able to go to this state of consciousness whenever you are feeling stressed - I just don't recommend it when you are driving; tricky changing your state of concsiousness behind the wheel of a car.

Okay so once you are comfortable start with something easy like staring into a candle flame and when you close your eyes keep that candle flame there; when you start to lose it open your eyes again and repeat the process.  After time you will be able to graduate to bigger and better meditations.  But sometimes it's okay to just relax in a meditative state and see what happens.

When you have been meditating over a candle flame for a few months try the KFS meditation link in my personal stuff.  Now, that will take you to another level.

It's just this - like everything else you own your meditations they are going to be what you make of them.  If meditation doesn't work for you right away try try and try again, eventually it will.  You will be amazed by how something so simple will change your life and your outlook on life.  There are some really good meditations out there things like allowing you to see your future and your past.  But meditations like everything else are better written by your own hand.

Good luck to you and happy meditating!

Bright Blessings,
Night Storm

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