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Here are some examples of spells I have written to give you an idea should you want to write a spell and not know where to start.  You can find lots of examples of spells on the internet and in books but you have to write your own and make them personal.  It's fine to use things as guidelines until your confidence is such that you can just sit down and write what you want to accomplish.  Writing a spell in the beginning takes research and trial and error.  If you cast and it doesn't turn out quiet the way you wanted it to - rewrite the spell and try again.  There is no right or wrong way to do this it is your intent that is the most important thing you can have.  You have to stop and think okay what do I want to accomplish:  think of the herbs needed, the incense, candle colours, what day is best, what moon cycle you need {are you banishing and increasing}, what deites are you calling upon for this.  Meditate on it and the words you need will usually come to you.

Full Moon Monday Spell

Cast if the moon is full on a Monday to work through emotions.

You will need:  a pale blue candle and some allspice.
Dress the candle with the allspice.

Cast the Circle

Call the Quarters

Meditate for a few moments on emotions you are having difficulty understanding.

Light the candle and say:
"Odin, powerful God of wisdom and healing,
Quiet these emotions and bring to me,
the peace they have been stealing.
Help me to find the way,
To discriminate, to understand and to keep confusion at bay.
Lead me to true understanding with the power of the full moon.
Give me the knowledge to sort these emotions soon.
So I will it! So mote it be!"

Estinguish the candle flame.

Let Odin bring clarity to you over the next several days.  Watch your dreams for they may contain your answers.

Release the Quarters

Close the Circle.
Full Moon Tuesday Spell

To be cast if the full moon falls on a Tuesday for finances.

You will need a small green candle, frankinscence incense and 9 pennies.

Go outside on a full moon Tuesday.

Cast the Circle

Call the Quarters

Light the candle and the incense.  Face the moon holding the pennies in your dominant hand and say:
"Oh Sweet Moon by your bright glow,
Aid me in making my finances grow.
Day by day and week by week,
Bring me the stability that I seek.
So that I will fear no more,
Bring the money to my door.
Let none be harmed, my wish to see.
Let more money come to me.
So mote it be!"

Blow out the candle that your wish may be carried to the wind.

Release the Quarters

Close the Circle
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