<BGSOUND SRC="bring_me_to_life.midi.mid">
Casting the Magick Circle:

Take an athame, wand or use your power hand, starting at the north and moving clockwise imagine a brilliant blue or white light:  "I empower this magick circle with the divine powers of Oneness.  So mote it be!  Blessed be!"
Clockwise starting in the east unless banishing then counterclockwise.
Creating a Sacred Self Space:
This can be used when you need the protection of a blessed space when you are away from home and your witch tools just don't happen to be handy.
Think of four items that symbolize the elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  Visualize a white bubble creating a sacred sanctuary.
"Earth, Air, Fire and Water -
  hear the words of my heart.
  Protection and power impart!"
Calling the Quaters:

East:  Come, Beings of the wind; Breath of the East.  Be received
          in this blessed space.  Attend us, whisper our intentions
          for being there tonight to be carried on the wind.

South:  Come, Beings of the Radient Flame; warmth of the fire
            and the South.  Be received  in this blessed space.
            Attend us, illuminate and energize our endeavours this

West:  Come, Beings of the Dew;  Keepers of the water and the
           West.  Be received in this blessed space.  Carry our
           petition like teardrops, cleansing and bringing us peace.
           Grant us the serenity of knowing we work for the benefit
           of all.

North:  Come, Beings of the Earth; Souls of the North.  Be
             received in this blessed space.  Attend us, keep us
             rooted in your rich soil.. May we find our way to logic
            and concern for all beings through you.

Center:  Come, Ancient and Powerful Ones!  Be received in this
              blessed space.  All our magick and enchantement comes
              from you.  Lend us your power and knowledge this

Releasing the Quarters:

Watchtowers of the North, West, South and East.  We thank you for attending and protecting us this night.  You are free to go but welcome to stay.

Ancient Ones; we thank you for attending us this night.  We know you are with us always to support and guide us. We ask that you continue to walk beside us on our path.

Merry meet, Merry Part and Merry meet again!
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