The Week of Earth Day
I'm not going to post names or grades to respect their privacy, but I wanted to post some pictures of my kids from Gold Apple and from Jin Xin Di (one of the 4 places where I freelanced).  What's really cool is that 2 of my classes became pen pals with kids from my mom's school.  Every class my kids would ask if the letters arrived.
One day in February, after the New Year celebration, I was asking my friend Jane how Chinese people celebrated Earth Day.  She wasn't too sure what I was talking about, but as I explained, she became very interested.  A few days later, the Head of the English department was asking me for ideas about what to do for Earth Day and how to teach it.  I said I had an idea for a "Life of Water" lesson which would introduce new English grammar words, and then a lesson on "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle."  She loved the idea, but didn't know how the school could incorporate it.  I suggested a trash pick up.  So that's what I was able to do.  I gave the two lessons (one each week) and the week of "Earth Day" began.  Each class I taught was able to leave the classroom to pick up trash around the school grounds and surrounding neighborhood.  Yea for Earth Day!  :-)
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