Gold Apple Office Mates
At Shanghai Gold Apple Bilingual School, I'm fortunate to share the office with people who are pretty cool.  They're helping me learn the language and I'm their living dictionary.  :-)  A pretty good swap if I do say so myself.  We have gone out to have fun, shop, goof off, sing karaoke, and do things you do when you live here.
Jane (my country guide) and I on Nanjing Lu the Times Square of Shanghai.  Too bad our heads were blocking the McDonalds sign. 
We've gone out several times as a group.  We've gone to have  Hot Pot!  Interesting! Another time we went out to Pizza Inn.  I didn't know they had Pizza Inn here.  Surprises everywhere, I guess.
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This is Junie.  She's the "most revered" in the office - i.e. she's the oldest.  Her daughter's name is Apple.  They took me to Century Park one cold Saturday. 
These are my office mates in our office.  It's not very wide.  Beulah was in class.
When you live here, you live here.  So ordinary things happen.  It just so happened that Junie, Jane & I all had birthdays around the same time.
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