Chapter Thirty-Three

Interlude III: Secrets


We all have secrets that we keep inside. Most people think that a secret is an action that we hide from the rest of the world. When we do something bad we fear we will be caught. So we keep it a secret and hope no one asks. If we are lucky people will forget. Only we are left knowing the flicker of information that we hide. To take it out only at night when we are alone in the dark to fondle over what was done.

Actions are not the only kind of secrets. There are thoughts we hide from the people we know. The urges that we lust to give in to, but we bury them beneath the facade that we show the rest of the world. We are afraid of how we will be viewed for keeping these thoughts to ourselves. We want people to view us in a certain light. Do to that we hide these things that would change the color of that light.

We are all left with out secrets known only to ourselves. We trust them to know one. We never tell anyone. They are our horror to hold. The secrets grow inside us, piling up over the years. They fester, like a cancer eating the flesh, hollowing us out until there is nothing left but a shell.

Secrets should not be kept.

They will only grow, turn dark, corrupt, and poisonous. The chains and iron bars we bind them with will not hold back the sickness they become.

We have kept the secrets to ourselves. With no one to help us when they finally break out. No one to share their burden that has waited years, gathering its strength, so that we are not strong enough to hold them inside any longer.

When they come out into the light our lives change. The world we built around us falls apart. The people we come to know and love turn away. We lose that which we are most familiar with.


All because we hide things inside that we fear the rest of the world will not understand. Not understand our intentions or motivations.

Secrets will be our downfall.

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