Chapter Nine

Double Dealing

The Barrens

Redmond, Seattle

November 4, 2059

7:08 am

Findler awoke to the sound of his front door being smashed. As he rolled over footsteps came around him. Two individuals who's look and stature screamed detective stood over him. Both had sour expressions on this face like they had just bitten into a lemon. Their badges were only barely visible beneath their gray trenchcoats. One anxiously tapped his foot against the hardwood floor. Another chewed a piece of tasteless gum.

"Finally found you." The one with gum sneered.

Findler groaned and rolled back over, wishing he had a mattress instead of this uncomfortable couch. "You could've knocked."

"Get up, Findler."

"What are you going to do, Marco?" Findler huffed and straightened his pillow. "Arrest me?"

Marco's face forged itself into a permanent frown. "Already did that once." He sat in the recliner next to Findler. "Parker, go see if there's a bran muffin or something in the kitchen."

His partner nodded as Findler sat up. The ork yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. This time of day Findler tended to smell a little on the foul side. Sleeping in the same clothes from yesterday didn't help any. Marco hadn't stopped by to discuss personal hygiene. The detective never had good words to share with Findler.

"Showing up here is a sure way to blow my cover. Do you know what will happen to me if they even suspect?"

"You missed our meeting last night. Where the hell were you?" Marco questioned.


"That's no excuse. You're suppose to make those meetings. Miss another one and will issue a warrant for your arrest."

"You can't expect me to work like this with you breathing down my back!"

"We haven't heard from you in four days."

"You know, I'm not going to have this conversation with you." Findler flipped on the trideo.

"If your brother could see you now......."

"Let's not talk about my brother either." Findler groaned.

His brother had been a Lone Star officer on one of their High Threat Response teams. Several months ago his team was called to a corporate facility in response to a break in. The officers never made it to the site. A anti-armor missile blew their citymaster to pieces.

"Do you remember what you said to me in the spring?"

Findler nodded. "I told you I wanted out. I'd cut any deal you wanted to find out what happened to my brother. So don't remind me."

"This was part of that deal. You find out who did that and I arrest them."

"Why don't we be honest for a minute? You don't give a drek about my brother. You're just want me and my work history. Frag, you wanted your own private shadowrunner."

"We're both getting something we want. I get my bust and you get a few years knocked off your sentence. Plus piece of mind knowing that your brother's murderers are paying their dues. I'll even transfer them to your block after they're sentenced."

"I don't know if this is the same group yet."

"The van matches, but you and I know that will not hold up in court. What about this last thing they went on?"

"It's nothing."

"That's right. It's nothing!" Marco scolded. "There's nothing to arrest them with because you have no proof! In court it will be your word against their's. You should have worn a wire. At least then I would have something to work with."

"Worn a wire for four days? That van has enough electronics to pick up anything."

"What are they doing now?"

Findler shrugged. "There's a party tonight. I believe they are attending it."

"Why aren't you going?"

"Because I didn't get an invitation!"

"Not my problem. Go there tonight. Wear a wire and get me something to work with."

"You don't get it, do you?"

"If you ever want your brother's murderers to be found you'll do it."

"I can't just walk in there without an invitation. They'll be suspicious."

"Why should they? You're one of the team."

"They think I'm hired help. They won't let me in."

"You better hope they do." Marco leered. "Otherwise you might find yourself in a paddy wagon back to your cozy cell." Findler started to say something, but Marco cut him off. "No excuses. Get me something. In the meantime I'll call this Laken Retreat and see if any video footage survived."

"What do I do if I can't get in?"

"Then you had better start packing and buy a good book 'cause you're going straight to solitary when I ship you back. I want to see results, Findler. You had better bring me some."

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