Chapter Seventeen


Fife Neighborhood

Tacoma, Seattle

July 14, 2059

10:33 am

The morning sun bathed the streets in all of its glory. It dried up all of the morning dew, but the storm clouds over the Sound on the horizon hinted revenge to come in the night. Narrow, potholed streets wind their way through apartment complexes. The morning traffic has long since died down here. Everyone found their way to their respective jobs hours ago. All that's left is the odd jogger and unemployed bum living off the governments checks and food chips. Being the middle of July school children are around. Even though their respective summer vacation has been reduced to a few weeks in the public schools. A group of them play basketball on a goal that lost its net a long time ago.

A single car winds its way through the streets. The old jackrabbit, complete with dented fender and bad tires, pulls to a stop next to a completely stale one level apartment. Nightsky steps out, grabbing a bag from the almost non-existent backseat. Linna steps into the morning sun. The giant ball of gas and heat is like God's flashlight looking down to see what all of the little people are doing.

"You live here?"

"In a way." Here and many other places. The apartment was paid in advance for four months. It was quiet, out of the way, and the landlord was always on vacation. Another reason Nightsky chose this location was because Smiley had a place few blocks over. If anything went terribly wrong it was nice to know that Smiley's number was on speed dial. A promise of pointless violence would bring the eccentric samurai running with glee.

Nightsky smirked. At least Smiley was predictable.

He motioned Linna inside. She tried to hide her distaste as she surveyed her surroundings. The apartment was poorly furnished by anyone's standards. There were no personal affects of any kind. There are no pictures hanging on the walls or clothes in the closest. Small, scurrying critters scamper across the kitchen floor. On the plus side there was a trideo and a large, comfortable looking chair. There was also some fairly expensive exercise equipment in the middle of the main room. The bedroom had a single mattress thrown on the floor. There is a second bedroom, but the door is closed.

"Have anything to eat in this place?"

"Check the fridge. There's might be some canned stuff too." Nightsky went to the apartment's spare room as Linna explored the kitchen.

Linna frowned as she surveyed the contents. There was a grumbling sound from her stomach. A few frozen dinners and a small assortment of bottled water and beer chilled in the fridge. The cabinets had a few canned goods. Mostly soup in microwave containers.

"Do you have a telecom or at least a phone? We can order a pizza. Mama Mia's Pizza is open twenty-four hours a day. I use to order their breakfast special every weekend. I've got my credstick,"

"I'll pay with cash." Nightsky called from the other room. "The phone's by the stove."

"I can't believe you actually live here. I thought you made a lot of money doing what you do? A shadowrunner you said? I've seen the trideo, specially Shadowbreakers. That's a great show."

"It's a cop show." Nightsky replied, half interested in what she was saying. "It's not real. Most of it is setup."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've seen them arrest the same people in more than one show."

Linna dialed, called for the pizza, leaving the apartment in silence for a few minutes. That didn't last long.

"I don't get why we're waiting here? Why do we have to wait? Why can't we go after Alona now?"

"Imira said that the meeting between her and Barnabas isn't until ten o'clock tonight. Plus she can't come out in the daylight."

"But why can't we go to that place now?"

"Weren't you listening? Barnabas won't be there until tonight. He's like Imira in that he doesn't like sunlight much. That's probably why Imira didn't tell us where this place was. She probably thought we'd try to go in without her. Trying to find him in Seattle will take a hell of a lot longer than a few hours."

"Why do we need her anyway? What if something happens to Alona while we have to wait for here?"

Nightsky frowned. "You know, I didn't ask you to come along. You can walk away anytime you want."

"Oh really?" A forceful look came into her eyes. "You can't get rid of me. Even if you try to throw me out of this now I'll go to the police with what I know."

Nightsky glared at her. "Anything you can tell them won't be worth drek. This place?" Nightsky motioned at the apartment. "It'll be empty by the time you get anyone here."

Linna scoffed, crossing her arms. "Oh, yeah I'm so sure that your this big and bad shadowrunner and can hide from anything-"

"Stop treating this like it's a regular day in your life! You're the one who wants to tag along tonight. Do you know what we're getting into? Barnabas and his thugs are more than willing to put a bullet into you or worse."

"You'll be there."

Nightsky shrugged. It seemed to him that she didn't see the full danger. Nightsky had to admit that at first he didn't see it either. He hadn't really thought about it.

"I've got my doubts." He admitted. "I don't think I can do it alone."

Linna was speechless for a moment.

In truth Nightsky didn't know if he could. Now he couldn't believe he was willing to rush in on Imira earlier, but tonight there would be no sunlight to help. Barnabas would be at full strength. No doubt he would have the three punks as well. Nails, Spike, and Willis. Together they would pose a real problem.

Then there was Sand. Nightsky did not look forward to confronting her. Partly because he didn't know what he was going to do. The idea of going back to Jackal and saying that he murdered Sand wasn't appealing. There had to be some way to get her back, but he didn't know of one. Imira might know something. He would have to ask when they picked her up later tonight.

Nightsky yawned, suddenly realizing how tired he was. Sleep had been a little light over the past few days.

"I'm going to take a nap."

"A nap? Now? It's the middle of the morning."

Nightsky stretched, feeling his joints pop at the task. "I've had a long night." He pulled a wad of nuyen notes from his coat pocket. "Who did you say you ordered the pizza from?"

"Mama Mia's."

Mama Mia's Pizza was a subsidiary of Dewpoint Food Services which was also owned by the Shiawase Corporation. Nightsky frowned as he thumbed out the last of the nuyen notes with a Shiawase logo and dropped them on the counter. He would have to exchange some more cred next time he had the chance.

The single mattress on the floor looked inviting. Sleep had been a long time coming for him. Images from the last few days raced through his mind for a moment. There he was waiting in the Sea-Tac Terminal. There was the heat of inferno in Redmond. The stench of cooking flesh still smelled fresh. There was the damp wall. The shackles that dug into his skin. The crisp night air of the barrens. All of it rushed in for one last visit before darting off to some quiet place of his soul.

The armored long coat dropped heavily on the floor. The composite armor plates plus the extra clips clattered against each other. Boots clumped together on top of the coat. Nightsky dropped onto the mattress, letting his head sink into the pillow. Instant comfort was achieved. The only thing spoiling the perfect snooze was the uncomfortable bulk of the Manhunter in its holster. In early years, when he was still with the Blackhearts, Nightsky had never slept with a gun. He didn't even own a gun for that matter. Things changed so much. It took him a full minute before convincing himself to move the damned thing. Reluctantly he shoved it underneath the pillow. It made an uncomfortable knot right where his head rested, but it was something that he'd grown use to over the past few months.

Nightsky awoke with the feeling that he was being watched. Leapt off the mattress and drew the Manhunter.

The room was empty. Not just empty of people, but empty entirely. Everything was black. There were no walls to be seen. However, it felt like a room in that it was confining and somewhat hollow.

A voice comes from the nothingness. It's vaguely familiar, yet alien at the same time.

"You trust."

"Who's here?"

"I have always been here."

Nightsky tilted his head. That was cryptic.

"Where's here?"

"You are here."

Nightsky frowned. Fragging riddles. "Let's try a different angle. Why are we here?"

"Because you trust too much. Do you really thing that Imira is going to support you after what she did? She arranged to kidnap you from your own home, turn a former teammate against you, and kill her own daughter's father. How can you put such trust in a person when facing someone like Barnabas?"

Nightsky shrugged. "It felt like the right thing to do."

"The right thing to trust the same thing that put you where you are today?"

"It's not like that. The reason she did all of those things was because she wanted all of us together. She wanted a family again. Like-" Nightsky paused, thinking backing to his childhood. It was nice to have parents. He loved his parents and missed everything they had together, but that had been taken away. "She wanted it to be like it was before. She was just a little screwed up about how to get it. Maybe the infection messed with her mind to where she came up with this twisted idea." An idea I knew wouldn't work, he thought. "But her intentions were good."

"Do you think good intentions are going to keep her by your side tonight?"

"Imira loves her daughter. I believe that. She wants to see her safe."

"What about after."


"After tonight, when Alona is safe, do you really thing she is going to leave you alone? She won't simply walk out of your life. She will be back. Perhaps worse than before."

The doubt chewed at him. "I'll deal with that when the time comes."

"Think you can afford to wait that long?"


"Putting it off? Like you've done before. Why not put an end to everything tonight. Assume that Imira is fully behind you, she won't be expecting you to turn on her."

Nightsky considered the words, then shook his head. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying kill them all. Imira and Barnabas. That leaves no one for Darvish to track you down with."


"What's wrong with it? It's perfect. All of the loose ends are tied. This way you won't have to run into these same problems in the future."

"It doesn't feel right?"

"It feels smart."

"But it doesn't feel right."

"Smart has kept you alive before."

A form came out of the shadows. One of a grizzled ork with a metal arm. Scars and tattoos spoke of a lifetime lived in the dark side of humanity.

"You play the shadows you play them smart." The ork growled. "Keep everything business. Take out competition. Make sure you don't have anything to come back to you. Otherwise you'll spend your time looking over your shoulder while someone shoots you in the chest."

"It still doesn't feel right." Nightsky watched the ork fade into the nothing.

Another form came out of the shadows. This time it a relatively tall human with dark red hair and pitch black cybereyes. An air of confidence and purpose strolled with him.

"Watch all the players. Know how to use them against each other. Don't let anyone sneak up. Always go in with a plan. Always have a way out." He spoke in his reassuring fashion. "That's what keeps the team going. That's what keeps the team alive."

"A plan?"

"Look at your opposition and look at your assets. Use what you have to the fullest potential. Don't underestimate anything."

"Use everything? Even if it doesn't feel right?" The man slowly faded back into the nothing.

Once again from the blackness another form took shape. This time a middle-aged woman stepped forth. Her hair was a sparkling blond. Her eyes were soft and kind with a homely look about her.

The moment Nightsky saw her his heart jumped in his chest.

"Mom?" He gasped.

"Hello, Michael." Her voice was as calming as he remembered. Her hand stroked his head. Something else that felt just like her remembered. "It's been a long time. I'm so proud of you."

"You are?"

"Yes. I always knew you were special. All you have to do is believe in yourself."


"It's so simple. You can do anything. Even if you don't think you can. All you have to do is believe."

"That's all it takes?" Nightsky hesitated. The doubt was strong, but her words were so clear. "It sounds so simple."

"It is. I believe in you. It doesn't take much. It's such a little word, but that's all you need. So does your father. We both believe."

"So? If I believe I can do it I will?"

"Yes. It will be easier than you think."

Her arms were as comforting as when he was a child. For years he had wondered what it would be like to be in the embrace again. As a child it felt so safe. Suddenly everything was clear and simple. Things always looked like they would work themselves out.

It feels the same way now.

Nightsky awoke to the sounds of a trideo. According to his watch he had been asleep for most of the afternoon. The nap left him refreshed and alert. The faint fog over his head had been lifted. He felt alive again.

In the next room Linna sat in the recliner, idly chewing on cold pizza. The trideo was played some kind of music video that held her full attention. She was almost startled to see Nightsky awake.

"Oh, your awake." She motioned at the pizza. "I would have woke you up, but you looked happier asleeep. Pizza?"

Nightsky shook his head.

"It's still good. A little cold, though."

Nightsky switched off the trideo. "I think we need to have a serious talk about tonight right now."


"About how you and I are going to walk away in one piece. I've got a few ideas."

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