Nights in Harlem Distro
Mission Statement
  Nights in Harlem was founded to bring about a literary movement not seen since the one that occured in Harlem. Through this distro I shall strive to bring about a greater understanding for the uniqueness in each and every one of the member's of our world.

    I also started this distro for the purpose of providing a distro to the city of Memphis which I shall soon be spending most of my time in. By providing a distro to this city, I hope to provide access to a scene that most people in Memphis are not aware of in other cities.

    Because of the nature of my distro I will not accept any zines that are racist, homophobic, sexist, agegist, or any other type of hatred. I will also not accept zines that profit off of putting people down because of the way they look i.e. fat jokes, or dumb blonde jokes. I agree that we can all take a joke, but making fun of people is not funny to me.

    As a distro, we shall strive to bring our readers the most up to date, and thought provoking zines. Although any zine that is in my personal library could and most likely is very controversial, it will promote dialog. In doing so my mission statement is fullfilled.


note from jess: as of 09.25.03, i've taken over the zine part of the distro. zak still does all the DIY/craft stuff. we both work on this little geocities site, so.

Have a stellar day,
ZaK and Jess
I am a Christian-Buddhist. Therefore, I have a Buddha on all my pages to encourage religious tolerance:-)
Coming Soon
Updates, and News
*Insert Witty Title Here Issue 2

*dog in space 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9

*Losing Interest
Semptember 24, 2003 As of today the zine portion of Nights in Harlem will be managed by Jess, and the DIY Projects by Zak.
September 21,2003 I have recieved more Mia Zapata zines, and Sherman Austin zines.
September 10, 2003 Sorry abt all delays in shipping of orders. The post office messed up some orders. Nights in Harlem is now co-owned by Jess, author of dog in space. We are both college students so it helps to spread out the workload, and the money. We are actively seeking new zines, check out the distro consideration for more info.

August 20,2003 Recieved Destroying Something Beautiful 1 and 2. I have hurt my finger. Will update the site in a few days once i can type well. Orders are accepted

Navigating Nights in Harlem
Zines A to Z
Email Me
Distro Consideration
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