Disclaimer: As you all know, these characters and the entire X-Men universe in general are owned by Marvel. I make no profit from this naughty little endeavor, so if you’re on copyright patrol, please turn a blind eye! ;) Feedback would be welcomed at bombshell_chic@hotmail.com, but please be kind, I am fairly new to this, and we all have to start somewhere! Hope you like it! Three Way Calling Logan could often sense danger approaching, and he knew there was nothing more dangerous in the world than a woman coming into heat. Most of the team were outside, enjoying the balmy summer day on the grounds of the mansion. Logan had been sitting in the shade of a tree near the pool, trying to read, but being quietly distracted by the sight of some of his female teammates in their swimsuits. He subtly studied the beautiful feminine physiques of Rogue and Psylock, and felt a stir of arousal in his loins. He pushed the feeling aside, not wanting to attract Betsy’s telepathic attention. He was about to force himself back to the book he was trying to read when he noticed Jean disappearing into the mansion. She had returned from an early morning walk around the lake. Jean had been especially sensitive of late. Scott had been away for weeks on an assignment in Europe, and Jean was missing him terribly, especially now, when her body’s hormonal cycle made her crave physical attention. It was an evolutionary trick of biology, designed to ensure the survival of the species. But nowadays it just served to make Jean frustrated and incredibly horny. Logan had noticed her restlessness, the sensual hunger in the way she moved. He was especially unsettled by the way she looked at him. He had done his best to avoid her, but now he was becoming concerned for his friend. Even from a distance he could tell she was distressed. He stood, and headed for the mansion. He followed her scent to the common room. Before he was even near the room, he could hear her speaking to someone. He listened just long enough to realize she was talking on the phone to Scott. He turned to move away, but paused for a moment, eavesdropping. “I know. I miss you so much.” He heard her whisper. “I wish you were here with me. Sometimes I need you so badly I feel like I’m going to burst into flames.” She laughed quietly, then was silent, listening. “Baby, I’ve tried that.” Jean replied. She laughed again, a sensual throaty sound that made Logan’s mouth water. He tried to move away, but seemed rooted to the spot, fascinated but her voice. “Nothing satisfies me. I need to feel your hands on me. You need to come home and attend to me.” She sighed. “I need to be fucked so badly. I can’t stop thinking how good you feel inside me. How good it feels when you kiss me, then work your way down my body, licking my nipples, then when you get between my legs and suck my clit ‘til I come.” She moaned. “Oh, babe, I’m so hot. I wish you were here on top of me.” Logan could feel the blood pounding in his loins as arousal hardened him. He swallowed hard and turned, trying to move off. Jean was silent for a moment. “Are you getting turned on?” Logan assumed she was talking to her husband. He kept moving away from her, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to walk comfortably. “Logan?” He froze. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. She had sensed his presence. He moved back towards the common room. He peered around the corner. Jean was stretched out on one of the couches, looking over her shoulder at him. “Jeannie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was just coming to see if you’re alright.” He hid his body behind the doorframe, not wanting her to see the erection forming in his trousers. Jean spoke into the phone. “It’s Logan. He came to see what I was doing.” She listened for a moment. She looked over to Logan again. “He wants to know how much you just heard” Logan sighed. “Pretty much all of it” he admitted. Jean studied him as she listened to what her husband had to say. A slow smile spread across her face. “Why don’t you come in and take a seat. Scott wants to ask you a favor.” Logan looked at her warily. Self consciously, he moved into the room and sat of the couch opposite Jean. He tried to cross his legs to hide his erection, but Jean noticed, and smiled slightly. She continued speaking to Scott over the phone. Now he was closer, Logan’s sensitive ears could hear what Scott was saying through the phone. “If I were there right now, what would you have me do?” Scott asked Jean. Jean groaned and stretched on the couch. “I’d want you to kiss me, on the mouth. Lots and lots of tongue. Then I’d want you kiss my neck and fondle my breasts.” She paused and smiled over at Logan. “Then I’d want you to unbutton the top of my dress.” She ran her free hand over her breasts, caressing her nipples. She moaned lightly. “Scott, I’m so horny. What should I do about it?” “What’s Logan doing?” Scott asked. Jean looked over to Logan “He’s sitting across from me, looking turned on and very nervous.” She smiled. “Tell him to come over to you.” Jean reached out and beckoned Logan over. Warily, Logan stood, and made his way over to her. He perched himself on the edge of the couch next to her. “He’s next to me now.” Jean told Scott. “Good. Tell him to touch your breasts.” Scott replied. Logan looked at Jean, shocked. “No. No way. That ain’t right,” Logan said, shaking his head. “Logan, it’s okay. We both want you to. Scott is going to talk to me, and turn me on, but we need you to help get me off. Phone sex just isn’t enough for me, I need someone to touch me. I need this.” Logan shook his head, and stood. “Jeannie, I can’t. Scott’s your husband, I shouldn’t touch you like that.” “Scott says it’s okay. He wants me to be satisfied. He knows you can help. No strings attached. Please….” She whispered, looking up at him. The lust in her eyes made him harder. “It’s alright Logan. I don’t mind you having her like this. I’ll do the talking, and you act it out on her, okay?” Scott said. Logan hesitated. “You know you want to” Jean whispered. Oh lord, yes he did. He sighed, trying to relax. He’d always wanted her, but she was with Scott. And now he had Scott’s permission- it didn’t seem wrong…. “Start talking, Slim” Logan muttered. Jean smiled, relieved. “All right. Jean, sweetheart… I’d touch your breasts, and start unbuttoning your dress…” Scott began. Logan unbuttoned the top three buttons of Jean’s sundress. He slipped his hands inside to caress the soft fabric of her bra. Her nipples were full and hard, and he pressed his thumbs over them. Jean sighed with pleasure. She spoke to Scott “Then you’d reach down and start stroking my thighs with your other hand.’ Logan complied, filling in for Scott. He pushed the hem of her dress up, his fingers brushing her warm skin. He touched her silky panties, while his other hand squeezed her breasts in turn. “I’d want you take my bra off, so you could put your tongue all over my nipples” She whispered to Scott. Her bra fastened at the front, and Logan relented from touching her thighs to reach up and unhook it. Her large firm breasts spilled out of the bra as her released the clasp. He grasped them, his big hands barely able to contain them. He squeezed them both gently, eliciting a moan of arousal for Jean. He smiled, thinking of all the times he’d wanted to touch her like this, and his cock began to throb steadily. She looked up at him with a knowing smile. “Scott, honey, I think Logan is really getting into this” She murmured to her husband on the other end of the line. “Is he as good as me?” Scott teased. “Hmm. Almost. He’s just warming up, though” Scott gave a quiet chuckle. Logan pretended to ignore them, and continued stroking Jean’s breasts. “Suck my nipples” She whispered. Logan bent forward and took her right nipple into his mouth. He sucked it between his lips, then stroked his tongue around it. He moved over to her left nipple, repeating the process. “Now what would I be doing” Scott prompted Jean. “Mmm…. Sucking my nipples, really hard. Oh, it feels so good….” Jean moaned. Logan could hear Scott breathing hard into the phone. “Scott, are you touching yourself?” Jean asked. Scott’s moan of pleasure answered her question. Logan blocked the mental image for his mind, instead concentrating on Jean’s sexy body. He unbuttoned her dress to her waist. He kept his hands on her breasts as he kissed down her abdomen, exploring her navel with his tongue. He began to realize that anyone could walk in on them at any time- and he and Jean would have a hell of a time explaining this…. Strangely, the thought of it turned him on even more. Jean seemed to know exactly what he was thinking, and it encouraged her to be even more risqué. “I’d want you to open my dress right up and pull off my panties.” Jean suggested. “And then I’d get down there and taste you” Scott responded. Logan chuckled, as he followed their suggestions. He finished unbuttoning Jean’s dress, then reached for her panties. He pulled them down her legs roughly, then grabbed the top of her thighs. His fingers made their way to the hot, extremely wet folds of skin between her legs. She moaned, moving her hips towards him. Logan slipped two fingers inside her, and used his free hand to move her thighs apart. He slipped her right leg over his shoulder, then moved in to kiss her. He pushed his fingers in and out, finding a rhythm she liked, and complimented it with slow, strong pressure on her nub with his tongue. Scott’s voice was low and his breath thick as he continued to talk dirty in Jean’s ear. “So now I’m sucking on your clit….” Scott suggested “… And fingering me” Jean gasped. “I’m so hot, oh… I’m going to come. Rub it harder….” Logan stroked her swollen clit with his tongue. His cock was throbbing so hard, he was certain he would loose it before she did. He could hear Scott breathing rhythmically over the phone, close to getting himself off. Logan bore down on Jean with his mouth, and he began to feel her tremble beneath him. She grabbed his shoulders and pushed her hips towards him frantically. She writhed and squirmed as she surrendered to her orgasm, moaning and crying out. The sound of her climax pushed Scott over, and Logan heard him grunt and gasp over the phone. Jean slumped back, panting as her orgasm subsided. “Scott?” She asked into the phone. Scott sighed, relieved. “How was that?” He asked. “Oh, so good. Exactly what I needed.” She smiled down at Logan, who was still nuzzling between her legs. “Oh, but honey, was have another problem….” Jean whispered. “And what’s that?” Scott wondered. “Poor Logan. He’s been working so hard on me, he’s gotten himself all excited…. I think he need a little relief now himself….” “I think he’s earned it.” Scott told her. Logan looked up her, his head spinning from the control he was trying to exert over his throbbing dick. “C’mon, Logan. Your turn” Jean murmured to him. Logan could hardly move, but he shook his head. “No, this was my gift to you, that’s all” he choked out. “You and I both know you’re not going anywhere with that load still in you.” Jean told him. Before he could protest, Jean used her telekinesis to lift him onto the couch. She stood, pulling her dress around her. She laid him out on the couch and moved over him; the phone still tucked between her chin and shoulder. “Do you want to hear this?” Jean asked Scott. “Give the phone to Logan, I want him to describe what you’re doing to him.” Jean handed the phone to Logan. “Jeannie, you don’t have to do this” Logan muttered. “I want to” she whispered. She tucked the phone under his chin, still using her telekinesis to pin him down. She reached for his waist, undoing his belt and zipper. She reached inside his pants and pulled out his painfully hard cock. It took every ounce of his self-control to not come right then and there. “So?” Scott asked. She’s undone my pants, she holding my cock, stroking it….” He moaned in appreciation. Her hands felt amazing on his hard prick. She leaned over him and took it into her mouth. “Ohh….” Logan moaned, hardly able to speak “Now she’s sucking it.” She stroked her mouth up and down on his cock, swirling her tongue around the shaft. Her lips played on the sensitive end of it, and then she pushed it into her mouth again and began to suck hard. The pleasure was too much, and he started to come. He growled, his cock throbbing. “She’s good, isn’t she?” Scott murmured. Jean held his shaft firmly and sucked hard on it as he came; she swallowed his hot juices as his cock jerked in her mouth. He moaned wildly, moving his hips towards her. He panted and trembled as his climax washed over him. He lay back on the couch as Jean finished up with him. She smiled up at him as she moved up his body. She pulled his shirt up and bit one of his nipples hard. He growled appreciatively and smiled back at her. She took the phone from him. “Hey babe” She whispered to Scott. “How’s he doing?” “He’s a little more relaxed now.” “Good.” Scott said. “Put him on the phone again.” Logan sighed and took the phone, his body only now starting to relax. “Logan… thanks for taking care of Jean. Let’s make this our little secret, just the three of us….” “Of course.” Logan watched Jean as she re-hooked her bra, then started to re-button her dress. He reached down and tucked his satisfied cock away, and did up his pants. “I’m glad to know I can count on you. Jean will be… relieved to know she has someone to turn to you when she needs satisfaction….” Scott told him. “It’ll be my pleasure” Logan grinned wickedly at Jean. She gave him a knowing smile…. The End…? ;)