Disclaimer: All characters here in are owned by the Mighty MARVEL *Echo of the word Marvel*....except the poor little Telemarketer on the other end of the phone *wicked grin* She's mine...or should I say she's me? *scratches head as she thinks about the befuddling paradox that is her secret life as a telemarketer* Comments are always welcome. Flames will be chuckled at and promptly torched. You may use the Telemarketer if you wish, but if you would be so kind as to tell me about it I would be much obliged *smile* not to mention I'd like to see what kind of tortures people have been thinking up for Telemarketers... *Small scuffle as Preachy mode on clicks* Also one word remember Telemarketers are just people hired to make a company money. They don't do anything that is intentionally meant to be harassing. A lot times the companies goof up and by golly ya can't blame the messenger for that. Because the only reason their doing it is to make sure that their kids get fed and clothed just like ya all do. *a Hand reaches from the darkness and yanks on the preacher person and a click is heard within the darkness as Preachy Mode clicks off...* Sorry bout that darn preacher got outta the box...*sigh* anybody got some really good nails? WARNING!!!!!!!!! This is a Silly Fic. Anything that resembles real life is purely in your imagination. No Character is being shown as they really are, so don't go gettin' anrgy k? after all when ya make a silly fic yer suppose ta break the mold. ;) Quick Note >Telepathic Conversations are held in like this.< **Thoughts to one's self are set up like this.** On The Brink of Sanity part 1/? By WindThrush The mansion is quiet for once all the X-Men had decided to take the day off since no enemies were marching on their door. Charles smiled to himself as he watched Jubilee steal the basketball from Logan and move towards the basket. She didn't get very far before Jean plucked the ball from her and tossed it into the other basket. Charles chuckled as Jubilee stomped her foot and pouted at Jean. **Why is it that every time I see watch them play this game they find a new way to annoy the poor child. You'd think they liked to torture teenagers?** Charles moved away from the window and hovered over to his desk. **Of course they -used- to try to sneak around me when they were that age. I guess having a world class telepath as a mentor can be rather daunting.** He sighed as he turned his attention back to the bills on his desk. He had just finished signing a check for the new hair treatment from some company called Harrison's Hair Care that both Logan and Henry McCoy had ordered. **I wonder what they plan on doing with that much hair cream? From what the bill says it actual removes unwanted hair.** Charles arched an eyebrow and placed the bill in a pile that had a notation to discuss it with the two separately. **I'll find out about it soon enough I'm sure. Not that I really want to. On to bigger and more mysterious bills.** He was about to pull up the next bill when the phone rang. He picked it up without really think about it. "Hello?" The phone was dead silent. Then suddenly a cheery voiced female came on the line. "Hello Mr. McCoy? My Name is Sara Smythe I'm calling for Harrison Hair care products. Can ya hear me all right?" The soft voice paused waiting to hear his answer. "I'm sorry young lady I'm not Dr. McCoy. If you could hold on just a moment I'll get him for you?" Charles smiled as he mentally called for Henry. >Henry, You have a phone call from a Sara Smythe on line one.< The surprise in Henry's mental voice made Charles chuckle. >Thank you, Professor, I'll take it down in the lab.< He listened as Henry picked up the phone. Charles chuckled mentally as he listened into Henry trying to avoid the young woman. "Hello Dr. McCoy, My name is Sara Smythe I'm calling for Harrison Hair care products. Can ya hear me all right?" She paused only long enough to get her next breath. "Well the reason for my call today is to thank you for being a valued customer and we want to send you a gift just for trying our gallon sized Hair removal treatment program. I just need to find out if it has been of any use to you?" Charles heard Henry stutter out a positive answer and smirked as the young lady continued without another pause. "-Fantastic!- Now because your a valued customer we're going to send you another gallon of hair remover free and along with that for you to try is our patented electrolysis machine. Which you can try for -30- days risk free and if you decide that you like it it's only one hundred and twenty nine dollars, plus shipping, to purchase. -OKAY-!?" She paused only long enough for Henry to mention that he didn't need the device in question. "I understand completely Dr. McCoy, the -only- reason we've chosen you to receive this special gift is that you are a valued customer and we don't want you to miss out on any new and exciting technology. After all it -is- a risk free Trail you can always return and keep that gallon for taking a look at it. -OKAY-!?" He could hear Henry's mental gears spinning as he sat there and debated the cost and the risk. He heard Henry mutter a reluctant okay. Charles slowly placed the phone down on the hook and burst out laughing. **I never thought that my blue furred friend would be taken in by such a scheme.** He pulled the next bill and noticed that it was from the same company as before. His bellow of laughter could be heard down at the basketball court. >Charles? Is everything all right?< Jean's voice was concerned as she scanned his surface thoughts. Charles sensed the sudden attention from outside and sobered a little. But the smile on his face didn't fade. >It was nothing, Jean. Just a minor joke that I remembered and I finally understand.< >And what might that be, Charles?< Her voice became impatient with worry as she waited for his reply. >Oh only that those who appear the strongest tend to get conned more easily then others.< Charles finished signing the $135.90 for a electrolysis machine ordered by Logan.