It's In the Words That You Say It was silly. He'd only said one word to her and Psylocke could not seem to get it out of her head. Remarkable. Henry McCoy had called her remarkable. It was silly. She'd been in the kitchen trying decide if she could eat anything. Depression and anger had taken most of her appetite away (not that she'd ever had much of one to begin with). But inspite of her angst she knew she need to keep up her strength. For the team if nothing else. Though she wondered at this logic since most of her teammates had seemed eager to avoid her after Warren had left. She knew she could be aloof almost to the point of cold, especially since the whole body swapping with Revanche incident. And her shadow walking had often been referred to as creepy by many of her teammates. Funny, with Kurt it was stealthy and almost cute. With her it was creepy. But she figured someone would have wanted to listen to her woes. They were suppose to be her friends. Yet all they had offered were cliched phrases of "You deserve better" and "He's a fool" and then they were making awkward excuses to get away. Storm had been the only one who offered to listen but finding time was another matter altogether. So she found herself feeling more and more depressed by Warren's abrupt departure ("I just need some space". Meaning: It's not working out or I'm seeing someone else. Some evidence pointed to the later.) and angry because no one else seemed to realize she was depressed. Of course her depressed look appeared much the same as her usual demeanor, cool and suspicious, but you'd think they'd notice she hadn't been to dinner in days and hadn't really come out of her room much now that you thought about it. A slight weakness in her abilities had finally alerted her to the fact that she hadn't eaten in some time. She'd gone to the Danger Room for the first time in weeks to try to console herself in physical activity. But when she'd stumbled during a particularly easy manuever she realized just how weak she'd become from lack of nutrition. She shut the program down and made her way to the kitchen to force herself to eat something. Psylocke was staring blankly into the refrigerator when Henry walked in. She supposed hunger had finally driven him from his lab. She looked up at him somewhat blankly as he came to an abrupt awkward halt in the doorway. Even with the loss of her telepathy she could read his mind. He was trying desperately to think of an excuse to run. She waited without speaking for him to form the perfect excuse to run back down to his lab. But then he'd done the surprising and tactful thing. Henry continued to come into the kitchen. He said nothing for a short while, just nodded at her and began rifling through the cabinets looking for stray twinkies or some other sugary snack to munch on. Finally the brilliant but naive scientist had said something sweet and kind over his shoulder not looking at Psylocke. "Elizabeth, you're a remarkable woman. Warren is my friend, but if he can't appreciate what he has in front of him then he's a cad, a moron, and dare I say, a buffoon." He turned a little hesitantly to look at her, one of the last stray twinkies clutched possessively in his hand. She felt herself blink slowly as she looked around at him. This was when propriety told her she needed to say something. But the sincerity of his tone held her back. Ice princess she'd often been called. Expecting of compliments and niceities. But they'd been wrong. Compliments usually just made her freeze like a deer caught in headlights. She never really knew what to say. Or so many things to say came into her head she couldn't decide which one to use so she just kept silent. This only encouraged others to consider her distaneful, mocking and cold. The truth, if anyone ever bothered to ask her was that inspite of the years of being in this new body she still wasn't quite use to it. She still was unsure of her ability and whether or not her actions came from herself or from a small part of Revanche left buried deep inside. So when someone complimented her she had doubts as to whether they were saying nice things to her or to her body doner. And this bothered her, this uncertainty, this doubt. And so she said nothing to Hank. Just looked at him with that cool calm stare as he grew increasingly nervous turning his head from side to side looking for escape until finally he mumbled something about needing to get back to the lab, beakers on the bunsen burner, wouldn't want to set the mansion on fire and bounded out the door a little too relieved. She'd continued to stare at where he had been standing for several minutes. The word had begun to rattle around in her brain even before he'd run away. Remarkable. Not beautiful, not sexy, not drop dead gorgeous look at that eye candy uniformed vixen. Remarkable. Which meant so much more. Intelligent, talented, witty, worthy, loveable. One lost tear trickled down her cheek. She touched her finger to it almost curious. She hadn't cried in long, long time. Not even when Warren had left. She smiled weakly to herself as she thought "Ice princesses don't cry." Then she shut the refrigerator door, food forgotten, and wandered back to her room. The full flood of tears hadn't come. But the wondering began. Henry McCoy had called her remarkable. Doctor Henry McCoy, brilliant scientist, esteemed colleague, intellectual, poet, blue furried mascot of the X-men. It was silly. She'd hardly given him much thought in the years she'd been his teammate. He was always locked up in the lab when not on a mission. The consumate workaholic. Always trying to better the world with his beakers and his chemistry, his microscope and his science. A nerd if you didn't consider the 355 pounds of pure muscle. Sure Psylocke had thought of him as sweet and gentle, a good teammate, one that was reliable and often funny in a verbose sort of way, when you understood what he was saying that is. But she'd never considered him personnally, as a a lover. Psylocke stopped, and swung her feet off the bed. Just exactly what was she thinking. Pop-psychology would say she was trying to fill the gap that Warren had left. Take away the hurt by fantasizing about someone else. She was taking his word all to seriously. She was obsessing. But it felt so nice thinking about those strong arms wrapped around her as he whispered sweet articulate words to her. Words that touched her soul, non-superficial words that made her feel true, herself, worth something. Days went by with Psylocke trying to rid herself of thoughts that were bordering on obsession. It was silly, really. To think of him, the Beast, almost every moment of every waking hour. But it had driven her thoughts away from Warren and that was an oh so wonderful benefit. She'd come out of her room more, trying tell herself she needed to get on with her life, but fully aware she was hoping to see him. She'd gone to dinner every night since that encounter, surprising her teammates. She'd even been able to relax amongst them as they seemed to realize she was coming out of her funk. She'd laughed some at the jokes and pranks, even joined a food fight hitting Logan in the side of the head with her mashed potatoes. For one agonizing moment everyone at the table froze. You didn't engage Logan in food fighting. That was an unspoken rule. You let him eat as you played with the other X-men. Logan had narrowed his eyes at Betsy and the baited breathes waited for the familiar "snickt" of claws as he growled, "Now yer askin' for it, darlin'." But instead of leaping at her in a beserker rage he'd scooped up a spoonful of his own potatoes and aimed it at her head with a wicked grin. She grinned back, ducking down underneath the table as the white fluffy food flew past her thwacking on the wall behind her. Suddenly a full scale food war ensued with Logan on one side and everyone else on the other. Who knew Logan could be fun. The rule was forever broken. And a bonus, the Ice Princess could be human too. Alas, Henry had not been privy to the antics of dinner. He remained firmly ensconced in his laboratory doing what he did best, scientific research. He had no time for fun and games. He needed to find a cure for the Legacy Virus or discover a way to control rampant mutations. Busy with his research, in love with the science of it all, he rarely ate with his teammates. But if a mission came up he'd be there for the team. Few people could talk him away from his computer and Betsy had never tried. She'd done her thing and left him to do his own. Remarkable. The word was burned on her brain. And the more she tried to tell herself she was not obsessed with Henry McCoy the more she wanted to see him. Several times she caught herself wishing she could use her telepathy if only to spy on him, to watch him work. Finally Psylocke made a decision. She told herself it was only to get him out of her mind. She'd visit him in the lab, maybe ask him out for lunch, just to talk to him, to see him. Then it'd all be over. She could go back to what she did best, stealth work for the team, and he'd go back to his research. Life would go back to normal. On the day she decided to see the Beast in his lab she woke up early and went to the grocery store in Salem Center with an idea. She bought an ample supply of picnic foods and utensils, even a picnic basket, pretty certain she'd never find the one at the mansion. Then she'd gone to the liquor store and bought a bottle of Robert Mondavi Chardonney and a cork screw, absolutely certain she'd never find the one at the mansion. She'd taken all the items back to the mansion's kitchen and under the wary eye of Storm, Rogue and a few others that had come by for something to eat created an old-fashioned picnic lunch for two. Her teammates had said nothing, a little suspicious but satisfied to see her humming happily to herself as she worked. She almost laughed as she considered the whispers that would rise in the hallways, concern for Betsy. What was she up to? Did you see the picnic basket? Is she meeting someone? Yeah, but did you see the bottle of wine? Do you think she and Warren have made up? They'd find out soon enough. And then the rumors would really fly. Oddly she felt amused and a little excited by the prospect of igniting rumors in the mansion. It was a new adventure. And she liked the idea of being a mystery. They'd all be shocked at her object of attention. And they'd really begin to wonder about her. But, she told herself, this was all done to bring her thoughts back under her control. She just had to get these thoughts of Henry out of her mind. They'd been getting worse, or so she told herself. Actually they'd simply been getting more erotic. She wondered what it'd be like to stroke his blue pelt, to run her fingers along his spine pulling lightly against his hair. Would he growl, like an animal, or moan, like a human? If she kissed his chest and suckled his nipple would she come away with mouth full of hair? Would his huge paws be rough, or tender and light? Would he rake his claws across her back? And would he use his canines, biting harshly into her as he crushed her in a beastly embrace? Of course her thoughts had turned to the center of his desire. She was especially curious about his manhood. Was it blue? From the speedo trunks he always wore she had once noticed that it was ample. But what would it feel like in her hand, her mouth? Would it, like his body, be covered in fur? She shook her head as she finished the last of her preparations. These thoughts had to go. It wasn't like her to be fixated on something or someone. She was focused certainly, but not obsessive. Even Warren she could take or leave, never feeling that need or desire to be constantly with him. She loved him, but she held her love in reserve. With Hank it was like a school girl crush, embarrassing. And as happy as she was for the distraction it offered she wanted to be rid of these feelings. Or at least it's what she told herself over and over. It was noon. Lunchtime. Time to offer her invitation. She smiled brightly as she wondered what Henry would say. Surely he wouldn't reject her offer. He was too much of a gentleman. But she knew it would catch him off guard. Might even fluster him into speechlessness, and she'd have to lead him tongue-tied out onto the grounds. Leaving the picnic basket on the kitchen counter (she didn't want to alarm him immediately with her invitation) she made her way down to the laboratory in the underground facility of the Xavier Institute. As she approached the sliding double doors she suddenly felt awkward and uncertain. Perhaps she'd made a mistake about him. Maybe he would come up with an excuse not to join her for lunch. She hesitated, her hand at the door panel. Then she thought at least she'd know he wasn't interested in her. He thought she was remarkable, not attractive. She touched the panel and watched the doors slide open soundlessly. Henry had his back to the her hunched over the computer seeming not to have noticed the doors opening. Psylocke slipped into the shadows for several minutes to watch him work and calm her nerves. The only sound in the room came from his tapping on the keyboard to the computer as he stared at the monitor intently. He wore his white lab coat that pulled tightly against his muscular back as he moved. His glasses were perched precariously on his nose and occasionally he'd push them back up irritated at the interruption. Next to his computer was a microscope. Every few minutes Henry would lean over and peer into the lense, delicately adjusting the focus with his fingers. Psylocke had to wonder if he'd be that delicate with his hands on her body, fingers lightly circling and pinching her nipples. After several moments of watching him, fascinated by the rippling muscles, the delicate hands and the clawed toes clutching the base of his rolling chair, Psylocke made her move. She stepped out of a shadow to his side. Still intent on his work he didn't notice her until she was two feet from him saying, "Henry." He swiveled in his chair startled with an incredulous look on his face. Pulling his glasses off his nose he looked at her and said, "Elizabeth. You scared the dickens out of me." She smiled. He was only twenty-seven, yet his speech was so old-fashioned at times. And it made him the sweeter for it in her eyes. An old soul. "I apologize, Henry. I didn't meant to startle you." He smiled back. "I suppose you couldn't really help it." He pinched the bridge of his nose and Betsy could see how tired his eyes must have felt after hours of staring at samples and the computer. Then he wiped his glasses with his lab coat and asked, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence in these solitary walls?" He grinned brightly showing his canines. "Well," she started suddenly shy. She looked down at the floor wondering how to begin and then back at Henry deciding directness was the best course of action. "You've been down here a good deal lately (It had never really occurred to her before how often he spent in the lab), and I'm sure you haven't had a decent meal in days." She smiled again, remembering the twinkie he'd held in his hand has he'd said that sweet word to her. "If I didn't know better, I'd say your diet consisted mostly of twinkies." She continued, hoping to jar his memory reminding him of what he'd said to her that day in the kitchen. Then perhaps he'd have some idea as to why she was down here. He only looked thoughtfully at her without seeming to remember the encounter. A little exasperated at his forgetfulness she tried to keep the irritation out of her voice as she finished, "Well, I made this little picnic lunch, nothing much, and I thought you might want to join me out by the lake." "Me?" Henry was taken aback and without thinking asked, "Why?" Psylocke frowned. "I don't know." She lied. "I just thought it might be nice if you got out of your lab more and had some real food." She sighed and turned to go, saddened by what she percieved to be his suspicion. She believed he thought she had an alterior motive. The Ice Princess was a selfish bitch. She didn't do anything that wasn't for her own gain. Henry placed a gentle hand on her arm to stop her. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. You caught me off guard. I'd love to join you..." Betsy's smile faded as he finished with, "but...." She waved a hand to silence him. "I know. Your work. It's never ending. You can't possibly take a moment out of your precious research to come on something so trivial as a picnic." She said bitterly. "I was going to say," It was Henry's turn to be offended, "I need a little time to put these samples back in the freezer and save my work on the computer. It'll take me a few minutes. Could you wait?" "Of course!" Betsy exclaimed a little too eagerly. "I'm sorry. I just thought..." Henry smiled. "It's certainly warranted, your thinking I don't pursue enough trivialities. I do rather tend to lock myself up in my research. I take no offense." Betsy's lips rose slightly in an uncertain smile. "Well your work is important." "Yes. But I'm sure to be dull company in social settings discussing genetics and possible DNA connections within the parameters of the Legacy Virus." He grinned again. "I'm certain you can be very interesting when you choose to apply yourself, Henry McCoy." Psylocke replied grinning back at him. "Why don't you do what you have to do and I'll wait for you up in the kitchen." She had continued to feel awkward in his presence and hoped that the casual setting would ease her discomfort around him. She couldn't wait for him down here in his lab. She could already feel a blush rising to her face and she wanted to get out of there to calm herself before he joined her. He rose from his chair and walked her to the doors. "I'll be fifteen minutes at the most." He said with what Betsy seemed to percieve as an encouraging look on his face. He seemed excited by the whole prospect and eager to clear up his work. This perception helped her to relax just a little as she went back upstairs. She waited in the kitchen for him thinking about the day and how she would act and how he would act and generally fantasizing about a pleasant afternoon. She had dressed casually in cut off jean shorts, not too short, a favorite white T-shirt that had Xavier emblazoned across the front, Nike tennis shoes and white socks. She even wore a bra not wanting to exude any hint of sexuality. Unfortunately, just her natural beauty made that near impossible. She was aware that if he were to make a move she'd not refuse, but she still wanted this encounter to be based on friendship, a getting to know one another affair. True to his word, Henry bounded into the kitchen curious anticipation written all over his face. Betsy was certain the anticipation had to do with a relaxing afternoon, nothing else. This was Henry McCoy, a man of words and little action in the way of feminine persuasion. As far as she knew he hadn't had a relationship since Trish Tilby. There had been a possiblity once according to the rumors of he and Dr Cecilia Reyes becoming more than associates. But since Dr Reyes had gone back to the city those rumors had fizzled out. She was a little curious about his lack of relationships. He was handsome although the blue fur, claws and canines certainly had a tendency to intimidate at first. But his underlying personality, the sweet, gentle caring doctor more than made up for the beast-like appearance. His body was still well defined. Muscles rippled appropriately. His face well proportioned with ice blue eyes that held depths of ideas and concerns that could easily make a girl weak in the knees if she were to see beyond the mutation. And he was well-liked by his colleagues and associates. Despite his unique appearance, he'd been asked to talk at many intellectual events concerning genetic research and related fields of biology and science. His association with the Avengers had given him numerous admirers. Surely he could have found some woman who would want to be near him, perhaps seeing more behind his outward visage, and love him. But he remained unattached. Perhaps Trish's betrayl had made him secretly bitter. Perhaps he really was too involved in his research to long for companionship. Betsy could not say. She picked up the picnic basket laden with chicken salad, deviled eggs, an assortment of fruits, cheeses and cold meats, some bread, utensils, two glasses and the bottle of wine. Ever the gentleman, Henry pried it from her hands and placed it on his arm. She grabbed the table cloth and took his other arm that he offered. Out the back door they went bumping into Logan coming in. He stepped back when he saw the two and smirked cocking one curious eyebrow up. "We're going on a picnic." Henry grinned as eager as a little boy. "Would you care to join us?" He asked in his enthusiasm. Psylocke held her breath desperately willing Logan to say no. She hadn't expect this. But she should have known Henry in his naivety would certainly want to include everyone in his little adventure. He really didn't get out much. Logan looked at Henry. Then he looked at Psylocke. He knew this had to be all her idea. Henry was not one to pick up on innuendoes well. And Logan coud smell her arousal. "Naw." He grinned at the two. "You two have your fun. I've got a date with some 'bots in the Danger Room." Betsy almost snarled at him as he went passed them. He knew exactly what she was doing, though she hadn't admitted it to herself. Thankfully Henry seemed blissfully unaware of the insinuations in Logan's comments. He guided Psylocke out the door still excited by the prospect of a day off from his research. They headed down toward the lake as Betsy took the lead. It was a good walk to the secluded area of the lake she wanted to take him too, and he seemed just a little puzzled until she said, "I come here to do stretches and meditate. It's my favorite place on the grounds. Logan's the only one I've ever seen come down here." He smiled his puzzlement fading. He still seemed oblivious to the possibilities this day presented. He was content to just enjoy a peaceful day eating and talking with one of his teammates. He set the basket down as she spread the table cloth on the ground under one of the live oaks. It was a warm spring day and taking into account his furry body she didn't want him to get hot and uncomfortable. Henry could have told her that the insulation in his fur tended to both warm and cool him. He could stand the sun for long periods. But he did prefer the shade. Henry started to open the basket when Betsy put a hand over his to stop him. "Uh-uh. My meal. I'll set it up. You just open the wine." She handed him the bottle of wine and the cork screw. He looked at it some what surprised. "Robert Mondavi. Quite a favorite of mine. Though I prefer the Chablis." He smiled at her. "But the Chardonnay is quite nice too. Smooth woody flavor. A tad on the sweet side, but I do possess a rather agreeable sweet-tooth." Charmingly she said, "I saw the twinkies." He winked at her. "Our little secret, eh. Bobby is the only one aware of my addiction because he's quite the addict himself. I'll tell you another secret. We use to steal Scott's car and go on a midnight run for twinkies, among other sugary snack foods." She laughed delightedly. "I knew it!" She exclaimed. "I knew you weren't the upstanding brilliant scientist we all thought. You actually stole Scott's precious Volvo?" He chuckled. "It was a Toyota then. He kept wondering why the wiring on the steering wheel always seemed to be hanging out." Putting the cork screw to the top of the bottle he continued in a conspiratorial tone, "It wasn't just Scott though. We've taken the Professor's rolls and the mercedes. Storm's Nissan. And once, for kicks and to see if we could get away with it, Logan's jeep. The motorcycle proved a little out of our league." "I can't believe it." Psylocke continued to laugh pleasantly. "Logan's jeep! Even I wouldn't attempt that!" "We almost got caught when we got back." Hank smiled uncorking the wine and pouring a glass. Psylocke had placed the contents of the basket in an eye-catching way across the table cloth and leaned back on her knees as Hank offered her the glass of wine. He poured another glass for himself and continued, "He was just coming up to the garage when we got back. Bobby was still in the driver seat shoving the wiring back into the steering column when he saw us. Fortunately I was standing in front of Bobby which prevented Logan from seeing what Bobby was doing." "Whatcha doin' with my jeep? He asked, and his eyes narrowed." Hank pulled a face that mimicked Logan down to the tee bringing a ripple of laughter from Betsy. "We are simply admiring the structure of such a fine automobile and making certain it is properly functional," I told him. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt, old man." He snorted and I knew he knew exactly what we were up to. Bobby climbed out at this point saying, "It's all in working order, Wolvie.""Well, thanks for yer concern." Logan said and walked on over to his motorcycle. "But if ya messed up any of the steerin' with yer hot-wirin' you'll be walking inta claw city." Then he hopped on his bike and rode off." "You mean he didn't even yell at you?" Betsy asked amazed. "He didn't have to. You should have seen the smile he gave Bobby and me. It was enough to make us think twice about ever taking anything of his." Henry's eyes were wide open, hands gesturing in a no-no fashion as the wine in the glass swirled to his movement. "We even got the manual out to make sure the wiring was back in the right place." Betsy laughed again taking a sip of her wine. They remained in a comfortable silence both looking out at the lake. It was a beautiful spring day. Birds dipped and dived at the water, flying back into the trees to ruffle their feathers and call to others to come and play. The sun sparkled on the vibrant blue lake glass smooth except for the occasional wind rippling across the surface. Hardly a cloud touched the sky and it was just warm enough to be pleasant. A perfect day. "I need to do this more often." Henry sighed as he drank his wine. Abruptly he sat up and held out his glass. "A toast." He said. "To days like this and the memories they leave." Psylocke moved closer to him and touched her glass to his smiling enchantingly and just a little seductively. "To new friends." She replied. He nodded charmed that she thought of him as a friend. Psylocke could tell that he was somewhat stunned by her invitation. But he was taking it in stride ego stroked by the attention. "Dig in." She said pointing to the food. "Don't mind if I do." Henry answered picking up the bowl of chicken salad and slathering it on a piece of bread. Betsy picked up an orange and started to peel it as she watched him bite into the sandwich with gusto. "Mmmh. Wonnaful." He said his words garbled while he chewed. Betsy grinned at him. "Rogue gave me the recipe. It really is good. Perfect for a picnic." Henry wiped his mouth with a napkin as he finished off the last bite. "Well I'll have to thank Rogue immensely for giving you the recipe. But for now my compliments to you, dear lady, for your preparation of this fine feast." He looked at her for a moment his expression suddenly unreadable. "And for inviting me to partake of this meal with you." Quickly he grabbed the bottle of wine and poured himself another glass, appearing just a little embarrassed. Psylocke smiled amused at his discomfort and bit into a piece of the orange. They lapsed into silence once again. Henry fixed another sandwich from the cold meats and cheese. He finished it off quickly and drank down the glass of wine before saying, "Elizabeth, do you want to talk about Warren?" His voice was full of compassion. "We all know what he did wasn't kind. He's difficult to understand at times." Caught of guard by his question, Betsy turned her head away blinking back tears. "Yes it was unkind. But I didn't invite you out here to talk about my woes." She choked out. "I'd just rather enjoy the day. What's done is done. I have to get on with my life." Henry nodded not looking at her. "I understand." He replied quietly. "But if you ever need to talk, I'll be happy to listen." A long pause before Betsy said, "Thank you, Henry. I always knew you were a kind man. I'm sorry I never took the time to get to know you better." "Well," Henry looked at her with a shy smile on his face. Her tears had come and gone quickly. "We can rectify that today. Ask me anything. I've already informed you of my criminal past." A burst of laughter sprang from her lips. As her laughter died down they began to talk about their lives. Both were acquainted with the general outline of each others history, but now they began to talk about details. Occasionally memories would mingle as one mission or another came up. They had commonalities, some same likes and dislikes. They commiserated on lost teammates. Henry found that she missed Joseph and had been devastated by his death. He had never known. And of course their had been Douglas, whom Henry had never really gotten to know. They argued politics, discussed literature (Betsy was amused to find that Henry had a secret passion for Terry Brooks and Stephen King), talked theatre and cinema (Henry's turn to be amused to know that one of Betsy's all time favorite movie was "The Sound of Music"). "My mum took me to see it when I was young and I just fell in love with the Captain. And of course the music." At which point Betsy broke out into song. "The hills are alive...." Henry was delighted. Soon they were rendering their vast knowledge of showtunes. From "The Sound of Music", they naturally flowed into "My Fair Lady". Henry gave a beautiful performance of "On the Street Where You Live." Psylocke was completely enchanted. He had a deep baritone voice, quite talented actually. "You could have been a star." She complimented him when he had finished. "You have a lovely voice." "Oh, heavens, no!" He leaned down towards her and looking around warily said, "Stage fright." He winked and she smiled. "Yeah, right." Psylocke looked up at him realizing how close his face was to hers. Close enough to kiss. They looked at each other as the tension rose between them, Betsy with out being aware opened her lips invitingly. Abruptly Henry turned away and coughed, embarrassed. An awkward silence fell upon them. Finally Betsy said, "Well we've really done a number on this meal. I never realized how hungry I was." Henry looked back at her relieved that she had broken the awkwardness of the moment. "It was wonderful, Elizabeth. The whole day has been a delight." He grinned, "But I'm sure I out did you in the feasting." She smiled back at him and began to gather up the bowls and utensils and trash, packing it away in the basket. He watched her a little longingly certain he had imagined the attraction she had radiated. Completely impossible he told himself. Warren certainly, Gambit or Cyclops possibly, but him, the blue furred freak. Not in a million years. "You know." She began to speak, her back toward him. "I wanted to thank you for what you said the other day." She had finished the packing and turned around toward him. He looked at her confused, unable to recall what he had said. Something about Warren and a buffoon. "You said I was remarkable." She gazed into his eye for a moment then looked back out at the lake. "You don't know how much that meant to me. Everyone always says I'm beautiful, or sexy. Always the outside. They never see beyond the surface. Never intelligent, never worth more than this shell." She blinked away tears. Henry looked at her astonished. One word he'd used to describe her and she was in tears. It touched him deeply to know that he had given her some joy. "I meant it." He said gently. "There is so much more to you than your outer shell." Silence again as Betsy wiped away her tears. Looking out over the lake she searched for his hand laying hers on top. "I know alot of people call me Ice Princess. They think I'm cold and aloof." She whispered quietly. "I guess I can be. I think I was that way to Warren at times." "I don't think...." She waved her hand at him. "It's true. To an extent. But mostly I'm just scared. I use the aloofness to keep people at a distance." Astonished a what she was confessing she rushed on realizing how much she wanted to tell this kind compassionate man her fears. "After all these years I'm still not completely comfortable with this body. It's like it isn't mine. Not really. I'm just borrowing it." She sighed. "And I'm afraid someone's going to come a take it back." "Revanche is dead. I don't think she'll be needing your body." Henry frowned realizing what he had just said sounded trite. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make light of your feelings." She turned to look at him. "I didn't think you were." Henry ran a paw through his hair uncertain what to say. He wasn't all that good at confessionals. He'd certainly be willing to listen to her, but what was he suppose to say. Nothing came to mind but he started, "Betsy..." Psylocke saw his discomfort and came to his rescue. "It's okay. What you've said to me is enough. It brought me out of my depression to think someone thought I was remarkable. It gave me a good sense of myself. And I'm thankful you said it." She put her hand to his face and stroked his cheek. He felt warm to her touch. "It's why I put this meal together, to thank you." She closed the distance between them before he was aware and kissed him on the lips encouragingly. But he broke away. "Elizabeth..." He said. She put her finger to his lips. "This isn't part of the thank you, you know." She said. "This is me wanting you. Not out of gratitude, but because I find you sweet and loving and....attractive." Henry swallowed hard. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. He was so good with words and yet she left him speechless at the moment. She continued stroking his cheek her lips bare inches from his mouth still open waiting for him. He couldn't think. "Warren..." he choked out feeling the facade behind the word, his concern for his friend superficial. Betsy was here telling him, blue furred Beast, that she wanted him. And, by God, he wanted her too. But he was so uncertain. He truly never had expected this. She was looking deep behind the surface into the man he was and it frightened him to think that he might just disappoint her. "Warren's not here." She said seductively. "Warren left." There was just a hint of bitterness and sadness in her seduction to tug at Henry's heart. The heat of her hand on his cheek was intoxicating. But still he tried one more time to give her the chance to back out. "The wine. You're not thinking clearly and's so recent. I dont' know..." She hushed him placing her hand on his mouth. "I haven't had that much to drink. And I'm very clear about what I'm thinking." Lightly running her thumb along his lower lip, she sighed and closed her eyes. It was an invitation he could no longer refuse. He lifted her hand into his and kissed her softly, still hesitant but warming to the idea. She purred as her mouth opened and he thrust his tongue deep inside. She was warm and soft. He increased the passion between them, awkwardly at first, not having done this in a while. But she was patient with him, showing him the right pressure, the right movement, taking his hand and placing it at the base of her neck to instruct him on a pleasure center. She suckle his tongue driving him almost over the edge and he growled breaking away. He looked into her eyes. "It's been awhile." He admitted. "I'm not Warren." "No you're not." A gentle chiding in her voice. "You're better." She lay down on the table cloth looking at him waiting for him to come to her. He ran a hand through his hair again looking around uncertain. Then he accepted her invitation and moved to lower himself on top of her keeping most of his weight on his arms not wanting to crush her. He bent to kiss her again and she threw her arms around him running her hands up and down his spine feeling the soft blue fur beneath her fingers. She had been right, it was arousing, stroking the fur. She could feel his own arousal on her thigh and moved her leg invitingly along its length. "Oh, heavens, Elizabeth." He murmured as he kissed her passionately. No further encouragement was needed. He took the edge of her shirt and pulled it up almost ready to tear the material apart. But she sat up and helped him remove it. His tender hands stroked her soft skin on the underside of her arms, then moved down and around to unclasp her bra. He kissed her again as he pulled the material away. Then he was fondling her breasts. Again she had been right. His touch was delicate. He softly pinched the nipples to hardness as she moaned. Then he bent his head to taste the sweetness of her skin, his tongue now taking up where his hand had left off. He guided her back onto the ground and continued lapping and suckling her nipple. Psylocke took his head in her hands and ran her fingers throught his hair firmly keeping the mouth in place. There was no need for the restraint though. Henry's mouth wasn't going anywhere for awhile. He wanted to savor this for as long as he could. Doubts still crept into the back of his mind causing him unconsciously to feel that this would be the first and last time he'd get to make love to this incredible woman. He wanted to remember everything. Finally he broke from her breast panting. He looked up to see Psylocke's eyes closed in bliss. He ran a hand across her belly amazed as she arched her hips up. "Shoes." She whispered to him. Understandingly he bent down to unlace her shoes, removing the socks and massaging her feet. She giggled as he hit a ticklish spot and he began to stroke that area until she was crying for him to stop. He grinned. His grin faltered as she looked up at him with a wicked smile. "Well...Only two more bits of cloth." She purred. He was suddenly shy. His hands shook slightly as he went to unbutton her shorts. And he fumbled with the button until she reached down to assist him. Then she lifted her hips as he pulled the material away to reveal a silk lavender g-string. He exhaled harshly wondering if her pubic hair was colored purple like the hair on her head. "Only one way to find out." He thought and slipped his thumbs in the silk fabric pulling it eagerly albeit nervously down over her long lovely legs. He was a tad disappointed to find the hair was brown, but that feeling vanished quickly when he suddenly realized she was now completely naked underneath him. Elizabeth Braddock, Psylocke, X-man, Asian assassin and ninja, goddess. Naked under him and wanting him. It was too good to be true. He blinked as if to clear the illusion from his mind, but her arms at his hips told him this was no elusive dream. He put a tenative hand between her legs surprised and pleased to find her moist and ready for him. He ran his finger slowly along her labia smiling as she bucked her hips and moaned. He kept this up for several minutes working his finger up and down, occasionally entering her careful of his claws. When he was certain he'd truly aroused her he made his way up to her clitoris touching it with mild trepidation until her head and torso rose up from the ground in a small crunch and she rasped, "More." He obliged willingly, stimulating her into ecstasy. His touch was gentle but firm. "He knows what he's doing" the only coherent thought in Betsy's mind. And when he bent his head down to replace his finger with his tongue she screamed. "Oh Henry." She breathed at him. He continued to nip and tongue her clitoris until she had lost count of the number of orgasms she had. He would have kept it up for days relishing the taste of her in his mouth if she hadn't pushed him away in exhaustion. Psylocke saw the disappointment in his face as he sat back watching her pant absently stroking her hip. She sat up cupping his chin in her hand. "My turn." She told him. She giggled as little boy enthusiasm quickly replaced the look of disappointment. Then she was grabbing his speedo trunks. He went to assist her but she pushed him back down. "Uh-uh. My turn. My way." He grinned back at her and lay back down on the ground full of anticipation. As she started to pull his trunks down she stopped. Henry was unaware that she too wanted to savor this moment. She was very curious to see what the speedos held, but she wanted to build up the tension in herself and in him. Henry frowned down at her as she placed the waistband of his trunks back in place. She smiled down at him reassuringly and climbed up along side him stroking his chest. "You have the softest fur." She told him. "It's enticing." She found his nipple and ran her tongue around it, using her finger to stimulate its twin. He sighed. She spent a long while exploring his chest, stroking and kissing. To her delight hardly a hair of his fur came away in her mouth. She moved down to his belly with her mouth, bringing into play all her sexual knowledge learned from Revanche's psyche. She was quite adept at foreplay and confident in her skills. It was Henry's turn to squirm underneath her. Her curiousity finally piqued beyond endurance she ripped away his speedos to reveal the manhood beneath. Psylocke's breath caught in her throat. Had she called it ample? That came far short of reality. Henry's penis was enormous. Ten inches or more with a wide girth possibly two inches in diameter. She had to wonder if she was up to the challenge. Warren had been long, but thin. Pleasurable without really filling her completely. But Henry....well she just have to adjust. He groaned as she took his penis in her hand feeling the weight. She took her time examining it, watching it swell and throb in her fingers as if it had a life of it's own. She ran one finger lightly up the base to the tip and down again, repeating this motion several times as Henry shuddered under her touch. She marveled at the color, a dark blue verging on black. His testicles just a hair lighter with a soft fuzz covering them. One hand reached down to cup the sack rolling the testes between the fingers luxuriating in the feel of the soft down, while the other continued its slow stroking of the penis occasionally stopping at the base to squeeze gently. As a drop of pre cum dripped out onto the head, Betsy wrapped her lips around the meatus tasting the fluid and drawing a gasp from Henry. Her mouth sheathed the tool as she brought it lower and lower, unable to take in the whole length. This was fine with Henry who groaned his pleasure arching upward happy to take whatever she was willing to give. Betsy went down as far as she could disappointed in herself for not being able to go lower. But aware of Henry's bliss she contented herself with suckling the head, often stimulating the base with her tongue. Psylocke's curiousity satisfied she abruptly straddled him raising her moist vaginal lips over the head of his penis and slowly lowering herself on to the shaft. It was hot and firm waiting for her to envelope it in her warmth. But the diameter was giving her some discomfort and she frowned. Henry, all too aware of his size, quickly picked up on her hesitation. He brought one hand down between her legs and began to stroke her clitoris. Suddenly she bucked and plummeted down onto his shaft with a squeal. She had him all inside her now. He had known exactly what to do and she smiled down at him as the girth trobbed against her clit. She lifted up off him until he was nearly out of her and then slowly lowered herself back down his length. Very soon she found her rhythm as his hips thrust up slightly to meet her. He took her hips in his hands at one point to steady her. Then his hands were massaging her breasts, circling her nipples with his thumbs. Without warning as she tumbled over his chest hands coming down on either side Henry threw an arm around her and rolled her onto her back. He was close to release and he wanted to finish on top his ego completely stroked by her willingness. He thrust into her hard and fast as she orgasmed again. He quickly joined her as he plunged a final time ejaculating deep within her body. Psylocke felt him spasm above her and then he was crushing down on her with his weight, fully spent and satisfied. He nuzzled her neck tasting her sweat as she stroked the matted fur on his back and buttocks. He was a little heavy, but she relished the power she felt coming from him. She wouldn't have wanted him off her even if the world came crashing down around them. But soon Henry was rolling off lying peacefully on his back on the sweat soaked table cloth. He pulled her to him and cradled her in his arms. Romantically he began to croon to her, an old Irish love ballad, until she fell asleep in the safety and certainty of his arms. When Psylocke awoke the sun was just setting beneath the trees and Henry was stroking one of her breasts while his tongue played with the other. She closed her eyes not wanting to disturb his pleasure. But he felt her stir and stopped looking up at her beautiful features. A beatific encouraging smile rose on her lips and he continued what he had been doing before climbing between her legs fully erect. She threw her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips and he went into her thrusting again and again until she screamed out his name in ecstasy. "Elizabeth!" He cried as he came again completely smitten by this lovely woman. "You're the most incredibly remarkable woman I've ever known." He breathed as he lay inside her. She turned her head to the side eyes closed and smiling. "You always say the perfect thing." She laughed. He stretched out on his side still in her as she entwined her legs around his. They lay there silent as the night fell. Finally Henry yawned. "I think it's time to go back." Betsy said to him. He sighed wishing they could stay there forever under the moon watching the stars in utter bliss. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been this happy. But she roused him from his reverie. "Storm's in charge of dinner, and while you have your excuse working in the lab, the rest of us have to be on time or feel her wrath." Henry chuckled. "Perhaps I'll make you my assistant." She sat up with a laugh and began searching for her clothes, throwing him his trunks when she came across them. They dressed quickly and gathered the remains of the picnic to head back up to the mansion. Henry took Betsy's hand in his swinging it joyfully as he whistled. His whistling started to fade as they reached the mansion and suddenly he seemed shy, as if they had walked out of a dream and into the cold light of reality. "Elizabeth." He looked down at her as they reached the patio doors. "This has been one of the best, if not the best day of my life. I never would have dreamed...." He looked away shyly. "Would you...I mean...could you..." His hand ran through his hair in that nervous way Betsy was finding endearing. She kept silent cocking her head not wanting to make him more nervous. "Hell..." He rasped, "Would you have dinner with me...tomorrow the city?" He spat the words out rapidly as if she'd say no when he wasn't quick enough. She smiled up at him, an angel with asian features and lavender hair. "I'd be honored." She replied without hesitating. Without warning she was crushed to him in a loving embrace and he was kissing her passionately when Logan stepped out onto the patio to light up a cigar. "You kids have fun today?" He asked without missing a beat. "More than words could ever say." Henry answered as he kissed Betsy once again without hesitation. End.