Disclaimer: Hi there. Sabretooth, Logan, Jean Grey and Roma all are characters copyrighted by Marvel. Mulder & Scully belong to Ten Thirteen Productions, I believe, or Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Everything else is my own creation, except New York. I'm still not taking the blame for that. Here There Be Tygers, part II Sean Venning, April, 1996 New York 9:15 am, Wednesday "Lieutenant Black, I'm Agent Fox Mulder, I spoke with you on the 'phone last night with regards to the multiple mutilation slayings you've been investigating. This is my partner, Agent Dana Scully." "Agents," Lieutenant Black acknowledged them with a brief nod. "We went over the information you faxed us on the flight, I was wondering if there was anything more you could provide us with?" The police officer looked at the two agents for a brief moment before answering. "Detective Donovan's been handling these. Sally," he spoke now to a woman at a nearby desk, "Would you be so kind as to escort Agents Scully and Mulder to Detective Donovan's office for me? Thankyou." He stared at the two agents for a moment. "These people haven't died quickly. I want that sick bastard stopped, before he can kill again." "We'll do what we can," "Just do it fast, Agent Mulder" "Detective Donovan?" "Yes?" "Agents Mulder and Scully from the FBI to see you." "Send them in." Mulder and Scully walked into the neat office and looked at the broad set police detective who was coming around the desk to meet them. "Frank Donovan," he said as he thrust forward his hand. "Fox Mulder, this is Dana Scully," returned Mulder, accepting the offered hand. "Detective," said Scully, also shaking the detective's hand. "It's Frank, please," he said, "I've had all the information on this case put together for you, it's here in this folder. "Basically," he continued as he shut the office door, "There's extremely little to go on. The fingerprints we've recovered at the various murder scenes all come from the same person, but don't show up on any records, even Interpol's. We've had pathology go over the sites with everything, and they collected several tissue, blood and hair samples we're certain come from the killer. They all match too, but there's something odd about them. I don't quite understand it myself, but the experts tell me there's something strange in the make up of the tissue samples." Scully flicked through the folder, stopping to read a medical report. Frowning, she looked up at the detective. "Are they certain of these results?" she asked. "They've double checked them. Then rechecked them and every time the same, apparently." "What is it, Scully?" "According to this report, the gene make up of the killer is different to that of you or I. It contains a mutation of some kind." "What sort of mutation?" "There's something extra in the gene make up. Nothing I've seen or read about before, and the pathologists have no idea either." "Extra?" "Yes, its a....no Mulder, The sample is definitely of human origin. Just different to most. Well, all." "Oh," Mulder looked disappointed. "Frank, is there any chance we could look at the latest murder site ourselves?" "Sure thing. The address is in the records, I'll let them know to expect you. If you're interested, the autopsy is scheduled for twelve, at the City Coroner's building." "I know where that is," said Scully. "I'll see about sitting in as an observer." "Fine. Well then, I shan't keep you any longer. If you need anything, here's my number." He handed them a pair of cards. "Good hunting." ***************************************************************** Roma stood quietly for a moment, taking in the peaceful night air. Overhead an owl slipped by silently in the dark. Taking a deep breath, Roma turned and walked towards the woman approaching her. "Who's that?" queried Jean, her telepathy seeming to fail her for once. "Do not worry. I am Roma, as your friend Logan will tell you." "It's ok, Jeanie. She's not likely to jump us," Logan had stepped up, silently, behind her. "An old friend, Logan?" Jean asked. "Somethin' like that. Ain't seen you for a while, Roma. What do you want now?" Roma smiled. "Always to the point, Logan. You are, as usual, correct. I do require something of you. Of *both* of you." "An' just what would that be, eh? I thought we'd seen the last of you after Dallas." "Situations change. I need you to hunt down Sabretooth." "Creed? What do you want with him?" "He has aligned himself with....a great force for evil. Even now he is harming innocents on a scale potentially much larger than ever before." "So?" "Logan!" "No Jeanie, you don't get it. Creed's always been like this. Why are you suddenly taking an interest in him, Roma? His business's always been beneath you before." "Yes. Logan, it has. The action's of one are rarely brought to my attention. But this time is different. This time he is loose in a world not prepared for him. He has been sent to the Earth of a dimension similar to ours and yet different. I wish for you both to follow him and retrieve him." "Can't you do that yourself?" Roma smiled wanly. "I fear I cannot. Things...do not work that way. I must send others, and I feel you two have the best chance of success." "Why us? I can understand you wanting to send Logan, but why me?" "Another time, another world. You two make an excellent team. Your skills complement, as do your resolves." "What about some others? Surely with extra help...?" Roma shook her head. "Trust me. It must be this way. I will make certain you are not missed, and return you but an instant after your departure." "What of this 'force for evil'?" "I am...dealing with that. Now, will you aid me?" "Hunt down Creed? Why not. I've been doin' it for years. Jeanie? Busy?" Jean breathed deeply. "If it will stop Creed harming innocents, then I will. But first I must let Scott know where I'll..." Roma tilted her head slightly towards Jean. "There is no need to tell anyone. You will be back here scant moments after you leave." Jean gave her a vaguely troubled look, then shook her head, as if to clear it. "Oh. Well, then. I guess that's all right, if you say so." Logan smiled. "You've covered everything then, haven't you, Roma. Why am I not surprised?" Roma looked at him silently for a moment, then stepped back and raised her hands skywards. "Thankyou. I knew I could count on you two. This will take but a moment." The air about them grew light, as a phosphorescent swirl of colours rose from the ground to surround them. Leaves danced in the wind which filled the clearing. Caught in the centre of it not even Jean's hair twitched amidst the fury circling them. With a final burst of painfully bright light, the pair vanished. Roma stood there in silence a moment longer. "Good luck," she whispered. ************************************************************* Moseley Towers New York 10:30 am, Wednesday "Ok Scully, here we are. Room thirteen. Don't you love what a few strips of 'Police Line, Do Not Cross' can do for a place?" "You haven't gotten that help yet, have you Mulder?" "It was that music in the lift. It affected me somehow." "Just open the door." Mulder shook his head in mock exasperation and stepped forward. Juggling the set of keys he had been given, he found the one which fit the door and unlocked it. Turning the handle he swung the door open and stepped in. "My God..." he breathed. Scully stepped in behind him and paused. The room looked to have been painted by a madman with a love for burgundy. Great streamers of dark red coated the walls and ceiling, centring on a large dark stain in the middle of the room. A taped outline of a body overlay this, with smaller shapes marked elsewhere about the room. "Mulder, I have a bad feeling about this one." "You and me both, Scully. Those smaller markings..?" "Show the positions of various organs, yes. Not all of the body was accounted for, either. About twenty percent by mass appeared to be missing, we'll know the exact amount after the autopsy." "Organs?" "Some. Mainly flesh, from the thighs and similar regions. They've also turned up teeth marks on the victims." "A biter?" "Worse. Judging by the location of the marks, our killer doesn't just bite, they also chew and swallow. Assuming that this was the work of some *one* and not some *thing*, I'd venture to guess that we have a killer who's not above a spot of cannibalism on our hands." "Charming. The problem is our Hannibal Lector appears to have made their entrance without the use of the lifts or the stairwell. The security cameras show that clearly. I wonder.." He wondered over to the curtains and drew them aside. Opening the picture window, he stepped through onto the balcony. Walking to it's edge he peered over and down, then turned back and looked up. "Scully, could you step out here a moment?" Shuddering slightly at the chill air, she complied. "Take a look over there and tell me what you see." "Umm. Another balcony" "And across from it?" "Open space. Another building. Just the usual things you'd see in a ..No Mulder. Don't tell me that our suspect leapt across a twenty foot gap between buildings, then scaled a section of wall to get to this balcony." "The Crime Scene Report did state that the window was found closed but unlocked." "But Mulder.." "Can you think of another entrance, Scully?" "Well, no. But how did our murderer leave without being seen? The security cameras show no one leaving who can't be accounted for, and the other tenants have been cleared of suspicion. Are you suggesting that our killer just hopped back out the window and leapt over to the neighbouring building?" "Why not? If they could get in here via the balcony, I'm sure they could get back out again. If you look closely you can see a fire ladder about a floor down on that other building. If we assume that they could make the jump over here, I'm sure they could make a similar one back again. I think it's at least worth having a look at." "If you really have to Mulder. I'm going to have to rush if I'm going to make the autopsy." "Ok. I'll meet you back at the office after lunch. I want to poke around a bit more." ******************************************************************** Creed lay back and luxuriated in the fell of the grass beneath him. Stretching languidly, he ignored the approaching group of youths, their scent strong in his nostrils. "Hey! Little early for Halloween, innit man? Tacky costume!" "Maybe he's in a movie, only no one else showed up!" "Nah, he's probably just stupid. That right? You stupid, or what?" the youth prodded Creed with a foot. Creed looked at the trio through slitted eyes. "Stupid? Naah. You're just lucky I've already eaten." 'Ooh, tough guy. For a weirdo. Waitin' for the white truck? Guys, hold him down and we'll see if Mister 'I've already eaten' has got some cash." Creed rumbled deep in his chest. Two of the youths approached him, knives appearing in their hands. Creed smiled. "I may have already eaten, but that won't stop me from playin'. Who's first?" The two approaching him looked quizzically at each other, then kept on. With a low growl Creed leapt to his feet and launched himself at them. With barely a whimper one of them fell to the ground, a crimson crescent erupting from his throat. Creed spun on the spot, grabbing the other by the upper arms and wrenching him into the air. "Having fun yet?" The boy screamed, his feet flailing at the air. "Let me down!" Creed laughed. The third youth took the opportunity to run. "So, now I have a big choice. Stay and play, or go for a run. What do I do?" The boy continued to scream, a thin wail in the park. "You're absolutely right! Let's play!" The screams died. Eventually.