She grabs Trask by the collar. VAL: I don’t believe that for a minute, Trask. TRASK: Oh, no? then believe this, Valeire. He points to a wall which slides open, and Gfyrich walks out. Vals eyes go wide. VAL: GYRICH! But you-you’re dead. . . GYRICH: Hello, Valerie. . . From behind her, Remy grabs her and throws her into the wall. REMY: A’ight, bitch, you gonn be real nice like to us, non? Remy don wan hav ta hurt a pretty face like yours. GYRICH: Tie her up. Remy ties her up. TRASK: Gyrich! The Sentinel has completed restructuring. He’s coming home. GYRICH: Excellent. CUT TO. INT. DEPARTMENT H The Sentinel bends down to pick up Wolverine right as the X-Jet lands outside. SENTA4: This unit detecting unidentified mutant signals. Updating registry. . . CYKE: Very good. He lets loose with an optic blast that hits the Sentinel dead in the chest, and it fllas back. It gets up and is about to shoot Cyke, who is helping Wolverine up, when Storm hovers above its head. STORM: Stop where you are, robot. SENTA4: Registry updated. Mutant designates Storm and Cyclops. Strom sends lightning crashing down on the Sentinels head. It skawks, but is still operational. SENTA4: This unit under attack. Offensive mode initiated. It sends ablast of laser that knocks Storm out of the sky. CYKE: NOOOO! He blasts the robots chest, and it falls again. LOGAN: no good! Go for its head! CYKE: Wolverine, what? Wolveirne is on his feet. WOLV: you go get Storm. Leave this sucker to me. He pops his claws out. CUT TO. EXT. X-MANSION The X-Rolls pulls up, and out get Warren, Hank, Jean and the Professor. PROF: Jean, you and Hank go to they War Room and get an update from Scott. I have a visitor to attend to. JEAN: Yes, sir. Both Jean and Hank leave. WARREN: What about me, Professor? PROFX: come with me, Warren. We have much to talk about. CUT TO. INT. X_MANSION. WAR ROOM JEAN: Scott, this is Jean. Over. All she hears is static. JEAN: Its no use, Hank, I can’t get a hold of Scott. Oh, Hank, if something has happened to him--! She falls into his arms, and she hugs him. HANK: “Love will tide over time over death over life.” JEAN: Shakespeare? HANK: Nope. McCoy. The radio cracks through. CYKE: Jean? Jean can you hear me? JEAN: SCOTT! CYKE: Jean, we’ve got Wolverine. . .we’re coming home. CUT TO INT. PROFESSORS STUDY The professor is sitting behind his desk. Alex is looking at him, and Warren is standing next to the professor. ALEX: I am not sure how to start. . .Valerie Cooper said you would be the one to help me. . . PROFX: Ah, yes, Valerie. How is she? ALEX: Fine, sir. But, I was wondering if. . . PROF: We could help you develop your mutant abilities. ALEX: How’d you. . . PROFX: (mentally) Because I too, Alex, am a mutant. As is our friend Warren here. Follow me. He pushes out and both men fall in behind him. On the way, Rogue runs up to the professor. ROGUE: Professor, Wolverine is. . PROFX: En route here, my dear, and very much alive. Cyclops and Strom have retrieved him. ROGUE: Oh, thank goodness, I. . .didn’t know we had company. PROFX: The gentleman on my right is Warren K. Worthington, III, and our other guest is Alex Summers. ROGUE: Summers? You mean he is. . . PROFX: Perhaps. I have not been able to discern that information. ALEX: I am what, sir? PROFX: In time, Alex. In time. They continue down the hall and come to a large door Rogue pushes it open, and they go down an elevator. When it stops, they get out and come to a large door with an “x” PROFX: This is my Danger Room. . .a place where mutants can learn to harness their abilities. I would like to test you out sepretly. Which one would like to go first? ALEX: I will, Professor. PROFX: Very well, Alex. Warren, Marie, come. He leads them to the Danger Room control room. PROFX: (offscreen) Alex, we will begin now. The door slides open, and Alex walks in to a dark room. Four holograms shimmer into existence: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Jean.None of them are moving. PROFX: Execute program. . .now! The Danger room comes to life, and so do the four contestants. Storm takes to the air, Wolverine gets low. Alex looks around him for the first immediate threat, which comes not from one of the fighters, but from behind! A giant metal girder is being hurled at his head. Alex hits the ground, and sees Jeans hands tensing up. He puts his hands up, which begin to let off circles of yellow energy. Alex yells and a huge bolt of yellow energyu erupts, hitting Jean square in the chest. Jean falls back and shimmers away.v Befroe Alex can congratulate himself, Wolverine jumps at him. Alex turns and grabs Wolverines arms: a risky move. Using wolvies momentum ,he spins around once and throws Wolverine into the far wall, but then Strom sends a lightning bolt down at Alex’s feet. He looks up, and she is calling for another bolt, but Alex blasts her first, knocking her out of the sky. She shimmers away before she hits the ground. Wolverine lunges back at Alex, and he sidesteps, and the slams his charged hands into Wolverines back and lets loose with a plasma burst, taking out Wolvie. As Alex gets his bearing, a ZARK! And a red beam come crashing into him, making. . . nothing happen. ALEX: What the hell?