Wolvie's Bad Hair Day part 3 Author: vangiekitty Disclaimer: Not mine(I only wish!) No money being made. Please don't sue. WOLVIE'S BAD HAIR DAY part 3 When Jubilee decided to take up hairdressing, everyone at the mansion knew what to expectand dreaded it but there was no avoiding Jubilee and her boundless enthusiasm for long. Nearly everyone had been butchered already; Jubilee had given both Gambit and Storm "Trims" that required emergency trips to the regular beauty salon to fix and gotten a curling brush so tangled in Rogue's wavy locks that it had to be cut out. Logan had known it would be his turn soon and had been dreading it fiercely. Still, he couldn't deny his little Darlin' anything; she had him twisted around her little finger and she knew it. Also, a conditioning treatmemt didn't sound nearly as bad as a haircut, at least he got to keep his hair! Maybe he was getting off easy, he reasoned. "C'mon Wolvie, please?" begged Jubilee with shining eyes. "I've got my bathroom all set up and I've already opened the treatment, you don't want it to go to waste, do you?" Logan sighed heavilly. "Looks like I'm trapped." he thought. Aloud he said, "All right then, Darlin', lead the way. We can't have me givin' all o' mutant-kind a bad name with my spit ends, can we?" "That's *split* ends, silly." Jubilee corrected. She rubbed her hands with excitement. "Oh Wolvie, I've just been *dying* to get my hands on your gorgeous mane of hair! But I wanted to save it for last. It will be my *piece de resistance*!" Logan looked suspicious. "Hey, ain't that French, Darlin'? This treatment doesn't have anythingto do with goose livers, does it?" Jubilee looked puzzled. "Of course not, silly! What kind of person would put goose livers in their hair?" "Maybe the same kind o' person that would put 'em in their mouth." muttered Logan, to himself. "What was that?" asked Jubilee suspiciously. "Uh, nothin', Darlin'. Logan said quickly. Jubilee seemed willing to be mollified. "Well, ok then. So let's get going, time's a wasting and I think your hair is getting worse by the minute!" And she grabbed his hand and dragged him impatiently up the stairs to what Gambit had takento calling: "The Salon of Doom."