Wolvie's Bad Hair Day Author: vangiekitty Disclaimer: I don't own the X-Men, I am making no money from this. All my fics are written solely for my own entertainment and personal sexual gratification. ;) So please don't sue. Hey, this is my first on-line fan fic. so please be kind. Also, please try to ignore my atrocious spelling, for some reason I can't get this thing to spell check. WOLVIE'S BAD HAIR DAY ch.1 "Oh my God, Wolvie, don't tell me you went out riding your Harley without your helmet again!" exclaimed Jubilee as Logan walked up the steps of the X-Man mansion early one Sat. morning. "And why shouldn't I Darlin'?" Logan demanded, striding up the steps and onto the porch where Jubilee stood waiting, tapping her foot impatiently. "They haven't invented a helmet yet that can compete with an adamantium skull!" Grinning, he rapped his large, hairy knuckles against the side of his head. "It's not your skull I'm worried about, silly!" fussed Jubilee. "It's your hair, why just look at it; it's a mess! You know," she scolded further, "When you go out in public, you're representing all of mutant-kind. Do you want people to think we're all a bunch of rag-tag trailor trash with split ends?" "Well, no..." began Logan cautiously. "Of couse you don't!" beamed Jubilee. "So I think what you need is a good deep conditioning treatment. All right? And I've got just the perfect one, I was saving it for myself but anything to make you presentable." "Uh-oh." thought Logan to himself, "Should have seen this coming." For Jubilee's latest passion was to play beautician to all the X-Men and Women. She had gone all out, too, even fixing up her bathroom sink like the ones found in beauty salons with a spray nozzel which she used with greater enthusiasim than skill. Prof. Xavier saw no harm in encouraging Jubilee's hobby; he thought it was harmless fun. But as Gambit so aptly pointed out, "What he care if de petit want to go crazy wit' de scissors? He safe because he ain't got no hair. He's bald, non?" Which was true. But the other, more hair endowed X-Men knew what was coming and dreaded it.