Disclaimer: I don’t own the X-men. I make no money from this story; it’s just for fun. Wolverine gets PMS part 5 Logan put his beer in the fridge. He was thankful to be back at the mansion. He had made the mistake of stopping at his usual bar to pick up his purchase and had been relentlessly hit on by all the men there. He had never missed his claws more than at that moment. He had arrived back at the mansion just prior to dinner so he went to his room to change into some of the clothes that Jean should have left there for him. After changing he headed into the dining area to join the others for dinner. The dinner was unusually quiet. Everyone was uncomfortable at the obvious tension between Logan and Jean. They all pretty much wolfed down their dinner and took off to avoid being part of any confrontation that may arise. Finally, once they were alone, Logan looked up at Jean. "Why didn’t you tell me all that was involved with this appointment? You know I still would have done it for you, but some warning would have been nice." "I’m sorry Logan" Jean was too embarrassed to meet his gaze. "I was angry with you. I was trying to get even for what I thought you had been doing with my body. Anyway, just be happy it was only a bikini wax, women do it all the time. You should be happy it wasn’t a trip to the doctor for an annual check up!" Logan shuddered at the thought of that and changed the direction of the conversation "And what exactly did you think I was doing with your body?" "Well…um…the mirror, the shower…um…I thought you were taking advantage of our situation." Jean twisted in her chair, extremely uncomfortable with the conversation. Logan looked down for a moment not sure how to answer her. He had maintained the utmost control with regards to the situation, but he was human after all and had spent a very long time looking in the mirror before getting dressed. Considering the situation they were stuck in, there was going to inevitably be some transgressions. "Stuff we’re not comfortable with is going to happen Jean. It’s inevitable. Are you telling me you haven’t checked my body out at all?" Logan asked her Jean did the impossible and blushed a deep red in Logan’s body. "Well…yeah, I took a quick look." Jean said looking at the floor. Logan smiled and leaned back in the chair with an air of conquest. He really liked the idea of Jean exploring his body. This could supply endless fantasy material. "Like what you saw?" he asked. "Logan, please stop teasing me! You’re right, it’s inevitable, but let’s just be careful to respect each others feeling so that when this is all over we will be able to look each other in the face, ok?" Jean answered, trying to bring the conversation to a more serious level. "It’s a deal Jean, but I hope you appreciate just how difficult this is for me. I mean, you have a beautiful body and it’s hard not to stare at it sometimes." Jean blushed even harder and decided she would not share her feelings towards his body considering she is a married woman. * * * Jean got out of the shower and put on her nightie in preparation for bed. It had been a terrible day and she was relieved that it was over. She was looking forward to just snuggling up to Scott and drifting off to sleep. As she stepped out of the bathroom she caught Scott getting changed for bed also. He had made himself pretty scarce today and Jean was happy to finally see him. "Hi Honey, I missed you today." Scott looked up slightly startled. He bit his lip to hold back the cry for help at the horrid sight of Logan in a silky sheer nightie. The twitch in his face, just below his left eye, immediately began to act up again. "Uh, Jean, what are you doing?" Scott asked trying not to look at the ghastly sight. "I’m getting ready for bed of course." "I just thought maybe you might stay in one of the guest rooms or something, considering the situation." Scott floundered, not really knowing what to say regarding how uncomfortable he was. Jean easily picked up on his trepidation, she knew him too well for him to hide his feelings from her. "Scott, I know you’re uncomfortable with this but it’s still me. No matter what I look like on the outside, it’s still me on the inside. Please, I need you to get past this, I need you right now." Scott sighed, realizing he was being unreasonable. It was still Jean after all, and he loved her no matter what she looked like but still…this was pushing it! "You’re right Jean. I’m sorry. I’m just having a lot of difficulty with this, you know." Scott said as he climbed into the bed. Jean climbed in as well and snuggled up to Scott throwing a big hairy arm over his chest. "I love you Scott" Jean said lifting up in an effort to kiss him on the lips. Scott, not wanting to upset Jean, hesitantly kissed her back praying that that would be all she wanted from him tonight. There were definite limits to this! Jean smiled and nuzzled into Scott’s chest feeling the best she had all day, and rapidly drifted off into a deep sleep. Scott, on the other hand, was very much awake, his eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. ‘I’m not going to make it through this’ he thought ‘this is just weirding me out too much! Cuddling in the bed with a half-naked, cross-dressing Wolverine, this is my worst nightmare!’ Scott’s nervous twitch came back with a vengeance. Scott’s thoughts raced to one horrible scenario after another as he contemplated the month ahead of him. ‘Oh my God, what if Jean has a nightmare and those claws decide to shot out and she kills me in the night?!’ That was the last straw for him. He decided he would go down stairs and watch TV until he fell asleep on the couch. Carefully he slid out from Jean’s arm his heart pounding as he tried not to wake her. Once free he put on some pants and a T-shirt and headed out to the TV room. * * * * In the TV room Logan was relaxing on the couch with his beer on the floor beside him. He had only just sat down to some late night TV and some solitude. It had been an unpleasant day, well, at the very least really weird. He had just opened his first beer when Scott entered the room Scott found Logan in the room and was instantly disappointed that he might have to find somewhere else to crash. "Logan? Uh.. you staying up late to watch TV?" "Yup." Logan looked over to Scott and half smiled. Scott looked frazzled. ‘It looks like it has been a hard day on everyone.’ He thought. "You want a beer?" Scott was surprised at the offer. He knew Logan enjoyed every moment that Scott looked uncomfortable or was having difficulty with something, and the gesture was unusual, but boy did it sound good! Scott normally never drank, but under the circumstances he could use the chance to unwind. "Thanks Logan, I’d love one." "Just a sec, let my try something I’ve been working on tonight." Logan said as he closed his eyes and put his thumb and fore finger to his head much the way Jean would when she was trying to move something with her mind. Scott watch and waited for something to happen when suddenly * WHAM * a can a beer shot at Scott and hit him straight in the head. Logan opened his eyes when he heard the sound of the can hit Scott’s skull. "Oh man! I’m sorry… I …I’m kind of new at this." All the while he was apologizing he was trying to hold back his laughter at Scott rubbing his head in pain. "Gee Whiz Logan! I’m just getting over a concussion!" Scott said as he sat in the loveseat that was at right angels to the couch, a small red bump forming on his forehead. "Thanks for the beer" he said sarcastically as he opened it. Logan watched as the usually straight and sober Cyclops chugged down the first beer. ‘WOW! He must be having a rough day,’ thought Logan as he handed Scott another one with no attempt at using Jean’s powers this time. "Gosh, I needed that." Scott said as he opened the next one. For the first couple of beers, Logan and Scott sat in relative silence and watched TV, but as they drank more Scott started to get chatty. Logan looked at him and snickered, Scott was losing it. He was a couple of beers ahead of Logan and obviously wasn’t used to alcohol. Two more and Scott would probably be slobbering. Logan was feeling no pain himself. He normally could drink all night and not even get a buzz on, but in Jean’s body he was starting to experience a new feeling altogether, a real drunk feeling. "Hey Jean, can I have another beer please?" Scott asked Logan his eyes half lidded. "I’m Logan you drunken idiot! Here’s your beer." Logan snapped at him as he handed over another can. "Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment. Sorry man I’m…I’m feeling a little drunk." Scott apologized. Logan just looked warily at Scott in a sideways glance then returned to the program on the TV. After a few more beers Scott was completely smashed and so was Logan. Logan was unable to pace himself properly with the new body and had drunk far too much. "Hey Jean, Why are you sitting way over there? Come sit with me over here." Scott said patting the seat beside him. Logan, who was having difficulty holding his head up, it kind of just wobbled on top of his neck, looked up at Scott. "Listen Bub! I told you, I’m not Jean so you can just stop looking at me that way and if you come over here I’ll…" Logan lifted up his fist in his trade mark gesture but there was no ‘SNIKT’. He looked at his hand and then half remembered and decided instead to just shoot Scott a menacing glare. As Logan turned back to his TV program he took one last gulp from his drink then slowly passed out. Scott watched and was confused, all he could understand was that Jean was sitting so far away and now she was peacefully sleeping. Even passed out, mouth hanging open and a can of beer still clutched in her delicate hand she was so beautiful, Scott thought to himself. He was pulled from his train of thought for a moment as the TV declared the start of it’s late late show, a movie that Jean and Scott loved to watch together… "9 ½ Weeks".