Wolverine gets PMS (part 3/?) Author: Valkyrie Disclaimer: I don’t own the X-men and I make no money from this story. It’s just for fun. OK here’s part 3. This one didn’t come as easily as the previous two. Maybe the concept is already getting old and stale. Let me know what you think, I do have ideas for a part 4. Wolverine Get PMS part3 by Valkryie Beast couldn’t remember that last time he had had such a busy day. First he had to give both Jean and Logan complete medical workups. This was to make sure that the trip through the teleportation machine had not caused physical damage beyond the obvious condition they were suffering from. Then he had to treat Cyclops for the concussion he had suffered from his fall. Hank was quite concerned about Scott. He seemed to be in the worse shape of the three. He was not handling the situation at all well. In fact, Beast noticed that Scott seemed to be developing a nervous tick in his face whenever he saw his wife approaching him. He appeared to improve only when Jean left the med. lab to go get some lunch. Logan had left the lab a couple of hours earlier complaining of cramps. Within hours of the event the news of Logan and Jean’s condition had spread like wildfire through the school. But knowing and seeing were two very different things and the pair would surely leave a trail of shocked, incredulous stares wherever they went. Before getting lunch Jean decided she would have to go and get changed first. She didn’t think her clothes would fit her now so she stopped at Logan’s room and knocked. There was no answer. She could hear what sounded like water running but her new sense of hearing was confusing her. She could be hearing water running three rooms down for all she knew. She went to her room and grabbed one of Scott’s tracksuits. ‘This should do’ she thought. As she was getting changed she suddenly felt very embarrassed. ‘I shouldn’t be seeing Logan this way. I’ll try not to look. Oh maybe one little peak, I mean I’m going to be here for a month it’s inevitable right?’ She took off her pants and looked down. "WOW!" she said out loud, then flushed a deep red color in the face. She then thought to her self ‘I better make sure Scott doesn’t see me naked or he’ll dislike Logan even more than he does now.’ Jean came into the dining area to find Jubilee, Rogue and Gambit having their lunch. They all stopped their friendly chatting to stare at Jean. She was having a hard time getting used to the looks of horror directed at her. It was something she had never experienced in her life and she didn’t like it. "Hi everyone. What’s for lunch?" She said to the stunned group. "Is that really you Jean?" Jubilee asked coming up to stare closely into her eyes. "What’s it like in there?" Jubilee was always so to the point, it was refreshing. "I feel fine. Logan’s body is in extremely good health. I feel like I could run a marathon. Except his heightened senses are very distracting. It’s like I can smell every thing for miles ‘round and it’s making me a little sick actually. Oh and these giant sideburns are driving me nuts, they are sooo itchy" She said giving her face a good hard scratch. "By the way, has anyone seen Logan? I haven’t seen him in a couple of hours." Gambit shook his head a little, he was mesmerized at the sight of Logan with Jean’s mannerisms. He knew the answer to her question though and readily gave up the information "Oh yeah, Gambit see him ‘bout 2 hours ago. He say he was gunna take a shower." Jean was not amused at the thought as she realized it was his shower she had heard only a short time ago. "A shower? For TWO HOURS?!" Just at that moment Storm entered the room. The next scene played out like someone was playing a bad joke on Jean. Jean asked Storm "When did you last see Logan?" Storm took a moment to figure out why Logan was asking about Logan. She had been told the situation earlier by Professor Xavier but was still having difficulty adjusting. "Oh yes! I saw him a couple of hours ago. He was taking one of the full length mirrors from the changing rooms up to his room." Everyone in the room knew exactly what this meant and they all looked at Jean feeling a little embarrassed for her. "What a perv!" Jubilee said what everyone was thinking, except for Storm, who had missed the critical element of the conversation. Storm just looked around confused. Jean, for first time started to really look like Logan. She had a look of pure rage on her face as her brow furrowed and her lips curled back over her teeth. Somehow in this state she managed to make her adamantium claws shoot out, much to everyone’s surprise. "AAAAHHHHH! How’d I do that?" she said holding her hands out to examine the new additions. "Ok, now how do I make them go back in?" Everyone looked around at each other and shrugged. They had no idea. Logan never talked about things like that. Jean tried pushing them back in by pressing them against the table. They simply cut straight through the large oak dining table, cutting off a huge chuck of the corner. "Damn! I should have known better." Jean stood with her with her hands in front of her and her wrists bent to keep the razor sharp blades safely in her view. She was holding her hands in the manner someone would if they were letting their nail polish dry. She looked ridiculous. Storm took in her dilemma and made a suggestion. "Why don’t you just try and relax, maybe even calm down a little, maybe that would work." Jean was furious, it would be difficult to calm down. After a couple of deep cleansing breaths she closed her eyes and concentrated. As quickly as the claws had appeared they retracted. "Hey, that worked!" Jean smiled at her accomplishment. Then she raised an eyebrow at the thought of the task before her. Should she just confront Logan? No, she had a much better idea as she scratched her sideburns…