Wilderness by Philip Hunn I don't know when it started. The feeling of being so alone that it seemed like my brain would burst, the feeling that if I didn't get out and share myself with the other people, I would go insane. I guess my pa had something to do with it, his boot in my ass and his pliers on my paws day in and day out, ready to rip out my claws and then my teeth without so much as a "Sorry, son, but, damn, this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, boy." He made me feel like a freak, separate from the rest, locked in the basement like a rabid dog. No matter how much I pleaded with him, he wouldn't listen. Just kept right on throwin' them rabbits down into my cell (well, what else am I gonna call it?) for me to kill, no matter how long I begged with him to let me out. "Oh, please, pa, don't leave me down here!" I'd say. Sure, I was a weak little cuss, but he still shoulda listened. But did he? Hell, no. Of course he didn't. Bastard. It got to be so bad, I just wanted to be close to humanity again, in whatever way I could. Then, when I was a little older, the need for the glow began to hit me. I felt the need for humanity increase, only this time I did not want to be one with it; I wanted to hunt it. Kill it. My blood burned for release, for carnage and death, and my teeth and my claws, having grown back again and again, became the only weapons I would ever need. My life depended on them. I told my pa's dead body that before I spat on his body and left the cabin in the wilderness, my ma dead beside him, her skull split with an axe when she had gotten in the way of my daddy's swing. He was going to cut my hands off. I swear to God he was, I could see it in his eyes. He was going to cut his own son's hands off, the son of a bitch. Well, I decided then and there that I wasn't going to be like my pa. I was going to be better. He was stupid. Got himself killed. I wasn't going to make the same mistake, I decided. I also decided that I liked being who I was. As I licked the blood of my family off my claws, I thought that I would take what I had been given, and use it to help myself. Hell, who needed anybody else when I had this much power? I could cut through bone with a swipe of my hand. I could bite through meat without even chewin' hard. I guess that's what led me to the Secret Service and Department H. They're always on the lookout for people who don't give a damn about what they're doin' and can do it well. S'pose they hit the jackpot when they hired ol' Vic. I don't have a bad memory about any of those guys. Can't trust 'em much anyway. Well, 'cept for the ones with the runt. L'il Logan. My little buddy. You wouldn't believe it to look at us now, but back then, him and me, we were like peas in a pod, along with that Kraut punk North and the Indian, what was his name.... Wraith, that's it. Drunk as Irishmen* all week long and twice that at night. He and I got through more women in a week than most guys do in a lifetime. Guess it was just my rugged charm that drew them to us. I refuse to believe that anybody ever found that sawn-off punk attractive. Still have a hard time buying that he's most likely got a litter of pups in every port by every woman that ever laid eyes on him. Why they had hamburger when they could just as easily have had prime fillet steak is beyond me. That blue-skinned bitch Mystique certainly knew what good it would do her when she used me as a dupe in the chilliest years of the Cold War. She gave me a son I never knew about until years later - a frail human punk who wanted me dead. Join the fuckin' queue, I thought at the timeÉ I had all the time in the world. Anyway, gettin' back to the runt. I had my worst falling out with him when I killed that double agent bitch during the Cold War and that whole Omega Red thing. Funny how I was just doing my job and Logan took offence. She was dead weight, I was freeing us up and giving us a fighting chance at survival. The bitch didn't have the sand to keep up with us anyway - so I offed her. Quick, clean, no problems. North didn't care. But Logan, he went fuckin' ballistic. I reckon he might have very well clawed my guts out on the spot, had he known he'd got those pigstickers of his inside his arms from the get-go. Heh. I know how painful those things are. Got one right through the centre of my brain once. Don't remember much about what happened afterwards. I swear I'll cut it out of Logan one of these days. But you don't wanna hear that, do ya? My old friend Logan was pressganged into the Weapon X program, run by some bald old coot who had a power fetish. I always wondered why Logan would escape one cue-ball control freak just to go work for another. He killed dozens of people when he broke free, so I hear. Must have been a pretty, pretty sight. Wish I could have been there, fighting beside him. Then I could have ripped his throat out when we were all done - if it hadn't been for his fuckin' stupidity, I probably woulda got myself a nice set of tin-plated bones too, like I did much later thanks to that face-painted clown, Apocalypse. Logan and me, we were probably the only ones who could survive the adamantium feed because of our healin' factors. Although I'd like to see that freak Deadpool handle it. His punk-ass bargain-basement healin' factor couldn't take it, I'd bet. He'd probably explode. That'd be a pretty, pretty sight, I tell you - might be nice to get him to shut the fuck up for once. Jimmy Hudson and his sweet little frail, Heather, found him in the snow and took him in for the new Alpha Flight programme - something to do with wanting a Canuck version of the Avengers. What a crock of shit. Everyone knows that Canada has nothing worth stealing, unless that armoured asshole Victor Von Doom has a plan to dominate the world by using miles and miles of tundra. Mac was just another control freak that took advantage of Logan. Funny - I always thought of Logan as the type who wouldn't ever be dominated by anyone when we were working side by side. Now he's become everyone and his wife's bitch. Me, I ain't going down that path. I can promise you that. Victor Creed ain't nobody's slave. Enough about the runt. I'm gettin' sick of sayin' his name. Anyway, when I left the department, I went freelance for a while. Got myself a wild outfit and tangled with some spandex clown, called himself Iron Fist. Turns out this Fist guy was really some punk corporate kid called Danny Rand. This Rand kid ran a business with his buddy, some ex-con called Luke Cage, went by the name of Power Man. "Heroes For Hire", or something. I had some of the worst defeats of my life handed to me by those two little bitches. Rand's woman put me outta commission for a while too. Guess my healing factor kinda took the day off then. I shoulda just strangled them all with their own intestines, but what the hell, I had a few laughs, so I think I'll let them live. For now. Heh. Heroes For Hire. What a joke. Everyone knows the only good freelancer is a bad freelancer. Look at that Whiplash freak. I never got no complaints, that's for damn sure. Probably because the punks were too scared to try. I'd've chewed 'em a new navel if they'd even looked at me the wrong way. Back in those days, I'm surprised I didn't do it more often. I needed the glow so badly I could almost taste it. I needed it like a junkie needs his next fix, but back then, I didn't know what it was that I wanted, or how to get it without killing. I wouldn't know either - not for years. For a time, I was just blundering from fight to fight. I fought that wall-crawling freak Spider-Man, and his frail, the Black Cat I think she called herself, she kicked my ass six ways from Sunday - hey, I had a serious hangover that day, all right? Overloaded my healing factor so much that I got a hangover for the first time in thirty years. Musta drunk ten gallons of Jack Daniels and six barrels of beer. I walked home with a frail on each arm and I showed them the time of their lives. They didn't need no sawn-off hamburger, they got their fillet steak from the master. Pity I had to kill them in the morning, but it made the roar in my brain go away, for a while at least. Their blood tasted sweet, like their skin had. I lay in bed, the room filled with their scent, and the scent of their blood, and I smoked one of my best cigars as the sheets got redder and redder. It made all my pain go away. I scragged a couple of the bellboys too, just because I felt like it. It sure as hell made the memory of that red and blue idiot's fists in my face a little less painful. Good thing I had my healing factor back up to speed or he woulda taken my head off. Sure, he pulled his punches a little - what, you think a soldier can't feel that? Try it sometime, and see if you can't - but without my healing factor I woulda been laid up for weeks with lumps and bruises and whatever the hell else that masked punk inflicts on people who piss him off. I tell ya, I pity Doc Ock sometimes. Still, time was, I had better things to do that think about Logan. I did my merc jobs, and I killed who I got paid to kill, and whoever else I wanted (which was a lot of people. The glow really took a hold of me at this point, I guess). Then, sure as eggs is eggs, the runt got in my face again. I heard he'd gone to do old Charley X's dirty work, after he'd tried to put the ginsu treatment on the Hulk. I mean, we're talking a thousand pounds of green muscle against a punk who ain't even up to my shoulder. It's no wonder he got his ass handed to him and he had to go jobbing to that old cripple along with the weather witch, that Russkie idiot, the Kraut demon, and the Indian. I'll tell you right here, I laughed my ass off when I heard that that Thunderbird clown had got himself blowed up real good. That's what you get for being a good guy, an' a stupid punk-ass good guy at that. I bet the runt got himself real choked up over that one - all snarls and growls and "Woe is me"s. I should bring it up sometime, see how he reacts. Whatever his reaction, I'm sure it'll make me laugh. But then again, I find Adam Sandler funny, so what do I know. 'Course, that prick'd be funnier hanging in bloody shreds offa my claws, but I'll take what I can get. In that frame of mind, I took the job the Cajun offered me, to kill some worthless mutants down in the New York sewer system. It was a simple assassination job, I thought, until I saw how many of them there were. It was going to be a slaughter. All the betterÉ I guess it really kicked off when I saw that pretty boy Angel pinned to the wall by Harpoon. The Eskimo knew what he was doing, and he did it real well. I could smell the pretty boy's blood from quite a way away. It smelt pure, sweet - just like an angel's ought to smell, I thought. That X-punk Marrow's mama was there too, among the victims. I gutted her right in front of that bony bitch's little kiddy face, and I saw the Cajun scoop her up and carry her out of there like a goddamn guardian angel. Like he had any moral high ground over the rest of us. I'll tell you what, though, that bony kid had the guts to stand up to me. She wasn't afraid. She was going to stand her ground and protect her mama's dead body until her blood was all over the walls of the tunnels. I can see why Cannonball likes her. Why the bones turn him on. He thinks he can hide it from me, the way his loins heat up whenever she's in the room, but he broadcasts it like a goddamn aerial. I bet the runt has a fun time trying to block it out. I bet Cannonball'd have a better time of it with her than with that stupid Meltdown bitch. She thought she could be my best buddy, give me a bowl of fuckin' milk every goddamn day like I'm some sort of puddy tat. I changed her fuckin' mind soon enough. She was my plaything, not the other way around. That concept also applied to Birdy. Pretty little Birdy, with legs up to her armpits and then some. Sweet little titties, too. I guess I shoulda tried it on with her more than I did. Maybe if I'd kept it up she woulda put out for me instead of giving me a headache and gettin' a black eye or a few broken ribs for her troubles. Tell you the truth, I didn't really care if she lived or died, as long as I got the glow from somewhere. I guess I just figured that if she got too broken up I'd find another telepath someplace else, so they could take care of me like Birdy had. She found me my jobs, and she took away my pain. IÉ needed her, like I'd never needed anyone before. And Victor Creed, he hates having to rely on other people, which is why I treated her like a doormat. Funny. For about three months after she got a knife through the heart courtesy of my own darlin' baby boy Graydon, I begged them X-bitches to give me the glow before I found out that I'd been cured of it. I begged them like I was that pathetic junkie again, always needin' one last fix. I look back at myself then and I just wanna puke. Was I really like that? Did I really let them chain me up in their little "Danger Room" (God, even the name makes me wanna heave), just so they could try and "cure" me of the killing rage. They just couldn't get it into their fuckin' heads that I wasn't going to play ball. That I like bein' who I am. All that fussin' and tryin' to get me to jump through their little hoops like a fuckin' dog. "Roll over, Victor! Sit! Play dead! Good boy, Victor, have a chew toy and a doggy biscuit!" Fuck you, Charles Xavier. Fuck you. I ain't one of your prissy little X-Men, and I never would have been, either. It was the happiest moment of my life when that Asian-British bitch shoved that psychic knife, or whatever she calls it, into my brain, and it did nothing at all. I was free. I loved hacking through that soft, flat stomach of her, carving my way into the bloody guts beneath. The feel of the flesh slicing under my claws was almost too much for me to bear. It all came rushing back to me, as if I was a wino chugging down a beer for the first time in ten years - that same high that I used to get when I was fighting against whoever cared to step in my way, whether it was the runt, Iron Fist, Spider-Man, or whoever. The point is, I felt free. It got even better when I was on the run. I clawed that retard Caliban into bloody shreds. I bet he won't forget ol' Vic in a hurry. Pity Apocalypse saw fit to give him a job as a Horseman. I never knew warlords could be so fuckin' dumb. Then there was that rich asshole Archangel. I broke his wings where nobody else had been able to before - not with their bare hands, anyway; Stryfe and his guns don't count. Well, they don't 'less you want your entrails in a puddle on the floor. Even when those X-punks found me, I had the last laugh. I spat on the bald man's dream and they had to live with it. Me, I couldn't care less. So I lost the battle - so what? I still won the war. Afterwards, the government bagged me up and they took me to serve in X-Factor. What a laugh that was. I had to work alongside that bitch Mystique again. I felt like rippin' her jugular out every time I saw that two-timing whore, 'cept I couldn't because of that stupid restraining collar they put on me. Pity - I'da loved to have crushed that copycat Wildchild's brains into the dirt while I was cuttin' that bitch a new asshole. Where does that little prick think he can get off, copyin' my schtick? Used to be, me and the runt were the only two people who were vicious enough to be treated like animals. Now we got groupies, of all things. Ain't that a sad indication o' the times? Bet that kid listens to all kinds of devil music, too. Why they can't be content with a bit o' Huey Lewis, I dunno. I'd call Captain America to ask him to sort the kid out, but I don't think he'd take too kindly to a three-hundred-pound plus Canuck killer asking him to educate some wispy little turd on the value of good music. Flag Man probably listens to Glenn Miller, come to think of it, so askin' him to talk about good music is most likely a waste of my precious time. Heh. I sound older'n dirt, don't I? Never mind, it doesn't matter. I don't care what you think. You're all just meat to me anyways, so it's just a matter of time before you end up on the points of my claws. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I was just waxin' lyrical about that little punk Wildchild, and X-Factor in general. I'm glad that operation went down the crapper - serves 'em right for thinkin' they could use Victor Creed any better than ol' Charley X thought he could. I shoulda joined Havok when he jumped ship and hooked up with that Dark Beast guy. For once I'd met a Summers who actually had a bit of backbone. Pity he's dead now. Pity they're both dead. I bet Sinister's chewin' his pasty-white knuckles and wonderin' what to do now that his two prize pets are pushin' up the daisies. I still can't believe that Essex pulled that power drain on all us muties. I felt like crap for days because of him - I had to heal naturally. I'd been trashing a government official's house after I'd gutted the guy, tearing up some sensitive files that my client didn't want released, when suddenly my healin' factor dies on me. I mean, I got this fuckin' bullet wound in my side and I lose my healin' factor! Thanks a fuckin' bunch, Sinister. After all I've done for you - even give you new clones o' me, so the story goes, at least accordin' to those who saw Sinister most recently - and you treat me like I'm nothin' but a means to an end. Well I'll tell you somethin', old man. Victor Creed don't like bein' messed around with. You want to play with fire, you better be prepared to get burned. I'm the fire, old man, and you're the wood. It's only a matter of time. Only a matter of time. You're dead. I'm alive. That's all that matters. Give me the glow. Give me the glow. *I don't mean anything by this. It just struck me as something that somebody as thoughtless and crude and violent as Vic might say. Don't flame me - please? Well, you can if you dislike the story, but not for any other reason, okay? :) Back