Tooth & Claw 2They're Marvel's. No money. Don't sue. And heeeere's part two! Gee, that was fast, wasn't it? The curse of the Nachichi upon any who read and don't comment. ;-) Tooth & Claw 2 By Kaylee He'd gotten the boy back to the cabin by the simple means of picking him up, slinging him over a shoulder, and clamping an arm over wriggling legs to keep him in place. Logan hadn't seemed too happy with being treated like a sack of grain, but there wasn't a hell of a lot the kid could do about it. He'd finally let his struggles subside into stiff stillness...which Victor wasn't about to believe was obedience. Did the boy realize that he'd been bartered about like a possession? Like an object everybody wanted, but nobody wanted to keep? Would it have mattered to him if he did? Inside the cabin, Creed'd swiftly dumped Logan down and watched him stumble for balance. The wind outside had picked up to a low howl that heralded the first big autumn storm of the year. A little ways south, this'd be considered a blizzard. Here the lashing snow was almost commonplace. A real blizzard was something even Creed worried about. Hard to find food when all the animals had gone to ground, and he wasn't particularly fond of going into town after the barely edible crap everyone else around here lived off of. But this was only a minor storm, so there wasn't much to worry about. The dark eyes had sized up everything in the cabin -- every exit, to be precise -- as soon as he'd been dropped. Windows on every wall; bolted shut already against the storm. Victor'd smelled it coming long before the heavy dark clouds had gathered in the north. Luckily for him and unluckily for the boy, the shutters bolted on the outside. The only other exit was the door. And Creed himself stood firmly barring that. Logan saw that escape was a wasted effort quickly enough. His half-starved frame straightened to his full meager height and he turned that fiercely scared glare on his warden once again. "Betcha'd like t' get rid o' those ropes, huh boy?" Silent stare. Victor cocked his head, sizing up just how snug the restraints were. Looked like the little guy'd freaked someone out bad enough that they'd all but cut off circulation when tying him. Creed idly wondered just what a kid so tiny'd been able to do to grown men that'd put 'em on edge...but didn't pursue the thought for long. Wasn't his concern. No...he wasn't too worried at all about a wisp of skin and bone and not much else. Vic took a step forward. Logan flinched back, bravado faltering. The big man halted. Logan halted. Hmph. Abruptly, Creed dropped into a crouch so that his head was only a little higher than the boy's. He casually rested brawny forearms on his thighs, hands dangling loosely between his knees. "I don't like ropes much myself. C'mere an' I'll get 'em offa ya." The boy was motionless. Did he understand the words? Hard to tell. How the hell long had the Injuns had him, anyway? Creed frowned. "Well c'mere, boy. Ain't got all night." Eyes flickered across his face. He said something -- sounded like gibberish to Victor, but it seemed to mean something real important to the kid. Almost a formal sorta question-sound to he'd just put out a line that called for a particular response and was waiting doubtfully to see if he'd get it. Well he sure as hell wasn't gonna get it. Impatiently, Creed reached a long arm for him. Logan started to jump backwards, but wasn't quick enough to avoid him. Large fingers closed soundly over one bound arm and pulled him easily forward. A quick, babbled protest was cut off as the big man turned him around swiftly. Terror came off of him in waves thick enough to almost choke Creed's senses. He paid it no mind. A claw neatly slipped between the ropes, severing them easily. As soon as they dropped to the floor he released Logan, who then lunged for the opposite wall and whirled to clamp his back against it, eyes wide and mouth open to suck in fear-laden breaths in short pants. Never seen a kid so squirrelly. Course, he hadn't had much to do with kids at all. Sobbing little brats always looking at him like he was something scary, something dangerous. Heh. Didn't the Big Book of Bullshit say something about 'out of the mouths of babes'...? After that Victor more or less ignored the boy, going about his normal doings and paying no more mind to him than making sure he didn't rabbit for the door. Once, he actually tried. Creed calmly snatched him back, then went right on digging in the cupboard for something edible. He'd taken the time a while back to smoke the meat of one of his larger kills -- he didn't wanna waste the food, but even he hadn't been able to eat a whole moose in one sitting. Some of the wood-flavored stuff was wrapped in paper in a cabinet. He pulled it out, unwrapped it, and placed it on a bench while he moved to hunch by the fireplace and set about coaxing a flame from forgotten embers buried in ash. Logan watched him warily, but his eyes kept drifting to the meat left so tantalizingly in the open. Victor studiously attended to the reluctant flames. After a few minutes Logan took a tentative step towards the (bait) food. Then froze, watching for any reaction at all. Of course he got none. Victor poked idly at the fire and listened to the wood pop, feeling the growing heat start to tingle across his skin. Another step, foot sliding slowly, slowly across the ground. "Better get used t' the sound o' my voice, boy. I ain't gonna tiptoe 'round here." Logan flinched at his words -- almost looked ready to try bolting for the closed door. Creed didn't turn to him and just continued poking at embers that needed no more stoking and watching red and orange and yellow lick at chill air. Another slow, cautious, deer-at-the-edge-of-the-woods step. They'd probably had him in a cell, Victor mused absently as he followed the hesitant progress. Of course no wild thing thrown into a cage was gonna eat. And this kid, whatever else he might be, was feral as any of the savages he'd been living with. Which meant that maybe Victor could understand him better than any of the townies who'd had their hands on him. Foot -- covered in what looked like a singed moccasin -- slid forward with whisper softness. Paine hadn't brought any clothes with the kid. If he was gonna stay alive this winter, he'd need something. Those poorly-fitting trousers wouldn't do much to keep the cold out and the shirt -- cotton? -- was thin enough that he was shivering already. Trying to hide it, of course. Trying to hide everything. Trying to hide that he was nothing but a scared little boy whose whole world had just been ripped apart. Fingers stretched. Faltered. Nervous eyes flitted towards him. What was he gonna do with the boy tonight? How would he keep him from vanishing into the snow? Could tie 'im...maybe lock 'im in the shed... Dark, dank, musty air sliding down his windpipe, thicker than air should be. Head snapping up at the sound -- the so familiar sound -- from above as the door whined its way open and spilled too-bright light into eyes accustomed to shadow. The rattling sound of metal links at his motion...the weight that chafed at his throat, rubbed raw patches where neck met shoulders. The voice (Poppa?), grating and harsh and (feared) hated-- "Dinner time, boy." Creed thought that maybe he didn't really need to lock the kid up after all. It was a lot of effort to go to, really. Needless effort. He could bunk himself down by the door, and there was no way in hell Logan'd get past him without waking him. Even if the kid spent the whole night trying to find a way out all he'd end up doing would be tiring himself out. And that was all to the good, so far as Creed was concerned. He realized suddenly that the boy'd snatched the meat while his thoughts wandered, and had now retreated back to his corner to wolf it down, hardly bothering to chew in his hunger. Victor gave up the pretense of working on the flames, edging around 'til he could prop his back against the wall and sprawl his long legs out in front of him. Logan froze up -- again -- when he noticed the man's regard. Creed just stared, fingers loosely linked over his stomach, eyes critical and searching. He was supposed to make this scrawny little bantam like him. What the hell do they expect me t' do with 'im? He frowned and scrutinized the thin form more closely, not overly concerned with the way the boy tensed at his appraisal. No length of bone at all...nothing to hint that he'd sprout to unimagined heights when he grew a bit older. looked as if this one'd be a runt his whole life. Creed's lip quirked in disgust. They thought something like this could ever be like him? Ridiculous, the very thought. Look for somethin' you can work with, damnit. It wasn't apparent at first -- or even second or third -- glance, but he could somewhat see the potential for strength in the tiny frame. He didn't know how a kid's bones should look at this age, but it seemed to him that maybe the boy's were a tad bit thicker than he'd thought at first glance...tougher and stronger. Was he just imagining a bit of depth to that bony chest? was there. Ribs sprang out in arcs that just might one day be considered broad. And even though he'd been starved for a while he didn't quite look skeletal. There was an underlying base for muscle, there. Creed thought suddenly of wolves. Southern and northern wolves. The creatures he'd seen far, far south of here...down into lands that lacked only a bit of sand to be called desert...had been thin and tall and lanky. Their bodies were designed to disperse heat as effectively as possible. Nature's way of making them more efficient at survival. More efficient at killing. In their environment, of course. But the wolves that hunted the forests here were comparatively small, compact things. They conserved heat in their stocky bodies. And they were every bit as powerful as their southern only took witnessing a pack's attack on one of the huge and dangerous moose in these woods to know that. So. Maybe the pipsqueak wouldn't be a complete waste of time. Though if he was gonna be a part of this "Project" he probably wouldn't be around long enough for Creed to even begin to find out what he might be able to do. "Like me," he muttered, watching Logan try to suppress an involuntary shiver from the cold. Somewhere out past the hushed sigh of falling snow there came a cry from a creature unwary enough to think all the hunters were safely tucked away in their dens. The boy twitched, head turning a little to catch the faint, barely audible sound. Creed's eyes narrowed just a bit. A slow and unpleasant grin started across his face. "You fuckin' halfwit, Paine. Should know by now t' watch whatcha ask for." ~end part 2~