Tooth & Claw 1They're Marvel's. No money. Don't sue. This is sorta like a "What if?" Except it's more of a "Maybe." We saw a couple of tantalizing hints in the books that allow for this possibility, and I thought it might be fun to play with the idea a bit. Timeline for this story is very vague -- intentionally so -- but you can assume it happens somewhere around the turn of the century. (That'd be eighteen hundreds to nineteen hundreds.) I know, I Kaylee really needs another series to work on. Tooth & Claw 1 By Kaylee The crisp wind falling out of the north whispered of the heavy weight of snow to come. The weak autumn sunlight barely warmed the air. He sprawled in the open spill of light, feeling it caress his skin with the featherlight touch of a ghostly lover. Rays lightened the honey-gold of his hair to an even lighter shade. He closed his yellow-tinged green eyes and inhaled deeply of the heady perfume given off by the dying leaves. Then frowned and sniffed again, suspiciously this time. Eyes opened, narrowed and irritated. He sat up and propped hands behind him, scanning the gentle slope with his eyes all the way to the north treeline. Another breath of snow-laden air filled his nostrils, bearing the scent more strongly. After a moment three figures appeared from the shielding trees. No...three horses. Two carried tall forms that rode upright with a stiff posture he recognized instantly. The third... A kid? He scowled as he stood. No way he'd let these assholes ride up on him stretched out like the world's biggest kitten. The tempting thought of getting the shotgun occurred to him. Might be nice to make those too-nosy "neighbors" squirm a bit. He'd made it quite clear that he didn't like to be bothered. On the other hand, they occasionally made cooperation worth his while. And he didn't really need the gun. It seemed to take them forever to make their way up the slope towards his cabin. He snorted in amusement when he saw how the horses were acting upon catching his scent. The riders would never understand it...never understand what those dumb animals knew instinctively, knew down to their twisty little guts. Here was a predator. They might as soon ask their mounts to walk up on a cougar without complaint. He stood like a rock as they neared, assessing everything they gave off; every clue as to what the hell they were doing here. The man in the lead went by Thomas Paine. Thin and tall and wiry-looking. Sat his horse all prim and proper, pinching up his butt in the inexperienced rider's way of protecting the family jewels. Paine preferred working out of the city. Coming out here to see him was about his least favorite activity. The second he didn't know so well -- a beefy fellow who'd be at home swinging an ax all day long or spending his nights in a boxing ring. Deke something-or-other, if he remembered right. A mean sonuvabitch who'd been screwed up the wrong end by the ugly stick. Didn't ride too bad...but he stuck to lazy old fat mounts that didn't give much in the way of challenge. Deke wanted a piece of him so bad he could taste it in his sweat. And the last -- the kid. Short little thing...eight or ten or twelve years old. How the hell should he know? Kids weren't his game. But this brat was little and scrawny and looked about as scared as a not-so-saintly-saint being marched in to face the lions. Course, he was trying to hide just how freaked he was behind that pissy scowl. His short little legs didn't reach the stirrups on the dumpy Paint they'd stuck him on, but that didn't seem to bother him much. His seat barely shifted as the Paint walked, body matching the horse's rhythm with an ease that spoke of long practice. Then the man noticed that the kid's hands were tied behind his back and the Paint's reins were run to Deke's mount. They finally reached him. Took their fucking time about it, but they eventually pulled up right in front of him. Paine gave him a nod -- like an equal greeting a slightly-less-than-equal. Fuck that. Deke just glared. That was about all the lug was good for; looking menacing. The kid was doing his best to intimidate all of them with his own dark-eyed glower. Funny to see a pipsqueak like that trying to scare him. He might've laughed if it weren't for the audience. Instead he just raised a thick eyebrow and regarded Paine silently, ignoring Deke and the boy with ease. Paine tried not to squirm. "How've you been, Creed?" "What the fuck you want, Paine?" Paine tried harder not to squirm. "Got something for you." He nodded to the boy. Up close like this, the ropes binding his legs to the saddle were obvious. "Bosses want you to keep him." Creed didn't shift his gaze from the other man's. "Why the hell would I want a kid?" Paine looked to Deke. "Show him." The muscle dismounted and moved to the kid's Paint. Creed watched wordlessly as he pulled a knife and sawed through the ropes. Soon as the boy's leg was free his foot lashed out, catching Deke full in the face. Creed almost grinned as the big man reeled back, swearing. "Control him," Paine snapped. Glaring, Deke grabbed a hold of the flailing leg and clamped down on it. The kid stopped struggling instantly, and the idiot took that as intimidated cooperation. Keeping his amusement silent, Creed casually moved closer to Paine's horse as all this went on, nearly laughing aloud as the animal shied away from him violently and almost unseated its rider. Deke finished freeing the boy's legs and dragged him down off the Paint. The boy stayed pliant...until his feet touched down. The moment his heels hit earth he was off like a fox with a chicken, body hunched over for balance against his bound hands and little legs pumping as he sprinted for the trees. Deke swore again and started after him, pushing that ponderously muscled frame into a graceless run. "Don't let him get away!" Paine shrilled. It was obvious, though, that the kid would outdistance the older man. Paine didn't seem to consider turning his horse and going after the boy himself. Bastard would probably fall off if that gelding moved faster than a lope. Frantic eyes in the pinched face turned to Creed. "Stop him!" "Why?" the man asked mildly. "We need him!" "What's that t' me?" "I'll pay you!" The little runner was about a third of the way to the distant trees. Creed considered idly. "How much?" "A hundred dollars!" Well. A hundred bucks was quite a windfall these days. "Two hundred." Paine knew better than to try to bargain him down. "Done! Get him!" Creed straightened. Stretched. Eyed the puffing Deke and gazelle-swift kid. Halfway there, now. Boy could move. "Two-fifty." "Whatever! Just stop him!" "Sucker." Grinning broadly, Creed launched forward -- careful to make Paine's nervy mount think he was coming right at it -- and let long, muscled legs tear the ground past him at startling speed. He moved with his body low; a hunting cat's motion. Air was drawn in and pushed out of his deep chest with steady, rhythmic huffs that sped oxygen throughout his massive frame and propelled him forward with a predator's economy of effort. He caught Deke in no time. Brushed past him without even a glance, not going so far as to deem him worthy of a sardonic grin. The kid was ahead...fifty, forty, thirty feet short of the treeline, and still running strong. But he wasn't fast enough. Distance closed with a rapidity reminiscent of the stoop of a diving hawk slamming into the too-slow sparrow. Creed took one stride to every four of the kid's, and he sure as hell was in better condition than the scrawny little runt. The dark head turned -- boy was trying to judge just how far behind he was leaving his captors. When he caught sight of the huge blond man bearing down on him, his eyes went wide with a fear he wasn't quite old enough or savvy enough to hide. The panic stained his scent...crept into Creed's brain the way the terror of the prey he hunted always did. Lips drew back from teeth. Eyes narrowed over the fierce snarl/smile. The boy tried to pour on an extra burst of speed... Not enough. Creed's hand lashed out; a striking snake with claws for fangs. Fingers closed around the kid's neck and jerked backwards. He reminded himself at the last second to keep the claws in...something told him he wouldn't get paid if he opened the runt's throat to the sky. The kid hollered something in a language Creed didn't know. Injun? He tried to turn to fight...but Creed, snarling, flung him aside and to the ground with enough force to knock the air from his chest. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Paine riding up at a fast jog and Deke finally reaching them. He ignored both as he moved to stand over the boy, catching hold of the dark eyes with his. "Keep still, runt. If ya know what's good for ya." The boy was frozen in place, gasping for breath and trying to spit out more of his strange language as he glared with ineffective ferocity into the man's yellow-green eyes. Creed was barely sweating. His breathing quieted rapidly, and was almost level by the time a wheezing Deke reached them. Deke stumbled to the boy. "Stupid little shit!" A booted foot drew back...lashed out to connect solidly with the heaving little ribcage. The boy choked down a cry...tried again to turn it into whatever threats he was heaping on them. Deke's foot drew back again at this open show of defiance. Creed almost casually slammed a fist into the man's sweat-streaked face, hearing with satisfaction the wet "crack" as his nose broke and the strained cry that was several decibels higher than Deke's usual gruff voice. The man staggered back...tripped...thumped down to his ass in a graceless heap. "Boy's had about enough o' that," Creed growled softly, eyes nearly glowing with the sudden thought that Deke might finally decide to go for him...might manage to forget in his pain and anger that he didn't stand a chance. Claws flexed ever-so-slightly...right hand only. It was barely noticeable, but he saw the kid's eyes fly to the slight motion with animal alertness. If Deke was ready to try anything, Creed didn't get to find out. Paine reached them, pulling his gelding up with a hard yank against the creature's mouth. "Thank god!" Creed smirked. "God didn't have nothin' t' do with it." Apparently the fear of losing his prize had loosened Paine up enough to make him talk. "Mr. Creed...the bosses want you to take this boy." "I don’t got nothin' to do with kids." "He's to be a part of the Project." Another scowl. "Told ya I don't want no part o' that, either." "We need him, Mr. Creed." "What's that gotta do with me?" Silently, Paine pointed. Creed followed his finger to the scratches he'd inadvertently put on the boy's neck when he'd snatched him. Eyes narrowed as he saw what the man was referring to. The scratches were almost gone. "He's like you, Mr. Creed," Paine continued, a bit more in control of himself now. "Just like you." "This scrawny little whelp?" But it was hard to tear his eyes away from the closing wounds...hard to deny the truth of what he was seeing. He'd never met another like him. Never thought there were any others. He wondered briefly if there was a chance this boy was some byblow of his...some result of a late night spilling his seed in a woman he wouldn't have bothered to look at the next day. "Where'd he come from?" "Brody and his crew cleaned out a nest of Indians a few days' ride south of here. He was with them." "Injuns stole a white boy, huh? Kept him in pretty piss-poor shape..." Paine cleared his throat. "Actually...we've had him for a couple of weeks. If he eats anything, we haven't seen it. He won't take what we bring to him." "Huh." The boy's breathing was slowing, but his lips were still drawn back in a silent snarl of warning. He kept darting his eyes from Creed to Deke to Creed again, not even glancing at Paine. Evidently he didn't consider the pansy-ass a worthy threat. "Why d'ya want me to take 'im?" "Because of what we just saw. We don't have the resources to handle him, Mr. Creed. And we can't afford to lose him." Creed could guess why. Getting a boy with his abilities at a young age...young enough to be impressionable...well, it was a pure vein of gold for the men these guys worked for. Yellow-green eyes slid sideways to Paine's face, sizing up the greedy, possessive gleam in the watery eyes as the man looked at the boy. Just past him Deke had gained his feet and now held a hand clamped over a freely bleeding nose. His glare was for Creed and Creed alone. "How much ya gonna pay me t' hold on t' this li'l pipsqueak? An' how long'm I doin' it for?" Paine named a figure. Creed almost whistled in appreciation. They really did want this brat. Then Paine added more hesitantly, "And as for how long...well, we're not really sure, yet. We're waiting to see if we get some funding from--" "Like I give a shit," Creed cut in impatiently. "We talkin' weeks? Months?" "At least." The kid started to shift very, very slightly. Preparing to gain his feet and try running again, probably. Creed fixed him with a steady, still gaze...the sort of look that simply said, 'Think about it.' It was enough to freeze him again, dark eyes widening in fear he was still trying to hide. It paid well. And hell, if the kid ended up running off it was no skin off his nose. Though he didn't intend to let him run. Not right away. Creed didn't take on a challenge that he didn't intend to at least play at for a while. "Fine." "You'll do it?" Barely concealed excitement in the irritating voice. "For the fee named?" Idiot. "Half-again as much." Heh...keeping this kid might just make him a very rich man. And again, Paine didn't even try to argue. "Done. Someone'll be contacting you sooner or later about him. For now just keep him alive and here, and..." He trailed off, obviously leaving something out. Creed fixed him with another impatient scowl. "And what?" Paine took in a little breath. It sounded excited...nervous...disgusting. "Teach him," he murmured. "Make you." Like me but controllable, huh? "I'll handle 'im," he answered noncommittally. "Now gimme my money and get the hell off my land, 'fore I remember I don't like visitors." Paine -- duty finished -- was eager to be gone. He dug hastily into a saddle-bag and pulled out a wad of bills. Creed sized up the amount and was pleased to note that nearly all of it was about to line his pocket. With an absent-minded gesture Paine waved Deke off to get his horse. The muscle turned stiffly, sending another ill-tempered gaze towards Creed, and stalked off with stiff shoulders and spine. Creed noted absently that the boy relaxed marginally once Deke was moving away. Paine handed over the money, gritting his teeth as the gelding tried to shy at Creed's proximity. The kid watched silently. Probably didn't understand a whit of what was going on. "He have a name?" Creed asked as Paine turned the relieved gelding to meet Deke and depart. "He has some Indian name or other." The sharp shoulders shrugged. "Brody thought he needed a civilized name, and he came up with something that sounds kind of like what he was calling himself." "An' what's that?" The gelding was already stretching its neck out and pushing into a jog. Paine called back over his shoulder-- "Logan. He's called Logan." And then the gelding broke into a rough looking lope, and Paine was too busy trying to keep his seat -- and protect the jewels -- to say any more. Creed kept half his attention on Paine and Deke as they met up -- Deke leading the Paint -- and started rapidly on their way. The rest, though, was focused on the small figure sprawled stiffly beneath him. The boy -- Logan -- did look to be in pretty sorry shape. His dirty face was thin enough to make cheekbones stand out sharply, and there were hollows around his eyes that spoke of more than hunger. Made sense for him to look that way if he'd gotten attached to the redskins who'd been slaughtered, Creed supposed. Not many kids were made for losing the only family and friends they knew at this runt's age. "Ya got any English, boy?" No answer. The gaze was surprisingly steady and not surprisingly heated. "Y'know," Creed muttered. "I'll just bet ya do. I'll bet ya understand everything I'm sayin'." Silence. The wad of bills was heavy in his trouser pocket. He cocked his head and sized up the thin little form once more. Then took a step back and crossed his arms without another word. Logan watched him warily, then slowly pushed himself up into first a seated position, then a tense crouch. The scratches on his neck were totally gone, only faint lines of dried blood showing where they'd been. Man regarded boy. Boy regarded man. The first few wintery flakes coasted in on the north wind to drift over the both of them, melting as they came into contact with warm skin and slowly spreading a paper-thin layer of white over the dying grass. ~end part 1~