H Disclaimer: All character within this story are the property of Marvel Comics. No money is being made. Notes: This takes place immediately after Blink 1 and contains spoilers to the story. "It had to be done, Victor. Clarice is consantly disobeying orders." "Really. Huh, I can't remember the last time she didn't do what I told her to." "Well... that's different. You're practically her father." "Teenagers are rebellious by nature. Me being like her pa is a reason why she should be disobeyin' my orders. They like to go against family, just ta show they can. I was still workin' fer Poccy when the Guthrie girl told her brother an' sister ta stick it then ran off ta join our side. Ya've seen the Rasputins' team a X-kids. Ya've seen the Asian chick that hangs out with yer old boyfriend's group." "Well, yes, but they're not active combats teams. The kids are just trainees and Remy's group wants to be Robin Hood and his Merry Men." "An' they all manage jus' fine without threatin' ta send 'em off ta who knows where. If that's how Magneto handles kids," he looked down at Charles and ruffled the baby's hair, not caring his hand mearly encompassed the baby's skull, "well I'd hate to see how he reacts when Chuck here's a teenager himself." He pretended not to notice Rogue's distressed look at her child and the worry her scent suddenly carried. 'I may not be the smartest guy around but ya don't work in covert ops as long as I did an not learn how ta play mind games.' Disinformation and settingpeople against each other were keys in that trade. ****** The door to the late Charles Xavier's office banged open and a large figure loomed in it. Erik Lensherr, the leader of the X-men, had made it his when they had moved the base there. He now strode calmly from behind his desk to speak to his guest. "Hello, Victor. How are you this evening? Where are Clarice and Kyle?" "Kyle's asleep, I don't like carryin' 'round his dead weight unless I gotta. Clarice still ain't back." "Oh, I hope she's all right." "I'm sure ya do." In the blink of an eye he lashed out and had Magneto by the throat and brought him eye to eye. It's hard to control magnetism when struggling for breaths. "Rogue told me about your talk with Clarice. Don't ever do it again. She's as close as I got to a duaghter this place has been her home for a big chunk of her life. Take away the pens and the stuff she was to young ta remember almost half her life." He finally released Erik who took several deep breaths. "She refuses to obey orders." "Then you talk ta me! You don't threaten ta kick her out, ever again!" "We are at war, Victor. We have to have discipline." "We don't need you playin' god. If I wanted ta work fer a guy who has ta have things done his way I'd work for Apocalypse still. She's a kid, we're the closest thing she's got to a family. And in case you fergot we'd be in a hell of lot more danger without her gettin' us ta battle scenes in a split second. You ever threaten her again, then I'm takin' her, Kyle an' I'll convince every X-man who likes her even a little that yer bein' a tyrant an' we can do fine on our own. I already got Rogue wonderin' if it's a good idea ta talk about kickin' her out since it might set a bad precedent if little Chuckie gets outta line when he's older." He paused for a second before continuing. "If you need her ta tow the line more often then tell me and I'll talk to her. She listens to me. Maybe cause I respect her abilities. She's a lot more than just a teleporter. She itches fer action that you don't wanna give her, so you keep her back fer the emergency getaway." "If she were to be killed then any X-men in the area would be trapped." "Maybe. But can you really afford ta stiffle one a are best weapons. Think about that next time yer handin' out the orders. Give her some that she's capable of carryin' out next time." "I will consider it, but you are not the leader of the X-men. I am and those decisions are mine." "Yeah, whatever," Victor headed toward the door, then stopped. "Just one last thing. If I find out Clarice got hurt 'cause a yer little speech ta her an' she decided not ta come back, then I'm gonna gut you. No big loss, this dream a yers came from that Xavier guy. It survived him, it'll survive ya, so no big loss." The End