Disclaimer: Marvel Comics own X-Men. I’m not making any money out of this or any other story I concoct. I’m just borrowing Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy for a while. Trust me, he’s not complaining! Also, I believe Trojan probably has some kind of copyright on their products, but I don’t think they’ll mind me mentioning them, because it’s all in the name of safe sex! This story contains material that some folks just might find offensive: it is intended for mature readers only. Personal note: This story takes a bit of time to heat up. Stick with it, you really might like it! Thank you! Feedback is eagerly anticipated at: Bombshell_chic@hotmail.com Hanky Panky By Bombshell Henry McCoy had been enjoying the campus atmosphere. He’d been invited to be a guest lecturer at Wilkins University for a week. Initially, he hadn’t known what to expect. He’d done the lecture circuit before, mostly dealing with medical institutes and other large bodies of his scientific peers. But lecturing at a small university was different. He’d been treated like an honored guest from the moment he’d arrived in town. The dean of the university and the medical faculty treated him as a kindred intellectual, not just a furry blue genius, and the little university town was quaint and cozy. And of course, there were the keggers. And the impromptu football games. And the female students…. The student body had accepted him wholeheartedly. He’d received a few stares, some startled looks, on his first day. But they’d gotten used to him quickly. He decided that was one of the best things about young scholars- their minds were still open…. His first night on campus, he’d taken a stroll around the twilit grounds, and came upon a football game on the campus common. He hung back to watch; noticing quickly that one side was having its ass handed to it. He wandered closer, and one of the reserve players noticed him. “Hey Doctor Mac!” the young man called to him. “We’re getting our butts whooped! Why don’t you be our mascot? Maybe you could boost morale” he joked. “I don’t know about being the mascot, but if you put me in to play, I just might be able to help you turn the tables” He boy looked to his friends, and they all nodded enthusiastically. “Look at the size of him. He’ll walk all over them,” one added. The game paused for a drink break, and Hank joined the huddle. “You play ball before?” the captain asked him. “I was the star quarterback in high school.” Hank said with a wry grin. “I’ve still got some moves” He guys on the team laughed quietly, looking very pleased. “Buddy, you probably have more experience than all of us put together. We’re the school’s rowing team. Those other guys are the real football players.” “If you row, what the Sam Hill are you doing playing football?” Hank asked. The guys looked around at each other, frowning. “Stupid drinking game.” One of them answered. Hank laughed and shook his head. “That’ll teach you.” He hit the field with them, and very nearly did walk all over the other team. His incredible agility helped him dart around the opposition. No one could stop him. He scored three touchdowns in a row, which seemed to inspire his teammates tremendously. They rallied around him, running the ball as he acted as a chaperone of sorts, easily but gently knocking down anyone who came in for a tackle. They moved ahead point-wise, gaining a healthy lead. Finally, the other team surrendered. For a moment, Hank expected trouble. He knew from experience that footballers didn’t like to loose. But the captain of the opposition came up to him, shaking his head and smiling. “Man, you are awesome. You should have gone professional.” “Well, it was a tempting idea, but other duties called.” “Well, we hate to quit, but we’ve all got lectures early tomorrow. That’s the only reason we’re letting you off the hook. But I demand a rematch at the party on Friday.” “If my team’s up to it, I’ll be happy to help defend our collective honor” Hank told him. “Cool. Afterwards, maybe you can stay and crack open a few kegs with us.” “Football and beer, the usual Friday night ritual, I’m sure….” “Exactly.” The football captain said with a grin. “See you then.” * * * Rumors of the “awesome hairy blue football dude” spread quickly around the campus, and his first lecture the next day was well attended. He knew many of the students were there simply to see what kind of a talk he’d give. They seemed as impressed with him academically as they were athletically, and responded enthusiastically as the end of his talk. After his workshop the next day, he was invited out for a drink at the local bar by the entire class. He’d been pleased by their knowledge and willingness to participate in the demonstrations, and continued to be amazed as he watched them socialize. If they were to be graded on that, he decided, they would all pass with flying colors. A week of lectures, workshops and various scientific demonstrations flew by. He felt enormously satisfied that he’d been able to share his wealth of knowledge with the students. He knew helping them to understand the nature of genetics and the inevitability of mutation could only serve to help his kind in the future. They all accepted what he told them, without disgust or great fear, and the lectures became a forum for enlightened debate on evolution, rather than an airing of hatred and prejudice. And now it was game time. The university’s dean had approached Henry after his last class that afternoon, to tell him he was the most popular guest ever, and invite him to dine with the faculty in the banquet hall. Henry had politely declined the dean’s offer, explaining the promise he’d made to the students earlier in the week. The dean chuckled, and let him off the hook, on the one condition that he set a good example for the students. Henry smiled. Drink some beer, whoop some football ass, party down with some co-eds. Yeah, he figured the kids could handle that…. * * * The football team was in fine form. They’d obviously taken Monday night’s defeat more personally that Hank realized, and had been training hard all week for the rematch. The rowing team had only been rowing; and despite having the bouncing blue Beast on their side, they once again were being trampled. The footballers had worked stringently on their defense. Every time Henry got the ball, he found himself buried alive by almost the entire opposing team. That was the only way they could stop him. It was tiring to them, but wickedly effective. They got ahead point-wise early on, and despite a spirited and gallant effort, Henry’s rowers just couldn’t bounce back. They played a shortened game of four fifteen minute quarters. The entire student body turned out to watch. Henry still managed to sneak in a few spectacular moves, and scored some much-needed points. But when it was all over, the real footballers had won the day, trouncing the rowing team and Henry 18-11. Despite their moderately humiliating loss, the rowers were in high spirits. With some effort, they hoisted McCoy onto their shoulders, and carried him around. The crowd poured onto the field and began mixing it up with the players. After a few minutes the rowing team let Henry down, and he began to mingle with the students. He received all kinds of pats on the back and congratulations. It the distance, music began to play, a low thumping beat from someone’s souped-up car stereo. The football heroes began dispensing beer from one of the many kegs. A pretty young woman approached Henry, two overflowing beers in her hands. She carefully handed one to him. “Who pays for all this beer?” Henry asked her. “The students. The student social council organizes it. As long as no-one gets hurt or damages property, no-one seems to mind.” She told him. “Everyone here lives on campus, so no-one tries to drink and drive. Security wouldn’t let them out of the car park if they did.” She added with a wry grin. Henry was suspicious. Alcohol and young people were a notoriously dangerous combination. And he was willing to bet that very few of these kids were actually the legal drinking age… He found it hard to believe that everyone behaved themselves sufficiently. “Just don’t really mention it to the faculty, okay” she added, conspiratorially. “Right.” Henry said, suspicions confirmed. “My name’s Laura” the pretty student told him. He remembered her face from several of his classes. She seemed an enthusiastic student, always sitting at the front and taking copious notes. “So, Laura, what’s your major?” Hank asked coyly, playing on the old college pick-up line joke. Laura smiled and chuckled. “Creative writing.” “Oh” Hank said, surprised. “I saw you in many of my talks. I had you figured for pre-med or biology.” Laura shook her head, her wavy strawberry blonde hair shining under the field lights. “I just like to learn about all sorts of things, for my writing. You know.” Hank nodded. “That’s good. An inquiring mind.” “I’ve always been interested in science, too, I guess. You made the demonstrations really fun. You’re definitely the best lecture they’ve brought out here.” She smiled prettily at him. “Thank you, my dear.” Hank murmured. He studied her. She reminded him vaguely of Jean, when Jean had first come to the Xavier Institute. Her hair was nowhere near as fiery as Jean’s, but she had the same sparkling green eyes and delightful smile. She was lovely to look at, and Henry had a hard time taking his eyes from her when he felt someone tugging at his arm. “Hey Mac, time for a team photo!” one of his rowing team comrades enthused. Hank nodded, and turned back to Laura as he let himself be dragged off. “Thanks for the beer.” He called to her. She smiled mischievously at him. “No problem. I’ll talk to you later.” Hank nodded and smiled. * * * Henry sat back amongst his football teammates. He’d had almost as much to drink as the rest of them, but was considerably less worse for wear. But he’d found that by and large, Laura had been right, for the most part the students seemed to be behaving themselves. The majority of them were not drunk, either, which secretly pleased him. He liked to see people defying stereotypes. He had a pleasant heaviness in his limbs, brought on by his few beers. He was loafing around in the bleachers with the rowers, many of whom were intoxicated. So far, he’d managed to prevent them from playing anymore drinking games with the footballers. The crowd had thinned out slightly, but there were still plenty of kids hanging around. And the music was still going on somewhere in the background, as loud and distorted as before. He saw Laura heading in his direction, and casually appraised her as she approached. She was quite tall, probably about 5’10” and looked curvy yet muscular. She had good-sized breasts, too, Hank noted. She arrived next to him. “How are you feeling?” she asked. She didn’t seem drunk in the slightest. “Good…. Relaxed.” Henry admitted. “Come for a walk. I have something neat to show you.” “Okay” Henry muttered, and slowly got to his feet. They walked together across the playing field, heading towards the tree line, which lay just beyond the field. The campus backed on to moderately thick forest, and they walked through it in silence. The trees blocked out the light from the school almost immediately, but the moon was almost full, and brightly lit their way. “I hope you don’t come out here by yourself at night, or at any time of day, for that matter.” Hank said. “No, only with friends.” She told him. Henry nodded, glad that she felt comfortable enough to be alone with him; when it came right down to it, he was still a stranger, even if he was a teacher. After quite a walk, they came to a clearing. “Here we go” Laura told him. She settled herself on the ground. “The moon is probably a bit bright tonight, but you’ll still be able to see the stars. We’re far enough away from the lights at the school. On a clear night, you can see every star in the sky!” She lay back on the ground, gazing up at the sky, and in the moonlight, Henry could see the almost blissful look on her face. He settled himself beside her. “This is a favorite hobby of yours?” he asked. “Yeah. I love to stargaze with my friends. I’m from the suburbs, close enough to the city that the light spoils the night sky. But out here, it’s just about perfect.” They lay back together, silently worshipping the night sky. They began to chat here and there, Laura laughing at Henry’s witty asides. He made her talk about herself, which she seemed hesitant to do at first. But once she got started, Henry found himself looking at her, not up at the stars. He felt a strong attraction to her, which he was not entirely certain was appropriate. She stopped talking after a while and they lay together in silence again. She turned to look at him, propping herself up on her elbows. She reached up and touched Henry’s thick, furry hair. She worked her fingers down his fuzzy sideburns to his neck. She stroked the soft fur under his chin for a moment, then reached down to fondle the tufts of blue chest fur peaking out of the neckline of his shirt. He gentle touch was slightly erotic, and Henry felt arousal stir inside him. “You’re a lot softer that I thought you’d be. It must be weird to be blue and furry.” She commented. “Yes. I used to be almost normal looking, in high school. Back then I just had rather large hands and feet.” “Then what happened?” “Science experiment gone wrong” he told her with a wry smile. “I tried to correct my mistake, but to no avail. Oh, my stars and garters, was I ever mad at myself!” She chuckled lightly. “But you got used to it.” “I guess so. If you can ever get used to turning blue and growing hair all over your body….” “I like it.” she told him, continuing to play with the hair atop his chest. She moved her hand over his shirt down his chest, and rubbed his belly. Henry sighed involuntarily. “Take your shirt off.” She murmured. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Henry told her sadly. “I think it’s a brilliant idea.” She answered. Henry chuckled. She sat up quite suddenly and whipped her own top off. Henry was surprised that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Kids these days” he muttered to himself. She lay down next to him again, a knowing look on her face as she watched him look at her breasts. “Now, why exactly are you trying to seduce me?” Henry asked her. “There’s no seduction involved. I’m just making it apparent that I’m attracted to you, and would like to fool around. Do you have a problem with that?” “No problem” Hank said, immediately surrendering and leaning in to kiss her. It had been so long since he’d been involved with a woman, he felt like it would be near impossible to refuse. And he didn’t want to say no! He allowed the morals of the situation to bounce quietly around in his head, and he ignored them while he concentrated on kissing Laura. He allowed to her to unbutton his shirt, and she ran her eager fingers through his ample chest hair as she continued to kiss him hungrily. He slowly pushed her pants down, gently fondling her firm rear with his huge hands. He stroked her thighs and she moaned appreciatively, moving her knees apart so he could touch her more intimately. He took a deep breath. This was the part that made him nervous- figuring out how a woman like to be touched and made love to, without accidentally hurting her in the process. He was so big and strong, it was hard not to get overzealous. She moaned with delight as his fingers caressed her sensitive flesh. She reached down and rubbed him through his pants, feeling him get even harder. She swallowed nervously as she undid him. She maneuvered his trousers down, releasing his large, swollen erection. Henry kicked his pants the rest of the way off as Laura hesitated. She was stunned by the size of him. “I don’t know if I should be really, really impressed, or really, really intimidated.” She admitted. “Don’t be afraid. I know it looks huge, but I won’t hurt you. We don’t have to, if you don’t want….” “Oh, I want to.” Laura admitted with a chuckle. She felt incredibly aroused by the though of him putting that monster-sized thing inside her. Even if it did hurt. She touched him again, and Hank sighed with delight. Laura found she couldn’t quite close her fingers around the thickness, which scared her- she had pretty big hands for a woman. She was glad that at least his member wasn’t covered in fur like the rest of him. That would be too weird - like using a shag-pile condom! She leaned over him, and with some effort and much care, took him into her mouth. He was a dark, dark shade of blue, almost inky black in some areas. His fur was slightly coarser, like regular pubic hair, around the base of his shaft, but it was still the same shade of royal blue as the rest of him. Henry moaned, and his hips arched as put her mouth on him. He was enjoying himself, but couldn’t get one nagging thought out of his mind. It was getting harder to articulate his thoughts; and with what she was doing to him, he felt he might be rendered mute momentarily. “Mmm…. Uh, Laura?” he breathed. “Yeah?” “Uh, do you have a… uh, some protection?” he choked out. “Of course” she told him. “Good. Good. Uh, though…. I can’t really use the regular ones…. Because I’m rather big….” “It’s okay. I have an extra large one and a Trojan ENZ, which is supposed to be pretty roomy.” She reached towards her pants, which were on the ground next to Henry, and fumbled around in the pockets, producing two small packets. She handed them to him, then went back to work. Henry lay back, holding them in his hand. “You must’ve been a Girl Scout.” He muttered. She took him out of her mouth. “Because I was prepared for this eventuality? I told you, I wanted to fool around with you. I happen to have a lot of confidence in myself. I figured I could probably get you to go along with me!” She smiled slyly up at him. “Okay, Lolita.” He goaded her. Laura lay down again beside him, and pulled him into her arms. He rubbed his huge throbbing cock against her as they kissed again. “I want you on top of me.” She whispered. “That may not be a good idea. I’m very, very heavy. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being crushed.” “It’ll be okay. I want to feel your weight on top of me. I want you to be in charge.” Hank didn’t think he could be more aroused. “We can try it.” He sat up, and went about trying to put on one of the prophylactics. “This isn’t going to work.” He muttered. She sat up next to him. “Try the other one, big guy.” She said, coyly. She took the rubber from the packet, and very carefully put it on him. “How does that feel?” she asked him. “I think it’ll work,” he admitted. “Good. But remember, it’s our only one, so make it count!” She joked. She pulled Hank on top of her. He moved between her thighs, weight balanced on his knees and forearms. It was going to be like doing push-ups, girly style, only much, much more fun…. He teased the tip against her. “Are you sure about this?” “Go for it.” She whispered. “Relax.” He whispered. He was torn between his impending pleasure, and the immediate discomfort he knew she was in for. He pushed his big dick inside her. Her eyes opened wide as she looked up at him. “Oh wow! You are so big!” she exclaimed. He had it completely inside her now. He pulled it almost all the way out, then inched it back in again. “What do you think?” he asked, worried she was in various amounts of pain. “I think you’ll ruin me for regular sized men! Fuck me, I want to see what it feels like!” she muttered, still a little stunned. Henry grinned, and began to move in and out of her. She felt like she fit him like a glove. The friction from moving inside her stimulated him, and he could feel waves of pleasure slowly build in his body. He picked up a nice, steady rhythm, bearing down on her hips relentlessly. He leaned in and licked the beads of sweat gathering between her breasts, then kissed up her neck to her mouth. She had her head back, eyes closed, and Henry wasn’t certain if she was in pleasure or in pain. She kept her arms wrapped around his broad furry shoulders, then reached up with her legs, and wrapped them around his waist. He reached down and held her around the waist, bearing down onto her. She began to moan. “Laura?” he whispered. She began to moan louder, and gripped him vice-like with her legs. Her back arched and she thrust her hips up to meet his violently, pushing herself almost completely off the ground. “Oh, god, Henry! That feels so good!” she cried as the climax hit her. Henry could feel the spasm of her muscles, and knew she must be enjoying the friction, too. She continued to moan and buck beneath him for several moments, until her orgasm subsided. She lay back, looking up at him, sweaty and still breathing hard. Henry continued to thrust, not skipping a beat. He could feel his own climax rapidly rising, and began to move harder and faster into her. She still had her legs around his waist, and moved with him. He bore down on her with his hips, almost grinding her into the ground. His thrusts were short and deep and he rubbed hard against her. She started to come again, gripping him so hard around the waist he though she might fracture some of his ribs. She cried out wildly, holding tightly to him. Feeling her come again sent him over. He came violently, grabbing her thighs and using them as leverage to thrust urgently into her. He grunted at the effort, unable to think straight enough to even say her name. He pressed her so aggressively into the ground, he worried he might accidentally fracture some of her ribs. She lay beneath him, completely spent, shoulders heaving, and a huge smile on her lovely face. Henry’s fur was matted slightly with sweat. He carefully pulled out of her, trying to keep the abused rubber in place. Having nothing else to use, he wrapped it up in the handkerchief from his shirt pocket. He moved over her again, and they kissed passionately. “Did you like that?” he whispered. She sighed with delight. “I thought you were going to split me open. I’ve never had a cock that big inside me. It felt so good.” “Good” Henry murmured. “You felt as soft as satin.” He nuzzled against her neck. They lay cuddled up for a long time, relaxing but not quite dozing off. It quickly got too cold, even with their shared body heat, to stay naked. They got dressed, then decided to head back. Laura groaned as Henry helped her to her feet. “Saddle sore! I’m gonna’ walk like John Wayne!” Henry couldn’t help but laugh. “Would you like me to carry you?” he offered. She shook her head. “I’ll be okay. But now that the moon has set, it’s going to be tough to see walking back. Can you hold my hand, I have really bad night vision.” “Of course” Hank said, taking her hand and kissing it. They moved slowly through the woods, Hank’s skilled eyes finding the trail without too much trouble. They were almost back at the campus when Laura stopped suddenly. She took Hank’s other hand in hers, and turned to face him, even though in the low light, they could hardly see each other. “Henry….” Laura began. “It’s okay. I know this was just a one night thing.” He told her. He hadn’t really decided how he felt about the whole thing just yet. He was incredibly grateful for the sex; and he was pretty sure that’s all it was. It was uncharacteristic of him to do something like this. But somehow it didn’t feel wrong- maybe because she’d initiated it. “I do really like you, and I wouldn’t want you to feel used or hurt, but, you see; I collect experiences. For my writing. And that’s kind of what this was. I really enjoyed being with you.” “It was my pleasure,” Henry told her, wanting to reassure her he was fine with it. “As far as things go, this was definitely my best sex experience ever.” She told him. “Really?” Hank said, pleasantly surprised. “I’ve never actually come during intercourse before. It was really sensational. Thank you.” Hank had the overwhelming desire to lay her down so they could repeat the experience. He took a deep breath. “Now if I ever want to write erotica or porn or racy romance novels, maybe I’ll sound like I know what I’m talking about when I have the heroine thrashing around in the rapture of orgasm.” They both laughed at that. “And maybe one day when I’m writing something hot, I’ll name the hero after you.” Hank smiled. “And what will he be like?” “Big, smart, sweet-natured… and unbelievably good at sex….” Hank couldn’t wait to read that story…. The End….