
Chapter 23


Raine awoke with a start,her last momeries popping into mind.She sat up,and
looked about her surroundings.She was in a jail-like cell...gray walls,a cot she
was sitting on,a small door that probably led to a bathroom,and some more
walls.Raine stood and walked to the iron barred exit,and looked through.There
were two ways,left or right.They both looked the same,leading off to
elevators.Infront of her was a door that said "Bio-Lab" above the door.Raine
shuddered,remembering what a Bio-Lab was.

Raine pulled on the metal bars,knowing she couldn't pull them out,but it was
worth a try.Raine gave up and headed for the only window in her room.It was
tinted and looked like bullet proof...no escaping out there.

"Miss Selena,I am Captain Krychek.How are you feeling this morning?"

Raine turned to see a tall,older,dark skinned man standing outside the barred
entrance.He was smiling,and Raine couldn't tell if it was completely
sincere.Raine slowly turned her head to the other direction and kept silent.He
was wearing a officer's uniform.

"I apologize that you were taken so suddenly from the hospital,but we had to be
discreet and quick."The man said,trying to win back her attention.

Raine continued staring at the wall,uninterested in anything that man would have
to say.

A clicking sound was heard as the barred door unlocked,and it swung open.The man
stepped in,and shut it behind him.It clicked again to lock.The man walked over
and took a sit next to Raine.He bent forward and rested his elbows on his
knees."You know...I used to read to you when you were little.Do you remember?"

Raine remembered the man now...at least his voice.He did read to her,to get her
to sleep when she was being held in that base.He was always kind to her,but
still,he was one of them.

"And I used to play movies for you...You always loved "Fly Away
Home.""Cpt.Krychek said,attempting to stir up conversation.

Raine didn't look back,or reply.She didn't want to be here.

"You're here for a very important reason,you know that?"

Raine snapped.He didn't know what was important for her,only what they
wanted.Raine jumped up and whirled around."Why,so you all can experiment on
me?That's important how?!"

The man stood,and held up his hands,trying to calm her."There are many
reasons.I'm not permitted to say them yet,but you will know soon."

Raine smiled,but not a happy one.A angry one,which showed exactly how she was
feeling.She turned and stalked over to the window,and stared out of it."You want
to know why I liked that movie so much?Because I wanted to be one of those
geese,so I could fly free somewhere,and not be here."

The man was silent for a moment."You've grown up beautifully.I feel I've missed
a good deal of seeing you grow up,and I find it somewhat sad."

Raine laughed bitterly."Why do you care?"

"I have two daughters,they were as young as you when I was taking care of you.I
didn't see them as much as I saw you then,and I felt like you were my own,just
addopted."He said,looking at her,with a smile on his face.He looked proud..

Raine looked back out the window.She was in Manhatten...in some tall
building.Raine decided she was done speaking to him.She was continued to look
out the window as he left with out a word to her.

Raine sished and then angrily banged a fist to the window,hoping it would
break.She stared at her fist,resting against the window,as the dull pain
traveled up her arm.She retrated her arm,twirled and did a round-about kick to
the window as hard as she could.Her heel bounced off and sent her sprawling back
on her butt.She angrily sat there,and for the first time in a long time,she


"I was only 19 when she was taken from me...the last memory I have of her is
when she turned back at me before she got on that plane.She was wearing a violet
shirt with hearts on it I had bought for her,and jeans,and sneakers....She had a
flower,a  purple daisy,tucked behind her ear,and she waved her little hand at
me,and that was the last time I saw her."

"What is your name?"Xavier asked the woman,who st on a coach in the large living
room in his mansion.Ororo,Jean,Scott,Logan,Jubilee,and Rogue all stood

"Hannah Cusak."The woman replied,keeping a steady composure.

"Why didn't you look for Raine all these years?"Jubilee asked,somewhat upset.

"Don't give me that,I"ve done everything I could to find Selena,God knows I
have."Hannah replied."I did a social security check for her to see if she was
enrolled in any schools or if she had been to any hospitals,but I didn't find
any.I went everywhere looking for her,and I once got a lead to California,that
she had been adopted,but Social Services wouldn't return my calls.I went all
over California looking for her,sometimes,even door to door,and school to
school.after a few years,I had to give up because the stress was unbearable.I
always kept my eye out in the news for her,because I know she's a mutant,and her
powers...God help me,I'm the only one who can help her understand them."

"How did you know to look at that hospital?"Jean asked.

"I was in Bakersfeild,heading out of New York to Illinois,but I saw the breaking
news and drove three hours to get there...but I was too late...they've taken her
again.I don't even know what she looks like..."

"I got a picture..."Jubilee said,fishing into her pocket,"When Me,her,and Rogue
were hanging out a last monday.She handed over the slightly bent photograph to
the woman.

The picture showed Rogue,Jubilee,and Raine all squished onto a a recliner,the
one that was just sitting a few feet from the couch.Rogue sat on one arm,leaning
her clothed elbow on Jubilee's shoulder,smiling broadly.Jubilee was sticking out
her tounge and crossing her eyes at the camera.Raine was on the other
arm,leaning back,and smiling.It was a simple closed mouth smile,and her long
golden brown curls just fell over her shoulders,and her cheeks still had a bit
of roundness as they did when she was four.Her cheeks were slightly pink from a
natural blush she had,and her eyes reflected happiness.She wasn't looking at the
camera,she was looking at Jubilee,and the camera had caught her before she had
cracked up laughing.

Hannah made a sound and covered her mouth when she saw the picture."That's my
little girl!"She cried,nearly bursting out in tears.Her eyes memorized the
image,burning it in memory.

"She's a fine young lady.Very confident and well mannered."Xavier said,half
lying.Raine could be oppinionated sometimes,but her mother only needed to hear
good things right now.

"She's a very fun person to be around.We're best friends,her,me,and
Rogue."Jubilee said,proudly.

"Yeah,we are."Rogue said,smiling.

Hannah's eyes never left the photo.She clutched it,as if holding onto the only
hope that her daughter was even alive.

"We need to start to discussing how we are going to find Raine."Xavier
said."Will you help us,Hannah?"

Hannah looked at Xavier,and nodded."Of course I will."



Chapter 24


"So,the operation will be mostly cosmetic.We are just going to remove your wing
growths.In time,if they aren't removed,the could seriously affect your spine,and
even be hazardous to your health."A male Surgeon lied,folding his arms,with a
fake smile.

"You want to cut my wings off?"Raine asked,lightly.She sat on a stool,next to a
table in a small conference room.She wore her jean shorts she had from the
movies,but was now wearing a specially tailored shirt made for the surgery.It
was a simple white cotton tanktop,but only had two small straps that fitted over
her back,leaving her lower back and shoulder blades exposed.

"Yes.They will be use for research for cures for many diseases.Aren't you proud
that you'll be helping mankind with curing them of their diseases?"The man

Raine gave him a blank look."Should I be?Your cutting a piece of my f***ing body

The docter laughed."Well,don't you feel even a little proud?"

Raine looked up at him and narrowed her eyes."I've made it clear I do not like
you and yet...you still talk to me..."

The docter kept the smile,"Alright wiseass,let's go prep for surgery.I think
we'll hold the anesthetics."

Raine showed no emotion as the man dragged her off,to surgery.


Raine didn't struggle as her arms were strapped down above her head,as she lay
on her stomach on the operation table.Her legs were also being strapped
down.There were about fourteen nurses in the room,and two surgeons.Raine didn't
struggle at all.Why bother?She was defeated,even if she escaped,where would she
go?To Xavier's?Did she truly belong there?No....Would she go to New York?She
couldn't go anywhere...Magneto would find her...So,giving up is the only
option.Let them experiment,cut me open and see what makes me tick.She rested her
head on her left cheek,staring at the white wall ahead of her.The last glow of    
fire died from her eyes as the first scapel entered the flesh of her shoulder.

The instant th scapel entered her flesh,a her shoulders reacted.Her wings shot
from her back,knocking half of the nurses away.The rest jumped back in
surprise.A thin,small trickle of blood ran down the side of Raine's back.

"Holy s***...holy s***..."One of the docters chanted,holding his chest.He shook
his head and stood up.

Fight.Raine's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.All my life....everyone's told me
what to do,or had plans for me...I've lost my life to everyone because of
that.I'm going to get it back now.....That's what I want,my freedom.Raine's eyes
began to glow red,deep red.

One of the docters stiffened."S***.Her eyes are glowing..is she going to do

"Security!!"A coupke of the nurses shouted.

Raine ripped her arms free,and flapped her wings,pulling her legs free.She
hovered above the table,and the people,staring at them with a blank expression.

Fight....forgive...war....peace....hate...love..no...yes......do it!!Raine's
head jerked up,and she turned in midair to the group of people.All thought and
emotion drained from her.

A small smile crept over her mouth.One of the nurses headed over to the door,but
the electronic lock buzzed closed.The nurse pulled,but couldn't get the door

Raine let herself to the ground.She grabbed a scapel off the table and turned to
the nearest docter,who tried to grab her arm.She whirled out of his reached and
raised the scapel up then brought it harshly down.The scapel sunk into the
docter's arm,in deep.

"F***!!"The docter swore,an inhuman sound also came from him,as he sunk to a
sitting position,holding his arm.Raine felt his surprise,his fear.

Raine leaned her chest forwrad,doing a spinning kick,her foot connecting with
the side of a woman's head.Raine did her kick with such force,she heard the
crack of the woman's skull,before the woman went sprawling.Raine then turned to
a close group of three men,whom all had looks of fear and uncertainty on their

Raine lunged at one,knocking the middle man to the ground.Before they
landed,Raine grabbed ahold of his head,and as they hit,she slammed his head
against the ground.Raine was jerked back by one of the men,and she saw the other
coming with a needle,with a sedative in it.Before the man was close enough to
stick it in her,Raine tripped him with her foot.She brought the heel of her foot
down on his hand,and then grabbed the needle.While that man howled in pain about
his broken wrist,Raine turned and stabbed the needle into the other man's
neck.The man instantly groped for the needle,his muscels already heavy.When he
pulled the needle out,the drugs kicked in.He fell onto his side,unconcsious.

Raine turned to the rest of the people,giving them a look,challenging any to
oppose her.Raine walked slowly over to a window.She stopped infont of it.She
brought her arm up,balled her fist,and punched through it,ignorant the searing
pain of glass slicing over her knuckles and arm.She let the glass drop,and she
jumped out into the air,catching herself with her wings.Raine numbly looked
around,unaware of what she just did,and flew off towards New York.


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