Logan lay, half-awake after one of those falling dreams. Something didn’t feel quite right, and he figured he must have fallen out of bed again. He shifted a little, then stopped cold. Strange smells of saltwater and foliage filled his nose, and what he expected to be carpet beneath him was soft and grainy, like... sand? He sat up quickly, flashing out his claws, and blinked in confusion at the stretch of sandy beach and ocean before him. The memory flooded back around his confusion. Bishop had been preparing to go back to his time, and was having problems with his teleportation device. Beast had done all he could to fix it, but they were still unsure what would happen when it was actually used. Logan had been distinctly uncomfortable with Jean standing as close as the departing Bishop as she was, and went to pull her back a little. He stepped up and grabbed her arm, taking a glimmer of pleasure from the irate look on Scott’s face. At that moment, Bishop had hit his teleportation device, and somehow, he and Jean were sucked into the wake of the time traveler. He’d heard the cries of some of the others at a distance as they were pulled away, but he couldn't move, though he could see Bishop ahead of them. Bishop had accelerated away, and Logan felt a shift, then the sensation of falling. Up until the moment he started falling, he was aware of still holding onto Jean’s arm. He jumped up and turned. Jean lay, unmoving, not far from where he was. “JEAN!” he howled, leaping to her side. Retracting his claws, he carefully turned her on her back. He was afraid to check to see if she was still breathing. She had what appeared to be relatively minor scrapes and bruises, but she was still not moving. After a few breathless minutes, she moaned softly and he wept in relief. He hugged her to his chest, and shook her gently “Jean. Jeanie. Come back to me. Come on Jean.” “Scott?” she mumbled, presing closer, her hands softly rubbing his chest. “Scott, what happened?” Logan closed his eyes, sighing. “No, darlin’. It’s Logan.” Jean snapped fully awake, pulling herself away from him as if his flesh was burning her, looks of confusion and fear alternating on her face. He struggled to maintain composure, and had to turn away from her. “I’m not sure what happened... I think... I don’t even know where we are.” Jean shook her head, trying to clear her mind, and attempted to reach the Professor telepathically. To her horror, she realized that she couldn’t sense any of the other X-Men - not even Scott. She hadn’t even completely lost her connection with Scott when she was possessed by the Phoenix. She was filled with a deep sense of loss and grief. She fell to her knees, suddenly overwhelmed with hopelessness. “They’ll never be able to find us. How can they? We don’t even know where or *when* we are. Oh, Scott...” Wolverine grunted and turned to her abruptly. “Look, it looks like we still got a few hours of daylight left. You stay here. I’m gonna check the rest of this place out, see if there’s someone who can tell us *something*...” “Don’t waste your time,” she sighed. “There’s no one else around.” “Well, maybe I can find *something* that will tell us when or where we are. Or...” She didn’t reply, just knelt in the sand, looking miserable. He fought the urge to take her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be OK – partially because he was afraid she’d just push him away again. He set out to explore the island. He carefully checked the place out, paying close attention to what his senses could tell him, but beneath it, his mind was whirring. In all the times he’d ever fantasized about being alone with Jean, this kind of rejection had never even occured to him. He also knew that Scott would waste no time looking for her, especially knowing that she was with him, and he had, doubtless, turned every resource at their disposal to finding her.. Some nagging part of him felt sure that if he were the only one lost, Scott wouldn’t exactly be in a big rush to recover him. A thought struck him – what if Cyke found her while he was gone, and decided to rid himself of Logan once and for all and just left him there? He was probably too much of a goody two shoes, plus he couldn’t see her actually letting him do that, but... maybe she would rather be rid of him too. He sighed and continued on, making mental notes about the wildlife, the terrain, and the local flora. He tested a couple fruits from the trees, knowing that if they were bad he could recover much easier than Jean could. He tasted the water, and circled the whole island. He had no idea where they were, or even if they were on earth, but it appeared very earth-like, the plants and animals seemed to be only slightly different than what he was used to, and he’d noticed no ill-effects from the fruits he’d eaten. There also appeared to be no large predators... all good things. But, it was already starting to get chilly, and it wasn’t even dark yet. He headed back to where he’d left Jean, expecting her to be in the same position he’d left her in. When he came around into the cove where they’d awoken, his heart skipped a beat when he didn’t see her, and he wondered if he really had been abandoned there. He was relieved to see her moving near the edge of the forest. She was building some basic shelter from low-hanging branches of one of the trees, tying them to young saplings, close to the ground. This particular tree seemed especially well-suited for it, and she’d tried to be as gentle with it as she could. The resulting space was a fairly large semi-circle around the trunk of the tree. She had found some plants with enormous leaves, woven some into the ‘roof’, and took a few to use as flooring and bedding. She had hoped to construct makeshift beds before he returned, but she felt his eyes on her before she could do it. While she kept her hands busy, her mind was desperately searching for a connection, another presence somewhere nearby. The only thing she’d been able to sense in her searching were some dark Wolverine thoughts. She kept feeling around for the connection she’d always had to Scott. Their connection was like an anchor for her, and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it being gone. She also felt a little guilty about treating Logan unkindly on the beach. He’d tried to hide his feelings, but they were evident to her. At the same time, she didn’t want him to get the idea that just because Scott wasn’t around, she’d just fall into bed with him. He walked up to her, handed her a couple fruit, and looked at the shelter she’d built. “you missed your calling, Jeanie... you shoulda been an interior decorator.” She shot him a nasty look and he looked away. She eyed the fruit suspiciously. “Are you sure this stuff is ok?” He looked hurt. “I wouldn’t have given it to you if it wasn’t.” She dropped her eyes and silently ate the fruit, while he went back out to the beach and sat facing the water. She came out to join him a few minutes later, sinking down on the sand next to him, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “What did you find out?” He glanced over at her, then looked back out at the water. “It’s a pretty small island. Don’t seem to be any large animals or predators around. Fish look pretty normal.... I’m not sure if we’re on earth or not, but I think we can survive OK...” He saw her starting to tear up out of the corner of his eye, but didn’t know if he should reach out to comfort her or not. He took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. “Here,” he said awkwardly, “it’s starting to get cold.” She nodded, trying to wipe her eyes without him noticing. In her mind, she’d heard the unspoken ending of his description of the island “...for the rest of our lives, if we have to.” She wondered if they *would* be here the rest of their lives, or if five minutes from now, Scott would be running toward her, scooping her up in his arms and raining kisses over her face. They watched the sun set in silence, then got up and walked back to the shelter. She held back while he ruffled up some of the leaves for a makeshift bed, undressed except for his pants, and lay down. She set up her own bedding a couple feet away from him and lay down, covering herself with his jacket and some leaves. She slept fitfully, awakening repeatedly, disoriented and confused. She could hear Logan breathing, and caught herself fantasizing briefly about his strong arms wrapped around her. She reminded herself that she was just cold and lonely. She wasn’t used to sleeping alone. He watched her as she woke, shifted, dozed, and woke again. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. As the night dragged on, he heard her moving. He peered closely, and saw that she was shivering and rubbing her arms. He slid up behind her and eased his arms around her. He felt her stiffen and try to pull away. “Hey,” he whispered. “I don’t want to have to explain to Scott how I let you freeze to death.” She relaxed a little, grateful for the radiating heat she felt from him, and, though she could never admit it to him, grateful too for the feeling of him so close and comforting. She was also touched and pleased to notice that he was very careful about where he was placing his hands. It would be easy for him to just say it was more comfortable to rest his hands against her chest or hips, but he had placed one arm under her head with his hand stretched out ahead of her, and the other hand was cautiously tucked under her waist. As she started to doze off, she felt like she was melting against him. He felt her relax and breathe deeply as she fell asleep. He closed his eyes and let his guard down just a little, so he could enjoy the smell of her hair, the soft touch of it as it brushed his arm, the feel of her body against him. He stared at her longingly, squeezing her gently and sighing. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d imagined them lying together like this, but he’d wanted it to be born of mutual desire, not the need for warmth. And he certainly never expected to use Scott’s name to convince her. Still, although it was not quite perfect, he felt blissful. He easily fell into the most peaceful sleep he could remember. Jean woke to the chirping of birds and Logan’s snoring, and remembered what had happened with a soft pit of sorrow in her belly. At some point in the night, she had turned around, facing him. She had tucked her head under his chin, and opened her eyes to the thick mat of his chest hair. Instinctively, she reached her fingers out and played with it, running her fingers through it, coiling a few strands around her pinky. After a few minutes, she felt him move, and she pulled back a little, startled. He was watching her, looking extremely amused. She sat up. “I...I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I was just....” “What,” he teased, “never seen a hairy chest up close before?” She snorted and got up, walking out onto the beach. He smirked, and followed her out. She was pulling her boots off and standing at the edge of the water. She turned and looked at him. “Do you suppose it’s safe to swim?” “Only one way to find out,” he replied, and started unfastening his pants. Jean’s eyes widened, and she quickly glanced away. He chuckled. “It’s ok, darlin, I’ve got shorts on.” She smiled a little but kept her eyes down. He shook his head and waded into the water, then swam around, diving under for short periods of time. After one particularly long dive, he emerged with a wriggling fish speared on one of his claws. He swam into shore and smiled at her “Looks like we’ve got breakfast. Water looks fine, but don’t go too far out.” He noticed the uncomfortable look on her face and wondered if he’d shocked her with the fish. He went up the beach and dropped the fish partway up, then went up to the edge of the forest, picking up some dead branches. He looked up and saw that she had waded in up to her knees, still fully clothed, and kept turning back to look at him. “Jean!” he called “what are you doing?” She stopped. He walked over to her, dropping the wood next to the fish on his way to her. She had folded her arms across her chest and a sulky look pulled the corners of her mouth into a frown. “I’m sure you’d love me to strip down, Logan, but I’m not going to get naked in front of you.” He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Jeanie, we don’t have any clothes here but what we’re wearing. It’s not like we got to pack for our little island holiday here. Suit yourself, but if you wear those clothes in the water, you’re going to have to take them off when you get out, and I’m betting you’d rather be naked in the water than sitting around on the beach. Am I right?” She sighed. “Yeah, I know. But... I’m sorry, Logan, I just don’t feel comfortable getting naked in front of you.” He grinned impishly “Would it make you feel better if I got naked too?” He slid his thumbs under the waistband of his shorts. She whacked him lightly on the arm. “Cut it out. There’s no need to tease me so much. Sheesh.” “Aw, you know I’m just playin with ya, Jean.” “Yeah yeah....” “Look,” he said sincerely. “I’ll turn around. I’m going to clean and cook the fish anyway. I won’t watch you. I promise.” She studied his face for a moment, then nodded. “OK. Don’t turn around until I tell you it’s ok.” He nodded and turned around, walking back to the wood and the fish. He carefully cleaned the fish and started the fire, his ears burning with the sounds of her clothes hitting the sand, then her splashing in the water. He fantasized that it was his mouth and hands swirling around her body the way the water was, smoothing over her soft skin. His growing arousal was cut short as, distracted, he didn’t realize he was getting too close to the flames and the unforgiving heat singed his hand. He flinched and cussed, rubbing and examining his hand. It wasn’t bad, already quickly healing, but he knew better than to stop paying attention to a fire. He silently berated himself, and pronged the fish on his claws, carefully cooking it over the flames. Jean had sensed a flash of pain from Wolverine and decided to come back to the beach, though she felt like she could float endlessly in this water. She had been watching him from the water, though deep down she knew that he wouldn’t make a promise that he wouldn’t keep. She stood on the beach, wringing out her hair and enjoying the sensuous feel of the soft wind over her body. She felt her nipples perk, the combination of the heavy water, the shimmering air, the soft sand sifting beneath her toes making her body feel more alive than she could ever remember. She wanted to just put on her bra and panties, but she didn’t feel quite comfortable with that. She knelt in the sand, flattening out her pants so they would dry better, and lay down on her back, closing her eyes. She moved her hands over her body, and let herself lapse into a daydream of other hands on her body, not Scott’s soft, smooth hands, but the rough, weathered hands of Wolverine.... his body pressing against her... his lips on hers... “You almost done? Food’s ready,” he called. She sat up quickly, blushing furiously, and pulled on her shirt and her damp pants. After breakfast, they walked around the island and Logan led her through the woods to a small clearing. Watching her carefully, he said “I think we should build our permanent shelter here.” She raised an eyebrow. “Permanent?” “Look... I don’t want to take away your hope, but... we don’t know how long we’ll be here. We don’t know how time here passes on earth. The shelter we have is fine for now, but what happens if there’s a storm? Or if it keeps getting colder at night?” She sighed and nodded. “Yeah.... you’re probably right. And... well, what else are we going to do all day?” A few choice ideas came to Logan’s mind. He actively suppressed them but couldn’t prevent a quick smile. He tried to look serious, and sent her to check out the trees on the further side of the clearing. Jean was quick to hurry away. She hadn’t intentionally been scanning Logan’s mind, but caught a few graphic images of what he thought they could do all day. Despite everything else, she found herself extremely aroused. This was not the warm, loving passion she felt for Scott, but something wild and untamed, something she hadn’t experienced before. The lust she felt shocked her, yet felt completely natural. Scott was the only man she’d ever really been serious about, the only man she’d ever been intimate with. She’d always felt an attraction to Logan, but couldn’t place her finger on why before. Now she recognized that it was this wildness, this untamed lust that she saw in him. Some part of her ached for that. Blushing, she knew exactly what part of her that was. A loud crackle and crash behind her startled her. Logan had already begun felling trees. She moved the tree to the center of the clearing with her mind. He grinned and cut down a few more. There weren’t a lot of large trees, and once he’d cut down several of them, he went to work carving them up to construct the basic frame of the cabin. He used the physical exertion to release the perpetually building lust energy that was only made worse when he saw her working by his side. They worked throughout the day, lashing pieces of wood together with vines, taking breaks to eat and rest a little. By nightfall, they were exhausted. They went back to their original shelter, and after a quick dip and a little dinner, they lay down, spooned again. He tried not to inhale too deeply of the natural scent of her. He’d always been able to pick up traces of it, but now that she was going without shampoo or soap, he could smell it strongly on her, and it was extremely arousing. “Jean?” he mumbled. “Mmmhmm?” “I’m sorry.” “Sorry?” she asked, turning slightly toward him. “For what?” He paused for a moment, then sighed “I know that if you had to get lost and stranded on an island.... well, I’m not exactly the first person you’d pick to be with you.” She smiled a little and gently rubbed one of his hands. “You’re great to have around, Logan. You’re a master of survival skills, and... I like having you around.” He squeezed her gently. “Thanks darlin. That means a lot to me.” She laced her fingers into his, then felt a soft poke, and the shift of him pulling his hips away from her. She smiled, snuggled close to him, and her breathing fell into the soft rhythm of sleep. He sighed softly. It was getting more difficult to have her this close to him and not be able to do anything. He made a mental note to be sure there was enough room and warmth in the permanent shelter that they wouldn’t need to sleep like this. It was torture having her so close. He dozed off for a while, then felt her shifting in his arms. He woke to her turning to face him, laying her arm across him, and then draping her leg over his. He stared for a minute, stunned. Her sleeping face was inches from his, and he cupped it in one hand and kissed her softly. His arousal was instantly so urgent and extreme that he disentangled himself from her and ran out to the beach. He dropped his shorts and jumped into the cold water, but even that did little to abate his raging hard on. Jean lay on her back in the shelter, her mind a screaming tangle. She’d been half-awake when she felt herself turning to face him, wrapping her arms around him. She had hooked her leg around his, half-hoping that he would know that she wanted him, and when he kissed her, she felt like electricity had shot through her body... but then he had pulled away. At that moment, the thought of Scott came rushing to her, and she felt terribly guilty. She knew if she went and joined Logan on the beach, they would quickly give in to their desires... and although she desperately wanted to, she was too haunted by Scott do to it. Maybe, she thought, if she could just get through these nights being so close to him, she’d be OK... but she had frequently felt the heat between her thighs while watching him working on the shelter during the day, the swell and curve of his shoulders and back as he sliced up the wood, the wild and sensual look in his eyes when she caught him looking at her... She turned back on her side and tried to sleep. It was a long time before Logan returned, cold and damp, and though she was dying to say something... anything to him, she couldn’t seem to get the words out. Over the next couple days, Logan was totally focused on finishing the shelter. Jean helped him, but avoided reading his thoughts, though she could sense that they were as tangled and confused as hers. He had taken to wearing just his shorts all the time... which she didn’t complain about. Once the structure looked completed, she smiled at him. He began scooping and digging under the sand nearby. “What are you doing?” she asked. “There’s clay under here, I can smell it,” he replied. If we coat the wood with it, it’ll help keep drafts out, keep the place warmer.” He exposed a large amount of the clay. “now, we just need some water to soften it up.” “Let me handle that,” she replied, using her powers to pull a large bubble of water from the ocean. She dropped it on the clay, and he knelt down in it, using his claws and hands to mix it up. He took large handfuls of it and started smearing it on the outside of the shelter. Jean looked at him, half-covered in clay, and stripped down to her bra and panties. He did a double take as she walked past him. “What...?” She smiled. “Look at yourself. I’m not going to get my clothes all covered in clay.” He looked down. “Oh. Good point.” She glanced down at the tented front of his shorts and thought ‘you too,’ with a secretive grin. She scooped up some of the clay as well and worked on covering the outside of the shelter He went back for more clay and teasingly smeared some over her belly. She shrieked and laughed and mashed some in his hair. “Ohhhh, that’s it, Jeanie, *nobody* messes with my hair, not even you.” She ran away, giggling, and he pounced on her. She wriggled under him until she was facing up, both of them laughing too hard to wrestle seriously. Their laughter stopped as they looked into each other’s eyes. They froze, and the look seemed to melt into a wordless outpouring of all the thoughts, fears and desires of the past few days. With a pained look on his face, Logan wrenched himself away, turning and walking to the shelter. Leaning on one hand against the wall, his head down, he desperately tried to regain control of himself. He felt her hand on his back, and shuddered. “Jeanie,” he gasped, in a voice choked with lust, “Please... go.” “why?” she whispered. “Because... I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to control myself if you don’t.” She moved in front of him, looking him firmly in the eyes. “What makes you think I want you to control yourself?” With seemingly no effort from either of them, their lips locked, their arms wrapping around each other, fiercely passionate. Their tongues entwined, their hands greedily caressing each other. Struggling, he stopped and pulled back from her. “Jeanie.... are you sure you want to do this?” “Yes,” she moaned, pulling his mouth back to hers. He flashed out one claw and deftly sliced off her bra and panties, kissing down over her face to her neck, giving her ear a tender lick and nibble, pressing her back against the wall. He focused his attention down to her nipples, rolling his tongue over them and nipping them lightly with his teeth, smiling as he felt her writhing beneath him. He began to move downward, but she pulled him impatiently up toward her. “I want you inside me *now*” she panted, her hands trembling. As he moved up, she reached down, pushing his shorts off, and hooked one leg up over his hip. He moved his hands under her, lifting her up, and she wrapped the other leg around him. He moved to her opening, sliding his cock up and down her slit before sinking easily into her, firmly pinning her to the wall. Jean felt like she was exploding, her body opening up completely to him and she arched her body against his. He grunted and kissed her feverishly as his hips pumped savagely against her, the unspoken desire that had been building in them suddenly given release, making them more hungry for each other’s flesh. She clutched at him, clawing his back and pushed back against him with every thrust, begging him for more, harder, deeper. She had lost all semblance of control, moaning loudly and breathing faster and harder as she felt her orgasm approaching, infinitely more turned on by the gutteral growl in his throat, telling her that he was close too. She screamed his name, tears of pleasure streaming from her eyes while waves of orgasm shook her body. He shuddered, his hands gripping her tightly as he came with her, his hips convulsing against hers. She squeezed and kissed him, and he wiped the tears from her cheeks “Did I hurt you, darlin?” he asked plaintively. “No, no, not at all,” she smiled, and kissed him tenderly. He continued holding her and kissed her face and neck softly. He carefully released her, letting her get her feet on the ground and holding her steady for a minute. She kissed his nose and smiled. “We need a little swim,” she said, looking at their clay, sweat and sand covered bodies. She tickled him and dashed off toward the water with him close at her heels. They jumped in and swam around, and after a few minutes, she snuck up behind him and dunked him, giggling. He sputtered as he resurfaced, and she grinned “well, I had to get rid of that clay in your hair *somehow*” He growled provocatively and pulled her close. “There’s places we both need to clean up, darlin,” he purred. They bobbed in the water, continually kissing, but with no urgency, just the pleasure of each others’ naked bodies. His hands caressed her breasts softly as hers massaged his chest and gently pinched his nipples. He swept his hands firmly over her back, giving her butt a firm squeeze. She reached down and boldly grasped his penis in her hand. She felt it quiver and stiffen more at her touch, and smiled at the look on his face, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. He slid his hand down the front of her body, and between her legs, stroking his fingers over her lips, then softly touching her clit. He didn’t move, just let the rhythm of the waves move his hand against her. She moaned softly and followed his lead, letting the waves move her hand on his cock. They floated, sighing softly, kissing tenderly. Finally, Logan began swimming toward shore, beckoning her to join him. As they walked onto the beach, he swept her up in his arms and carried her back to their new shelter. He lay her down on the floor and began kissing her deeply and tenderly, soft, sensuous kisses. She returned the kisses, holding him close to her. He nibbled her lower lip softly, and then her chin, then planted a soft kiss at her collarbone. He slid his hands fluidly down her body as he continued kissing down, giving her bellybutton a nibble, then kneeling back, lifting her right leg, kissing her ankle and up her leg, nibbling lightly behind her knee. Jean’s body was so awake and aware that each touch seemed to linger endlessly, the feeling of warmth enveloping her body as her desire continued to grow. As Logan finished the same treatment on the other leg, he lifted them both and gently rested them on his shoulders, lifting her hips, moving his lips to her swollen womanhood, gently swirling his tongue around her labia, softly probing her opening, then flicking over her clit. She inhaled sharply as he touched her clit, tightening her legs around his head. He gripped her hips firmly and vigorously licked and nibbled, the combination of his soft lips, his vigorous tongue, and his rough stubble overwhelming her senses. He worked his tongue quickly and firmly around the throbbing button, stroking, sucking and flickering it. She bucked her hips, gasping and moaning loudly, groaning his name, until she was finally swept away by waves of orgasm, gripping his head with her thighs. He continued licking softly as she came down, ran his hands softly over her, and cuddled close to her, kissing her tenderly. She held him close, reveling in his kisses, tasting herself on his tongue. She ran her hands over his body softly, smiling joyously at him between kisses. ‘Pinch me, I must be dreaming,’ he thought. He jumped a little as one of her roaming hands pinched his butt firmly. “Hey, now...” he scolded her gently. She giggled and straddled his body, smiling down at him. He slid his hands over her hips and thighs gently. She began wiggling her hips and swinging her head around, her hair flowing down around her shoulders and breasts. She reached behind her and felt his rock-hard penis, then scooted back and began rubbing herself against it. He moaned softly and tried to lift his hips, but she held them down with her mind. “I’m not done teasing you yet,” she smiled. He pouted and she laughed, continuing to rub against him playfully. He moved his hands up to her breasts, cupping and caressing them. She purred and slid back, positioning herself over him, smiling. She then sank down on him, gasping in pleasure and releasing his hips from her hold. He grunted and lifted his hips beneath her, moving his hands to her thighs. She began gyrating her hips, starting slowly, moving him gently in and out of her. “Ohhhhh.... Jeanie” he purred. She smiled and leaned down over him, kissing him tenderly as she continued rocking her hips gently against him. He let his hands roam over her body as he returned her kisses, feeling her rhythm starting to build. She sat up again, pumping her hips harder up and down. He was enraptured by the feel of her riding him, the soft bounce of her breasts, the way her hair was swirling around her. She smiled lasciviously down at him and continued rocking firmly against him, her body flushed, her eyes shining with desire. He groaned and leaned his head back. She laced her fingers into his and used them as support as she bounced faster and harder on him, grinding her hips hard against him. He lifted his hips to meet her bounces, moaning and arching, and she continued to speed up, gasping and groaning, squeezing his hands tightly. Before long, she pushed down hard against him as she came, leaning back and crying out loudly. The feel of her orgasming around him set him off, and he felt himself cumming inside her as he moaned her name. They stared at each other a moment, catching their breath, then she lay trembling against his chest, and he held her close. Jean felt utterly fulfilled, the ache that had been burning in her had been sated. She felt completely and utterly at peace. Logan was still in shock at the whole series of events, but certainly wasn’t complaining. He pressed his lips to her forehead, and felt her starting to drift off in his arms. He sighed contentedly and cradled her close to him.