
Perrins Dreams�
Egwene's Dreams�
Min's Viewings�
Elaida's Foretellings�
Nicola's Foretelling�
the Prophecies of the Dragon�
the Dark Prophecy

Perrins Dreams

(tDR pg 425-426 ch 43 Shadow brothers)
Mat rattling a dice cup. His opponent stared at Mat with eyes of�
fire. Mat did not seem to see the man, but Perrin knew him. "Mat!" he�
shouted. "It's Ba'alzamon. Light, Mat, your dicing with Ba'alzamon!"

Egwene and Nynaeve and Elayne stood looking at a huge cage, with a�
raised door held on a heavy spring. They stepped in and reached up together�
to loose the catch. The barred door snapped down behind them. A woman with�
her hair all in braids laughed at them, and another woman all in white�
laughed at her.

(tSR pg 320-321 ch 28 To the Tower of Ghenjei)
Rand stood amid swirling storm winds, laughing wildly, even madly,�
arms upraised, and on the wind rode small shapes, gold-and-scarlet, like the�
strange figure on the Dragon Banner; hidden eyes watched Rand, and there was�
no way of telling whether he knew it.

Nynaeve and Elayne stalking cautiously through a demented landscape�
of twisted, shadowed buildings, hunting some dangerous beast.

Mat, standing where a road forked ahead of him. He flipped a coin,�
started down one branch, and suddenly was wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a�
walking staff bearing a short sword blade.

Egwene and a woman with long white hair were staring at him in�
surprise while behind them the White Tower crumbled stone by stone.

(tSR pg 612 ch 53 Price of a Departure)
Egwene stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the�
women knelt around her, Nynaeve was one of them, and he believed he saw�
Elayne's red-gold hair.

Mat stood naked and bound, snarling; an odd spear with a black�
shaft had been thrust across his back behind his elbows, and a silver�
medallion, a foxhead, hung on his chest.

Perrin thought it was Rand. He wore rags and a rough cloak, and a�
bandage covered his eyes.

Egwene's Dreams

(tGH pg 180 ch12 Woven in the Pattern)
Rand sleeping on the ground wrapped in a cloak, a woman standing�
over him looking down. Her face was in shadow, but her eyes shined like the�
moon, and Egwene knew she was evil. Then with a flash of light they were�
gone. Both of them. Behind it all, almost like another thing, was the feel�
of danger, as if a trap was closing, a trap with many jaws.

(tDR pg 233-234 ch 25 Questions)
Suldam collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings,�
forcing them to call lightning against the White Tower.

Whitecloaks binding Eqwene's father's hands.

Rand reaching for a sword made of crystal, but never seeing the�
fine net dropping over him.

Rand kneeling in a chamber where a parched wind blew dust across�
the floor, and creatures like the one on the Dragon banner, but much�
smaller, floated on the wind, and settled into his skin.

Rand walking down into a great hole in a black mountain, a hole�
filled with a reddish glare as from vast fires below.

Rand confronting the Seanchan.

Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder, and Perrin with a Hawk. Only�
the hawk held a leash in her talons-both falcon and hawk were female-and the�
hawk was trying to fasten the leash around Perrin's neck.

Perrin wearing a beard leading a huge pack of wolves that streched�
as far as the eye could see.

Mat, placing his own eye on a balance scale.

Mat, hanging by his neck from a tree limb.

Mat facing the Seanchan.

Mat speaking the Old Tongue.

(tDR pg 352-353 ch 37 Fires in Cairhien)

Perrin with a wolf, and with a falcon, and a hawk, the falcon and�
hawk fighting.

Perrin running from someone deadly.

Perrin stepping willingly over the edge of a towering cliff saying,�
"It must be done. I must learn to fly before I hit the bottom.".

Perrin and an Aiel.

Min springing a steel trap but somehow walking through it without�
so much as seeing it.

Mat with dice spinning around him.

Mat being followed by a man who was not there... or maybe more than�
one, but in some way there was no one there.

Mat riding desperately toward something unseen in the distance that�
he had to reach.

Mat with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about.

Men and women breaking out of a cage, then putting on crowns.

A woman playing with puppets.

Strings on puppets led to the hands of larger puppets, and their�
strings led to the hands of larger puppets, and there strings to even larger�
puppets, on and on until the last strings vanished into unimaginable�

Kings dying, queens weeping, battles raging, Whitecloaks ravaging�
the Two Rivers.

More dreams of the Seanchan.

(tDR pg 468-469 ch 48 Following the Craft)
Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder, choosing between Axe and�

A Whitecloak putting Master Luhhan in the middle of a huge, toothed�
trap for bait.

Mat dicing with the Dark One.

Mat shouting "I am coming!" at Egwene.

Rand sneaking through darkness toward Callandor, while all around�
him six men and five woman walked, some hunting him, and some trying to stop�
him from reaching it, appearing not to know where he was, or only to see him�
in flashes. One of the men had eyes of flame, and he wanted Rand dead with a�
desperation Egwene could nearly taste.

Rand in a dry, dusty chamber again, with those small creatures�
settling into his skin.

Rand confronting a horde of Seanchan.

Rand confronting Egwene, and the women with her, one of them was a�

(tSR pg 145 ch 11 What Lies Hidden)

Rand as tall a mountain, walking through cities, crushing buildings�
beneath his feet, with screaming people like ants fleeing from him.

Rand in chains, and it was he who was screaming.

Randing building a wall with him on one side, and Egwene on the�
other, with Elayne and others she couldn't make out. "It has to be done," he�
was saying as he piled the stones. "I'll not let you stop me now.".

Aiel fighting each other, killing each other, even throwing away�
their weapons and running as if they had gone mad.

Mat wrestling with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash to�

Perrin with a wolf, fighting a man whose face kept changing.

Galad wrapping himself in white as though putting on his own�

Gawyn with eyes full of pain and hatred.

Egwene's mother weeping.

(tFoH pg 214 ch 15 What can be Learned in Dreams)

Rand sitting down in a chair, and somehow how Egwene knew that the�
chair's owner would be murderously angry at having her chair taken.

Perrin, lounging with Faile on his lap, kissing her while she�
played with the short-cut beard that he wore in the dream. Behind them two�
banners waved, a wolf's head and a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow�
coat stood near to Perrin's shoulder, a sword strapped to his back; in some�
way Egwene knew that he was a tinker, though no tinker would touch a sword.�
And every bit of it except the beard seemed important. The banners, Faile�
kissing Perrin, even the tinker. Every time he moved closer to Perrin it was�
as if a chill of doom shot through everything.

Mat throwing dice with blood streaming down his face, the wide brim�
of his hat pulled down low so she could not see his wound.

Thom Merrilin put his hand into fire to draw out the small stone�
that Moraine wears on her forehead.

A dream of a storm, great clouds rolling without wind or rain while�
forked lightning bolts, every one identical, rent the earth.

(LoC pg 258 ch 15 A Pile of Sand)

Twice Egwene dreamed of taking Gawyn by the shoulders and trying to�
turn him to face the other way against his will. Once he brushed her hands�
away roughly; the other time she was somehow stronger than he. The two�
blended together hazily.

Gawyn closing a door on Egwene, and she knew if that narrowing gap�
of light vanished, she was dead.

Perrin came and stood before Egwene, a wolf lying at his feet, a�
hawk and a falcon perched on his shoulders glaring at each other over his�
head. Seemingly unaware of them, he kept trying to throw away that axe of�
his until finally he ran, the axe floating through the air chasing him.

Perrin, turning away from the Tinker and ran, faster and faster�
though she called for him to come back.

Mat spoke words Egwene almost understood, and two ravens alighted�
his shoulders, claws sinking through his coat in to the flesh beneath. He�
seemed no mo more aware of them than Perrin had been on the hawk and the�
falcon, yet defiance passed across his face, and then grim acceptance.

A woman, face shrouded in shadow, beckoned Mat toward great danger;�
Egwene did not know what, onlt that it was monstrous.

Elayne forcing Rand to his knees with one hand.

Elayne, and Min, and Aviendha, sitting in a silent circle around�
Rand, each in turn reaching out to lay a hand on him.

Rand walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching beneath�
his boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things were the seals on�
the Dark One's prison, shattering with his every step.

(aCoS pg 195 & 201-202 ch 10 Unseen Eyes)

Egwene will bond Gawyn.

Gawyn walking on broken glass in bare feet to get to Egwene

Gawyn at a crossroads, one way leads to a violent death, the other�
to a long life and death in a bed. One path he would marry Egwene, the other�

This one is a maybe, Egwene discarded it, but it seems like it is�
possible) Nicola denounces Egwene to the Hall and Thom comes forward to give�

Egwene clawing at a wall made of countless discs like the seven�

Mat's hand seizing an Illuminator's firework and arrows of fire�
flashed from his clenched fist, men would die because of this, the world�
would change.

Egwene, strapps at the waist and shoulder, held her tightly to the�
block, and the headsman's axe descending, but someone was running, and if�
they ran fast enough, the axe would stop.

Logain, laughing, stepping across a funeral bier, with Rand on it,�
but his face breaks apart like a paper puppet.

A Golden Hawk touches Egwene, and she and the Hawk are tied�
together some how. All she knows is that the Hawk is Female.

A man lay dying in a narrow bed, and it is important he not die,�
yet outside a funeral pyre was being built, and voices raised songs of joy�
and sadness. A Dark young man held an object in his hand that shone�

Min's Viewings

(EotW pg215-216 ch15 Strangers and Friends)
Lan - 7 ruined Towers around his head. A babe in a cradle, holding�
a sword

Thom - A man - not him - juggling fire. The White Tower

Mat - A Red Eagle. An eye on a balance (scale). A dagger with a�
ruby. A horn. A laughing face.

Rand - Lightning around him, some striking him, some coming out of�
him. A Sword that isn't a Sword. A golden crown of Laurel leaves. A beggar's�
staff. Him pouring water on sand. 3 women over a funeral bier with him on�
it. A bloody hand and a white-hot iron. Black rock wet with blood.

(TDR pg99 ch6 The Hunt Begins)

Perrin - A wolf. A broken crown. Trees flowering around him. An�
Aielman in a cage. A Tuath'an with a sword. A falcon and a hawk, both�
female, perching on his shoulders. A darkness swirling around him.

(TGH pg362 ch24 New Friends and Old Enemies)

Elayne - The Rose Crown of Andor. A severed hand (not hers). A�
red-hot iron and an axe.

Egwene - A white flame.

(TGH pg 605 ch 43 A Plan)

Nynaeve - A mans ring of heavy gold.

(TSR pg18-21 ch1 Seeds of Shadow)

Various Aes Sedai in the White Tower - A silver collar, similar to�
or actually a damane's. Several viewings of deaths, mutilations, etc.

(TSR pg25 ch1 Seeds of Shadow)

Gawyn - A heron marked sword, his own or threatening. His banner�
with a field of green rather than white. Either breaking Egwene's neck or�
kneeling to her.

(TSR pg284 ch17 Deceptions)

Logain - A halo of gold and blue, signifying glory to come.

(TFoH pg446-447 & 452, ch 26 Sallie Daera)

Sheriam - Rays of silver and blue flashing about her fiery hair,�
and a soft golden light.

Carlinya - A raven floating beside her dark hair, more of a drawing�
of the bird than the bird itself. Min thinks it was a tattoo.

Edesina - A silvery collar snug around her neck, which suddenly�
seems to shatter.

(TFoH pg484 ch28 Trapped)

Gareth Bryne - A bull ripping roses from around its neck

Siuan Sanche - Min tells Siuan "All I know is this. If he [GarethBryne] stays
close to you, you live. If he gets too far away, for too long,�
you are going to die. Both of you."

(TFoH pg844 ch50 To Teach, and Learn)

Marigan, Nicola, and Ariena - Min tells Elayne "Those three you�
brought with you are trouble, and that is a viewing.''

Rand, Elayne, Min, and Aviendha - Min tells Elayne "I saw you'd�
fall in love with him. I don't know what he feels for you, only that he's�
tied to you in some way." Also, Elayne will have to share Rand with two�
other, Min being one, and a third "I don't know. Only that she has a temper.�
Not Nynaeve, thank the Light."

(LoC pg 740 ch41 A Threat)

Rand - Countless thousands of sparkling lights, like stars or�
fireflies, rushing into a great blackness, trying to fil it up, rushing in�
and being swallowed. An aura of yellow and brown and purple that made her�
stomach clench.

(LoC pg747 ch41 A Threat)

Rand - Min tells Rand "I saw an aura around you in the throne room.�
Aes Sedai are going to hurt you. Women who can channel, anyway. It was all�
confused; I'm not sure about the Aes Sedai part. But it might happen more�
than once."

(LoC pg751 ch41 A Threat)

Melaine - She will have two daughters. Twins like mirrors.

(LoC pg813 ch46Beyond the Gate)

Rand and Perrin - Min tells Rand "When you two were together, I saw�
those fireflies and the darkness stronger than ever. But with the two of you�
in the same room, the fireflies were holding their own instead of being�
eaten faster than they can swarm, the way they do when you're alone." Min�
also tells Rand "Twice he [Perrin] is going to have to be there, or�
you....If he's not, something bad will happen to you."

(LoC pg882 ch50 Thorns)

Maringil - Will die by poisoning
Colavaere - Will die by hanging
Meilan - Will die by the knife
Aracome, Maracon, and Gueyam - Will all die bloody deaths soon, in�
a battle

(LoC pg 885 ch50 Thorns)

Berelain - A man in white will make her fall head over heels

(ACoS pg101 ch2 The Butcher's Yard)

Mazrim Taim - Taim has blood in his past and blood in his future.

General viewing - The Asha'man are gathering images like the Aes�
Sedai. There is something important in the viewings of the rebel Aes Sedai,�
tower Aes Sedai, and the Asha'man that Rand needs to know, but Min isn't�
able to figure out exactly what it is.

(ACoS pg675 ch33A Bath)

Rand - Min tells Rand "I saw you and another man. I couldn't make�
out either face, but I knew one was you. You touched, and seemed to merge�
into one another, of you dies, and one doesn't."

(ACoS pg685 ch34 Ta'veren)

Merana, Alanna, Bera, Faeldrin, Rafela - Min tells Rand "They will�
keep their word. I just saw those five in your hand."

(ACoS pg696 ch35 Into the Woods)

Rand - Will almost certainly fail without a woman who is dead and�

(ACoS pg700 ch35 Into the Woods)

Moiraine - In reference to Min's thoughts, Jordan states "Moiraine�
was the only viewing of hers that had ever failed."

(ACoS pg705 ch35 Into The Woods)

Caraline Damodred and High Lord Darlin - The two will marry, but�
only after Caraline leads Darlin "on a merry chase".

High Lord Darlin - A crown suddenly appears on his head, a simple�
gold circlet with a slightly curved sword lying on its side above his brows.�
The kings crown he would wear one day, though of what country she could not�

(ACoS) pg826-827 ch41 A Crown of Swords)

Cadsuane - Min tells Rand "It's Cadsuane. She is going to teach you�
something, you and the Asha'man. All the Asha'man, I mean. It's something�
you have to learn, but I don't know what it is, except that none of you will�
like learning it from her. You aren't going to like it at all."

Elaida's Foretellings

(EotW pg 514 ch 40 The Web Tightens)

From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The Shadow�
has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if the Light will come�
after. Where the world has wept one tear, it will weep thousands. Pain and�
division come to the whole world, and this man (Rand al'Thor) stands at the�
heart of it.

(aCoS pg 27 Prologue Lightning)

The White Tower will be whole again, except for remnants cast out�
and scorned, whole and stronger than ever. Rand al'Thor will face the�
Amyrlin Seat and know her anger. The Black Tower will be rent in blood and�
fire, and sisters will walk its grounds.

Nicola's Foretelling

(LoC pg 255 ch 13 Dreams and Nightmares)

The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees beyond. Three on�
a boat, and he who is dead yet lives. The great battle done, but the world�
not done with battle. The land divided by the return, and the guardians�
balance the servants. The future teeters on the edge of a blade.

Prophecies of the Dragon

(tEotW pg 158-159 ch 13 Choices)

Thom saying "One of the the Propecies says that the Stone of Tear�
will never fall until the People of the Dragon come to the stone. Another�
says the Stone will never fall till the Sword that Cannot be Touched is�
wielded by the Dragon's hand."

(tGH beginning)

And so it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered,�
and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One�
shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men�
quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Niether shall�
anything stand nor abide . . .
Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born�
before and shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be�
Reborn, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In�
sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world�
again at his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind. Like the unfettered�
dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront�
the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us Light. Let tears�
flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation.

(tGH pg 275 ch 22 Watchers)

Five will ride forth, and four return. Above the watchers shall he�
proclaim himself, bannered cross the sky. . . .

(tGH pg 325-326 ch 26 Discord)

Twice and twice shall he be marked, twice to live, and twice to�
die. Once the heron, to set his path. Twice the heron, to name him true.�
Once the Dragon, for rememberance lost. Twice the Dragon, fo the Price he�
must pay.
Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed. Once for mourning, once for�
birth. Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul. In�
the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow.

(tDR pg 57 ch 6 The Hunt Begins)

Moiraine saying "Rand has yet to break the nations, or shatter the�
world. Even scholars who have studied the Prophecies for their entire lives�
do not know how to interpret them all. What does it mean that he shall 'slay�
his people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf'? What�
does it mean he shall bind the nine moons to serve him? What 'wound of�
madness and cutting of hope' has he healed? What chains has he broken, and�
who put into chains?"

(tDR pg 373 ch 41 Threads in the Pattern)

On the slopes of Dragonmount shall he be born, born of a Maiden�
wedded to no man.

(tSR pg 71 ch 3 Reflections)

His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul, washing away the Shadow,�
sacrifice for man's salvation.

(tSR pg 93 ch 6 Doorways)

Power of the Shadow made flesh, wakened to turmoil, strife and�
ruin. The Reborn One, marked and bleeding, dances the sword in dreams and�
mist, chains the Shadowsworn to his will, from the city, lost and forsaken,�
leads the spears to war once more, breaks the spears and makes them see,�
truth long hidden in the ancient dream.

(tSR pg 244 ch 21 Into the Heart)

Into the heart he thrusts his sword, into the heart, to hold their�
hearts. Who draws it out shall follow after. What hand can grasp that�
fearful blade?

(tFoH beginning)

With his coming are the dread fires born again. The hills burn, and�
the land turns sere. The tides of men run out, and the hours dwindle. The�
wall is pierced, and the viel of parting raised. Storms rumble beyond the�
horizon, and the fires of heaven purge the earth. There is no salvation�
without destruction, no hope this side of death.

(LoC end)

The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.�
The seas rage, and the stormclouds gather unseen. Beyond the horizon, hidden�
fires swell, and serpents nestle in the bosom. What was exalted cast down,�
what was cast down is raised up. Order burns to clear his path.

(aCoS beginning)

There can be no health in us, nor any good thing grow, for the land�
is one with the Dragon Reborn, and he one with the land. Soul of fire, heart�
of stone, in pride he conquers, forcing the proud to yield. He calls upon�
the mountains to kneel, and the seas give way, and the very sky to bow. Pray�
the heart of stone remembers tears, and the soul of fire, love.

(aCoS pg 324 ch 18 As the Plow Breaks the Earth)

As the plow breaks the earth shall he break the lives of men, and�
all that was shall be consumed in the fire of his eyes. The trumpets of war�
shall sound at his footsteps, the ravens feed at his voice, and he shall�
wear a Crown of Swords.

(aCoS pg 533 ch 34 Ta'veren)

The north shall he tie to the east, and the west shall be bound to�
the south.

(aCoS end)

Master of lightning, rider on the storm, wearer of the crown of�
swords, spinner out of fate. Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time, may�
learn the truth to late.

the Dark Prophecy

(tGH, Blood Calls Blood)

Daughter of the Night, she walks again.
the Ancient War she yet fights.�
Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die,�
yet serve still.
who shall stand against her coming?�
the Shining Walls shall kneel.�
blood feeds blood,�
blood calls blood.�
blood is and blood was and blood will ever be.

The man who channels stands alone.
He gives his friends for sacrifice.
Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying,
one to life eternal.�
wich will he choose? wich will he choose?�
what hand shelters? what hand slays?�
blood feeds.. etc. etc.

Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom
Isam waited in the high passes
the hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now
course and kill.
One did live, and one did die, but both are.
the Time of Change has come
blood feeds blood... etc. etc.

the Watchers wait on Toman's Head.
the seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree
Death shall sow, and summer burn, before Great
Lord comes.
Death shall read, and bodies fail, before Great
Lord comes.
Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before Great
Lord comes.
Now the Great Lord comes.
Now the Great Lord comes.
Blood Feeds Blood
Blood calls Blood
Blood is, and blood was and blood shall ever be
now the Great Lord comes

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