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Here are lyrics to songs that have appeared in the books. If you know any song that have been written in the books and is not already put up here, send it to [email protected]

Jak O' the Shadows Coming Home from Tarwin's Gap The Color of Trust
To be a Soldier Midean's Ford Will You Dance With Me Wash the Spears

Jak O' the Shadows

We'll drink the wine till the cup is dry,
and kiss the girls so they'll not cry,
and toss the dice until we fly,
to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll dance all night while the moon runs free,
and dandle the lasses upon our knee,
and then you'll ride along with me,
to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll sing all night, and drink all day,
and on the girls we'll spend our pay,
and when it's gone, then we'll away,
to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

There're some delight in ale and wine,
and some in girls with ankles fine,
but my delight, yes, always mine,
is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

We'll toss the dice however they fall,
and snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
to dance with Jak o' the Shadows.

Coming Home from Tarwin's Gap

My home is waiting there for me,
and the girl I left behind.
Of all the treasure that waits for me,
that's what I want to find.
Her eyes so merry, and her smile so sweet,
her hugs so warm, and her ankle neat,
her kisses hot, now there's a treat.
If there's a treasure greater, it lies not in my mind.

Oh, I have seen stark Tarwin's Gap,
and the Trollocs' raving horde.
I have stood 'fore the Halfman's charge,
and walked on death's cold borde.
But a winsome lass, she waits for me,
for a dance, and a kiss 'neath the apple tree....

The Color of Trust
(The first two verses are from LoC, the other two I (NightShade) have written myself *g*)

Give me your trust, said the Aes Sedai
On my shoulders I support the sky
Trust me to know and to do what is best
And I will take care of the rest
But trust is the color of a dark seed growing
Trust is the color of a heart's blood flowing
Trust is the color of a soul's last breath
Trust is the color of death

Give me your trust, said the queen on her throne
for I must bear the burden all alone
Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule
And no man will think you a fool
But trust is the sound of the grave-dog's bark
Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark
Trust is the sound of a soul's last breath
Trust is the sound of death

Give me your trust, said the king on the high
With my power and glory I will never die
Trust me as you shall, servant of mine
And you�ll always be the first in line
But trust is the touch of a knife in the back
Trust is the touch of the ropes of the rack
Trust is the touch of a soul�s last breath
Trust is the touch of death

Give me your trust, said the love of your life
I will love you forever, as I am your wife
Trust me, my love is more solid than stone
And I will never ever leave you alone
But trust is the taste of a poisonous cup
Trust is the taste of a life given up
Trust is the taste of a soul�s last breath
Trust is the taste of death

To be a Soldier

You'll feed on beans and rotten hay,
and a horse's hoof come your naming day.
You'll sweat and bleed till you grow old,
and your only gold will be dreams of gold,
if you go to be a soldier.
If you go to be a soldier.

Your girl will marry another man.
A muddy grave will be all your land.
Food for the worms and none to mourn.
You'll curse the day you were ever born,
if you go to be a soldier.
If you go to be a soldier.

Midean's Ford

Soft, the winds, like springtime's fingers.
Soft, the rains, like heaven's tears.
Soft, the years roll by in gladness,
never hinting storms to come,
never hinting whirlwinds' ravage,
rain of steel and battle thunder,
war to tear the heart asunder.

Back across the blood-red water,
marching back with heads held high.
No surrender, arm or sword,
no surrender, heart or soul.
Honor be theirs, ever after,
honor all the Age shall know.

Will You Dance With Me

I'll dance with a girl with eyes of brown,
or a girl with eyes of green,
I'll dance with a girl with any color eyes,
but yours are the prettiest I've seen.
I'll kiss a girl with hair of black,
or a girl with hair of gold,
I'll kiss a girl with any color hair,
but it's you I want to hold.

Wash the Spears

Wash the spears - while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears - while the sun falls low.

Wash the spears - Who fears to die?
Wash the spears - No one I know!

Wash the spears - while life holds true.
Wash the spears - until life ends.

Wash the spears - life is a dream.
Wash the spears - All dreams must end.

Wash the spears - till shade is gone.
Wash the spears - till water turns dry.

Wash the spears - How long from home?
Wash the spears - Until I die!

Wash the spears - till the sun grows cold.
Wash the spears - till water runs free.

Wash the spears - while I breathe.
Wash the spears - my steel is bright.

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