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[The time of insanity is nigh]

Original Flavour [This page was last gobbled at on: 6 May 2004]

Destraughtem's Reach
[Rating: General ··· Length: Short ··· Genre: Futuristic Sci-fi ··· Word count: 559··· Completed: No]

The whole city stank of neglact. Graffiti peppered every possable wallspace, including the 'police' headquarters, if you could call them police. Corrupt as a damaged computer virus, they were sometimes worse then the numerous criminals. Criminals like the ones who were harrassing Halo and Ludy at that moment.

They had decided to go for a day of shopping, having saved their allowence for weeks. Just as they were leaving a shoe store, they were confronted with a group of snooty-looking thugs.
"The brunettes hair offends me." Said one of them in a high pitched wail.
"The other's legs are too thin for that color socks," Said another, smirking.

Never one to cower, Ludy pushed Halo aside, pulling out a small oblong from her pocket.
"Go away, checkout hags. See this? It's a sputstick." She proffered the weapon menacingly.
"Dont you know anything?" Asked the final thug.
"Oblong weapons are so last season. I'm surprised you still have that junk." Ludy, looking more irritateed advanced, oblivious to the fact that her friend was tugging at her sleeve. With a 'SPUT!' Ludy pressed a button on top of the oblong and a sticky, highly corrosive liquid sped out towards the thugs. It then suddenly changed direction and rushed back into Ludy's face. Halo, who had been trying to warn her of the incoming breeze, helped her hunched friend to the nearest toilets. The checkout hags just laughed and looked for another person to pick on.

"My cloathes have been eaten right through," Ludy called from a cubicle after whiping the corrosive liquid from her skin.
"I'll go buy you something, we still have some credits left." Halo offered. quickly ducking into a second hand store, she bought the cheapset thing in Ludy's size and rushed back to the toilets.

Timidly opening the cubicle door a crack, Ludy passed out her ex-clothes and grabbed the rather loud dress that Halo handed her.
"I think I'll just stay in here, thankyou." She muttered.
"What were you thinking! This is worse than being naked!"
"It was all we could afford. Come on."

"Bette, where back!" Halo called, pushing the door of their small shared flat open. Toby, Bettes' cybernetic dog, was waiting for them.
"What a lovely dress, Ludy," he sniggered.
"you little...I dont know why Bette bought you. It may as well be stencilled on your stomache- Cybernetic rabies alert" Replied Ludy curtly as Halo too off her hat.

"So what do you have on yours?" Asked Toby, sniggering (well, as close to a snigger as cybernetic dogs could get)
"This side up." She replied, reaching for the door to the main room.
"You dont want to go in there," Toby warned, but it was too late.
"Oh my g..." Halo whispered from behind Ludy's shoulder.

Their flat had been ransacked. Nothing was left intact- even the window was smashed.
"I've delt with the intruder." Toby informed them. It was in a cybernetic dogs programming that, if someone was to kill their master, they must kill them.
"Bette..." Halo, putting two and two together realized that her old friend was dead.
"Oh, I'm officially yours now Ludy, it was in Bettes' will" Toby said, turning to the stunned woman.
"What a sick sence of humour she has- had..." Ludy muttered, stepping through the door and kneeling to identify a lump of melted plastic.




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