The Sabbats
Litha 21st June
Litha is Midsummer and the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day in the year, with the un at the height of his power. After this the days will become shorter, so it is a time to reflect and remember that a the days get shorter they will soon get longer again as we go around the wheel of the year again. We are reminded that everything in life goes round in cycles. You might want to get up early and see the sun rise and set on this day.

Lammas 1st August
Also called Lughnasa, Lughnasadh or Loaf-Mass. This is the first harvest festival, a time to give thanks for what you have received. Some people make corn dollies and offer them to the Goddess and God. You could use gingerbread or loaves instead.

Mabon 21st September
Also called Modron or Madron. The day and night are equal, this is a time of healing and giving up old regrets. Remember that after Mabon the evenings will start to get very dark early, you can give thanks for everything that you have received over the summer, and maybe give up things that you have regretted doing and remember to look foward, not back.
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