Red - love, passion, energy, courage, lust, fire, aires, scorpio, tuesday, mars
Pink - emotional love, friendship, affection, earth, water, taurus, libra
Orange - strength, authority, sucess, joy, air, virgo, gemini
Yellow - clairvoyance, learning, mind, knowledge, the sun, leo, fire, wednesday, comminication
Green - healing, money, prosperity, fertility, earth, taurus, libra, venus, renewal
Blue - healing, calming, meditation, tranqility, harmony, water and fire, thrusday, sagittarius, jupiter, inspiration
Purple - spirituality, wisdom, physic power, power, cancer, earth and water, thrusday, influence people in high places
White - protection, peace, purity, truth, motivation
Grey - balance, protection, discovery, saturday, capricorn, earth
Black - destruction of negitivity, saturday, capricorn, earth
Peach - strength, joy
Brown - grounding, stability, family, money, business, earth
Silver - astral travelling, peace, the moon, cancer, water
Basil - love, wealth, protection,
Bay - Protection, healing, physic powers
Chamomile - calming, relaxing, sleep
Cloves - protections, prosperity, love, mental powers
Lavender - calming, soothing, helps with headaches, sleep
Rosemary - protectection, strength, courage, uplifting, purifies, concentration
Sage - cleanses, purifies, protection, memory, wisdom
Thyme - healing, sleep, physic powers, courage
Parsley - Protection, healing
Dandelion - helps physic ability, if you know how to prepare it I've heard it tastes very nice, rabbits like to eat it too (sorry, couldn't help myself! -F)
Tea Tree - antiseptic, helps cleanse wounds and is great for spots
Peppermint - as a tea, good for digestive problems (wind, diarrhoea, sickness), goot for soaking tired feet, rub on your wrists to wake you up.
Garlic - Protection (remember the old vampires thing?) helps infection, cleanses the blood, repels negitivity.
Apple - youth, love, romance
Ash - Guardian tree, justice
Beech - visions, physicness
Elm - sensitivity, creativity
Fir - rebirth, endurance
Hazel - wisdom, vision
Oak - ancestry, endurance,
Pine - inspiration, rebirth
Rowan - spellcasting, enchantment
Willow - dreams
Can be used as candle colours, colours of altar clothes, colour of robes etc.
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