"As the years pass I find it strange to relize that one of the things I have been fighting againist for most of my life is really what I am.� It same weird, but in an indirect way I have been grathering the tools to unlock the mystries that force me away because they were just to simple for my complex mind.
In pictures I am trying to share some of my thoughs on these realizations.."
The Sidur Table ("so simple but yet so majectic to the spirit of Pesach 2000 was another majic momemt for me. I sat down at the table with 3 genaration of people. Some were Orthodox others Reform, a few were just trying to figures their places in Judaism and of course there were a few non Jews.
No one Sidur is ever the same as the last. But each allways leave me in total awe."
Like most Jewish people, I have explored many shules. A shule to me has become
not a place where people gather to worship but a place where my spirit and soul comes to rest and express's� it self. The surrounding fade to background and the interior of our beening becomes the true temple.
Pesach 200l - This year I help organized and part took in 2 sidurs.
The sidur that effected and changed  me was the Women's Sidur.   The food was prepared before hand and each female help remove and place things on the table.  Each woman spoke and not one was silence.   We wore garlands of flowers that we had made in our hair.  Miriam''s pitcher  was placed on the table. When we came to the telling of the Passover story we included the stories of women (in our journey to freedom from Egypt women were not free but were the property of  men or property of  their families) who are in the tradition sidur are mere shadows in the telling.  All blessings included the female element.  Near the end  of the our sidur I could no longer speak,  because the tears of  freedom, healing, empowerment were struggling to flow from my eyes.
I will no longer be apart of any sidur without telling the part that Jewish women played in it,
Freedom isn't free. You have to pay a price for your liberity and stand on guard or
you make wake and it will no longer be there.
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