Before you lies a strange land. It appears to be torn in three. One side seems to be full of light. A paradise. Equines are seen frolicking in the fields in pure bliss. The realm of the Goods. Another section is dark, and dismal. If the other was seen as a heaven, this must surely be its hell. The realm of the Evils. The last part was heavily forested, and the sounds of howling reach your ears. The realm of the wolves.
     You are approached by three forms. The first is a large equine. His smoky pelt gleams in the mid-day sun, and worn upon his dial is a warm grin.
     The second is a smaller equine. Her stained pelt holds several scars, indicators of previous wars fought and won. Her mask is distorted with a sneer, voids smoldering with pure abhorrence.
     The third messenger was a wolf. Her lithe frame is covered with an ebony pelt. Amber orbs focus upon you, seemingly boring a hole through you. She was smaller than most wolves, being built for speed and stamina, not strength.
     The male steps forward. Joyful orbs fall upon you, and an inviting grin appears to be plastered onto his face. A curt bow of the dial is issued towards you as he parts his maw and begins to speak.
     "Greetings traveler. Welcome to our lands. Would you care to join me? I am Rune, lord of the Goods."
     The female snorts harshly. Cruel laugh erupts from her throat, and she saunters over to you.
     "I am known as Kinslayer, demoness of the Evils. Go with Rune if you wish... or you could join me. We evils aren't so bad..."
     Your eyes look between the two. A spark of enmity seems to be between them. Rivals, perhaps? You than glance to the wolfess. No words came from her; no invitation for none was needed. She was Farore, alpha of the wolves.
     You shut your eyes for a moment, trying to decide where you would go. Would you join the goods and live a life of bliss? Would you join the evils and live a cursed life? Or would you find sanctuary with the wolves? Your eyes open once more and you begin to speak, but no one was there. As quickly as they appeared they had disappeared, most likely returning to their realms.
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