Animal, Mechanical, the Divine and Human

666 is called the sign of the Beast. Satan represents man in his primitive form, a savage beast we cannot tame. Somewhere along the way in the history of religion, I think Satan got mixed up with evil and God with good, when neither one is a full representation of either.
Our animal instinct is something that cannot honestly be erased. It needs to be acknowledged instead. If the Beast is ignored, if we blind our eyes to what we cannot escape, it will run rampant and out of control. Then we'll attempt to analyze why and try to find a way to numb it out, like an aspirin for a headache. I see that all around me already, but I know it can (and most likely will) get a lot worse.

To some, Mechanical is the next step up, to others it is a big step down, or the next step up to our path of destruction. I don't think that it is necessarily any of these things. What I do think is that Mechanical is Animal's opposite. Does that make Mechanical God? Since Satan seems to represent the Animal, does God represent Mechanical?
Hmmm... That's really just a strange thought with no answer.
Anyway, practicing Mechanical "instincts" seems like a dangerous thing to mess with. The power can be too easily abused. I believe that it could be used very well, but there are too many boneheads out there to take full advantage of our "Mechanical Evolution" safely. I wish people would be more aware and think so that Mechanical did not have to be such a bad thing, because it's potentials are so wonderful. But there are so many lazy minded idiots who would prefer to just be automatic and unthinking, and for some reason they like to take as many down with them as they can.

On this subject all I can honestly say is, read Socrates, for he taught that the only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.
I am open to any suggestions (not forced opinions) of the Divine, but I will not place my full faith in or pay respects to something which does not acknowledge me, let alone let me know of it's very existence or expectations. If something were to happen to me which suddenly made me believe in some Divine creator, it would have to be my own personal experience, not someone else's. And I would never force that on to someone else.
If a person is not a part of the experience, it's not for them to put their faith in. That's what I say when someone tries to force their faiths on me. I don't disrespect them until they insist that I have to believe something on their word and nothing more.
Why on earth should I believe a "Human"???

By definition, human is not animal, mechanical, or divine.
If it means none of these, then what is Human?
It appears that, by their own definition, people are not Human!
My other thought on this is that a perfect balance of these things could create a sort of "human utopia". What I mean is that if people acknowledged the Beast in them for what it was, instead of continually denying it exists or that it has any control over them, and somehow evenly combined this with intelligent use of Mechanical technology and "instincts", and acknowledged the fact that people will never agree on what the Divine exactly is or wants because no one really has any universal wisdom of this, then perhaps society could be almost 'perfect'.
Maybe we could even evolve to become real Humans.

Then again, in my pessimistic view, I don't think this will ever happen. Society has a long, long way to go before I could ever call it utopia! It's all very interesting to think about, though.

Peace & Anarchy,
Night Raven 42

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