Dear Christian Believer,

I know that you  consider youself to be of high moral standing. Below is a quiz to test your moral reasoning ability. Granted it is written by an atheist, but I asure you atheists have morals too, enough infact to challenge yours. I dare you to take the moral I.Q. test below. If you get stuck, my advice is to go with the obvious.

1. It is wrong for governments to criminalize political disent.  True or false

Political disent should be tolerated - most modern governments  acknowledge that it is wrong in an moral sense to punish political disent. In our modern world, we understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that matters of opinion are never right or wrong, they are just someones point of view.

2. It is wrong for governments to use �cruel or unusual� punishments. True or false
Punishment should not be cruel.-�

3. It is wrong for governments to punishment a someone excessively for a minor offense. True or false
Punishment should be proportional.-�
4. Governments should only punish those responsible for wrong doing, rather than say bystanders, loved ones or civilians. True or false
Punish the person responsible.-�
5. It is wrong to breed animals if you are going to treat them inhumanely. True or false
Congradulations. You answered true to all of the above and in so doing dismissed Christianity as self-contradictory, and therefore false. These are maters of justice.
1.The christian god punishes  people, not because of their actions, oh no, because of calvary there actions don�t even matter. The christian god punishes for political discent, for having the wrong opinions about religion.
2. Hell by definition is the worst imaginable punishment and consequently the most cruel. Cruelty is always wrong.
3. Ok fine I disagree with you about Jesus. So what? Does that merit eternal damnation? Actually could anything you ever do ever possibly merit infinite punishment? Infinite punishment is by definition disproportional.
4. According to the bible, I�m guilty for what ADAM did. I was born into sin. Why would get torture me endlessly for what some jackass did thousands of years ago.
5. Think of mankind as God�s pet dog, now God was such an enthusiast he became a breeder, not just the owner of a single pet man. Unfortunately God�s backyard were mankind is to stay is filled with evil, violence, disease, drought and sorrow. God knows his backyard is shitty, but really doesn�t give a fuck. So the humane society has to put God in prison for mistreating  animals. Now naturally God tried to pawn it off on the dogs. �It�s the dogs fault they got flees�, �The dogs chose to play in the dirt�
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