
As you may or may not know, this site was created as tribute to Alan Robson, and that's where the name, UNOFFICIAL ALAN ROBSON FANSITE comes in. Unofficial, since it was made by three people who have nothing whatsoever to do with Metro Radio (we don't work for it!) other than being listeners. And Fansite, since obviously the people who made it (Thailog, Rob Hinds, and Steve Lowry) have an interest in the subject, that being Night Owls and Alan Robson. And yes, I will even say to whoever is reading this, that it is a known fact that Alan has said to people on his show, "Don't be a fan, be a friend." I'm not going to get into a fuss about that on here, but, to those who will make a fuss about it, it is one of those little things that just so happen to be so ridiculous to worry about, let alone complain about. Another matter that needs to be mentioned in this disclaimer, is the content of the site. Yes, pictures were used from Metro Radio's official website, but why should that be a big deal, seeing as other sites I have come across (I won't mention them in here) contain pictures from the same place as well. Some of the content, however, contains things that are, to put it nicely, questionable, or maybe even offensive, found on a page within the site called "Insanity." The sole purpose of anything you may find to be offensive is NOT meant as an insult to Alan Robson or Metro Radio in any way, as already mentioned in another disclaimer on that particular page itself. It is perfectly fine not to agree with certain things you may find on here, but please don't take it seriously. This website was created as a dedication to Alan Robson, as I said earlier, and it is not an Alan Robson hate page. Whoever may have a problem with anything on this website, instead of wasting their time complaining over it, can simply just leave and never return. It's not a hard thing to do.
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