Who's Coming?
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Who's Coming?

A little ant sat upon his hill
as oft times little ants will.
He sat there watching a big old fly
as it went zooming right on by.
Why is he in such a darned hurry?
Why the troubled look of worry?

The squirrels were busy in their nests
packing up nuts in their storage chests.
There was a strange silence in the air.
There were no birds singing anywhere.
Where are all the critters today?
It looks like most have gone away.

A butterfly came fluttering by.
"Where are you all going and why?"
The ant cried out from his hill,
"Please answer me, if you will."
The butterfly kept right on going;
he wasn't stopping or even slowing.

A buzzing bee at last was seen;
his buzzing broke up the quiet scene,
"He's coming! He's coming! Get inside!
It's time for us all to run, hide!
Get your children into your hive
if you want them all to survive."

"Who's coming", the ant asked, "who,
has created such a hubbub and todo?"
The grass began to wave all about.
The wind began to scream and shout,
"He's coming! Get yourself up and away.
He's coming! He'll be here today."

The puzzled little ant began to cry,
"Who's coming? Who's coming and why?"
The wind said, "Little ant get inside.
Close up your hill and then hide.
The autumn now is going away
and Nasty John will be here today.

He'll nibble your ears and nip your nose.
He'll bite your hands and sting your toes.
He's a mean old man, so they say.
That's why we're all going away
You must get yourself down inside.
You must stay in there and hide.

All winter long he'll be around.
You won't be safe out of the ground.
Until you hear the spring birds call
you must stay down under it all.
If you venture out any too soon
you won't be around to see next June."

"John will get you if your come out.
That is why I scream and shout!"
"Why didn't someone tell me before?
I must get in and close my door."
The little ant crept into his hill
and then the hole began to fill.

When it was sealed good and tight
he went to sleep for a winter's night
and none too soon, I've been told.
For that night was awfully cold,
and all around on the grass was seen
Jack Frost and his sparkling sheen!

circa 1973
Who's Coming? was originally written as a
story poem for my children when they were little.
copyright Betty Lee 1999-2001

Snowflake courtesy of Altan d.o.o.

The Bard's Song came from a free midi site whose 
name and url I lost during a system reformat.

Elastic Trail script by Philip Winston  at: http://members.xoom.com/ebullets
Script featured on Dynamicdrive.com

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws