Youthful Energy

Name: Trent O'Fearghail
Age in human years: 16
Creature: Formorian
Height: 5'9"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Parents: Boyd and Vicky (Vicky is Deceased)
Children: None
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (2) - can lift own body weight
intelligence (2) normal
fighting ability (1) poor
durability (2) normal
speed (2) normal
energy projection (1) none

Basic Formorian abilities, exceptional swimming and can breathe underwater
Nationality: Formorian Citizen, Citizen of Endless
Likes: Rugby, Watching his father play Football, School
Dislikes: Being the only O'Fearghail alive in the Formorian world
Tattoo(s): None
Sexual Preferance: Men (kept secret due to obvious reasons in Formorian world)
Marital Status: Single
Interesting Fact: Trent and his father keep in constant contact via letters

Trent knows he's the only one carrying his last name left that still lives under Formorian rules. The son of Boyd is as stunning visually as he is mentally. He's quite the student, getting straight A's in the all boys school he attends.

Having to hear the news of the accident in which he lost his mother and almost lost his father via outside sources, Trent had to take a year off school to tend to his ailing father, only to be shocked when Boyd was branded for not complying with information he was too traumatized to recall. Boyd knew he had to leave and his son understood. Trent however said he did not want to risk putting a nail in the coffin for the O'Fearghail name so he remained and still remains there, trying to help give the name that has been so mocked and shunned in the Formorian world a new meaning.

Trent has come to terms with his own developing sexuality, enjoying the company of other men. He knows he can never show signs of this in the ultra conservative society he lives in, but is supported and helped by Duncan.

It's him against the world, and he vows to win for his name. A name he's PROUD to have.

Trent now has become a permanant ally to Duncan, whom for a lack of better terms has.. 'awakened' the boy to a lot of things. With Duncan, Trent has been able to reunite with his father and now spends almost every weekend with him.

Duncan has taught Trent to feel comfortable with his sexuality amidst all the taboo, punishment and secrecy in the Formorian Village. 1
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