Naughty Innocence

YTYKStevie: I've been here the longest, the LONGEST and my bio is always the last to be updated... I never get to see my husband, never get to do anything! I hate it! I hate you all!

RAVENous:'re an idiot. It's your fault you don't move on and possibly try to form ANOTHER relationship since you probably won't ever see your husband again. I have no pity for the inept.

BBeulah: This is true!

AAMike: I can relate, son.. but I ain't tryin' to be all psycho about it.. ya hear? You get yourself a fuck and it'll sort you out right!

DDebra: Even I get some action every now and then. *shrugs*

MisterSandman: *Blinks* Did I just hear you say that? Sometimes I think that man of yours rubs off on you at the most random moments.

DDawn: You're just jealous that you aren't that man rubbing off on her, fucking pig. *Makes a face*

TRVD: I think you're like.. jealous that he's not rubbing it in your face. Literally!

UJerry: *Laughs* She probably is, stupid whore.

Justin: I got deleted and I'm going to die soon. Doesn't my life just fucking rule?

Francine: Join the club!

SSpike: I think I got out more than you did.. both of you, HA!

OSCorino: Here's to.... deletion! *lifts his drink*

GGeorge: Cheers!

Gabriel: Whoops, I'm not supposed to be here... yet.

Rayna: *Blinks* Go back to sleep

Dreamer: Sometimes I wonder about all of you, you're all fucking crazy!

Tyler: You know, I have quite a large penis. I really do.

Chetti: *BLINKS* I think Tyler's drunk.. he's actually making sense now.

6: *Snorts*

Hunter Jr: ....mine is bigger. *Smirks*

Jett: Oh I don't think so. *Folds his arms*

Vin: I think we got ourselves a contest. *Smirks*

Rhino: I got you all beat in terms of width. *Snerks*

Strider: I think I have indulged in.. too many a drink. *Passes out*

Wolverine: So..

Victor: Ever get that feeling we've met before?

Nightcrawler: Dejavu, da?

Andrew: Frankly I believe this grouping of us randomly is not at all hilarious and is actually demeaning to our individual personalities. *Giggles* And I have big balls! Oh wait that was before. *Frowns and sniffs* I just want attention!!!!!!!!

Sebastian: I think he's lost it.. oh wait.

Amelia: Lost it?

Johnny: Too late for that, eh?

Jude: Fucking motherfucker and his fucking stupid shite. *Nod sternly* There, I can use foul language too.

Rhys: *Looks at his father whom is still carrying him like he just gained an extra head*

Sean: These blokes and birds ain't got a fuckin' blue's clue 'ow to act in public, eh Liz?

Elizabeth: Shut up and shag me.

Andre: this is... quite overwhelming.

Mr. Williams: Why am I here exactly?

Trent: Tryin' ta get eve'yone involved.

Boyd: 'as ta be, 'as ta be.. runnin' out of shite ta say prolly.

Kimona: *Says nothing.. since she is a statue at the moment*

Lana: I think she's never looked better!

Dane: I think everyone here needs to re-evaluate their priorities. 1
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