Supportively Misguided

Name: Rogelio "Ro" Creed Morales
Age in human years: 25
Race: -
Height: 6'1"
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Light Brown
Parents: Victor and Riot
Children: -
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength ( )
intelligence ( )
fighting ability ( )
durability ( )
speed ( )
energy projection ( )

Nationality: Citizen of Endless
Likes: dancing, music, weed, money, attention, being from Paradise, his family, the beach
Dislikes: Being Ignored, feeling helpless, being threatened
Tattoo(s): a small teardrop on his right eye, the flag of paradise on his forearm, "mi familia, mi vida, mi sangre" (my family, my life, my blood) in script on his back, "reyes interminables" (endless kings - his gangs name) on his shoulder, "Para�so" on his stomach (the local name of Paradise)
Sexual Preferance: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Interesting Fact: Rogelio does in fact carry a razor in his mouth with great skill, being able to talk and even eat without having to take it out. He does carry it as a weapon.

This is the firstborn son of Victor and Riot, a man who has the exotic looks of his mother mixed with his father's rugged, chisled features. At first glance, they knew their son was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.. and thus named him accordingly.

His childhood was a happy one, though people would at a glance think otherwise. Both his parents had their own busy lives and weren't able to make themselves available 100%, but were always there for their children as much as they could. He knew his father and mother weren't married and there was lots of times where he wouldn't see his father for months. Although many would say that his upbringing was not a positive one, Rogelio and his brothers adamantly defend and do truly love their parents.

Rogelio got caught up in the usual Paradie activities at a young age. At the age of 12 he became a member of "Reyes Interminables" which is one of the more influencial gangs in Paradise. He's been involved in robbery, murder, drug-dealing and anything and everything negatively attached to a gang.

While most families would cut all ties, Rogelio's family has never turned their backs on him.

As of late, Rogelio has began to think about his future. His brothers both left Paradise and have bettered themselves. Could be possibly do the same? Can someone leave the only life they've known and start anew? Can a thug from the streets of Paradise possibly make it anywhere else in the world of Endless? 1
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