Ruggedly Beautiful

Name: Jude O'Fearghail
Age in human years: 20
Race: water-based Laminae
Height: 6'0"
Eye Color: Naturally a crystal green, but changes colors depending on mood
Hair Color: Very light brown, almost blonde in the sun.
Parents: Colin and 6
Children: Rhys
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (3) peak human - can lift twice own body weight (when anger is at its peak)
intelligence (3) learned
fighting ability (3) some training
durability (4) regenerative
speed (2) normal
energy projection (1) none

Empath, Sharp Senses; especially taste, sight and touch

Nationality: Citizen of Endless
Likes: Sex, Affection, People, Orgasming
Dislikes: Crudeness, Foul Language
Tattoo(s): None Known
Sexual Preferance: None
Marital Status: Single
Interesting Fact: Jude has had sex with over one thousand people

Jude for no lack of a better term is a male whore. He makes no qualms about the fact that he likes to engage in sex.

He considers himself "Unable to deal with such beauty in the world," and seems to have a way with people. Jude is painfully charming and absurdly good looking to the point of being "beautiful" for a man.

Deep down, Jude never seems to be himself at all. He only seems to cater himself to others; showing signs of an empathic. He's the same way with sex; if his partner shows signs of wanting a blatant one night stand, Jude won't dance around it. If his partner wants to be wooed with sweet words and compliments, Jude will comply.

The question arises; who exactly is "Jude?" Does Jude even know who he really is, or is he simply forced to be whatever it is you want him to be?

His life as of late revolves around caring for his son and finding what action he can during the week. He has found a sort of 'steady' shag in a Formorian named Duncan (Amelia's brother). His close mates Orlando and Ewan know about this but he hasn't let word of this leak to Amelia just yet.

Being a full-time father leaves him with little time to do much else nowadays, but Jude will never go a day without having sex. 1
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