Detestable Madness

Name: Andrew Dreamer
Age in human years: 24
Race: Dead Angel
Height: 6'4 1/2"
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Parents: Dawn and Sandman
Children: None
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (2) normal - able to lift own body weight
intelligence (7) omniscient
fighting ability (4) experienced fighter
durability (3) enhanced
speed (2) normal
energy projection (5) long range, long duration, single energy type

A VERY powerful Telepath and Telekinetic with no set focus or direction. The sheer power of his abilities mixed with his "dead" brain have caused Andrew to have a permanant psychotic state of mind. Andrew can in fact unlock supressed memories and can manipulate even the strongest of minds, but however has shown signs of being in permanant pain due to the sheer intensity of his power. If Andrew ever learned to completely control his abilities, he would in fact be one of the most powerful beings in existance
Nationality: Deceased Citizen of Endless, Deceased Citizen of Paradise
Likes: Blood, Victoria, Attention, Chaos
Dislikes: Dreamer, The "Stupid Gang"
Tattoo(s): A straight line on his forearm
Sexual Preferance: None
Marital Status: In a relationship of sorts with Victoria
Interesting Fact: Andrew is a genius clouded by his insanity

Dreamer's long-forgotten and never aknowledged twin, dead and discarded at birth. However, Professor Kimona would not let things be and revived the dead fetus; which was Andrew.

He hates everyone (Except Victoria), including himself. He especially detests his brother whom he feels they picked over him, 'from the getgo'. He wanted Dreamer's torture, he wanted Dreamer's anguish.

His mind is gone and still remains dead, a reminder of why Andrew is as dangerous as they come. The only person he can relate to is Victoria, whom he views as almost a Queen. The two constantly are a thorn in the sides of all the "fixer" musi, and still yet have no rhyme or reason to the chaos they love to cause.

Andrew and Victoria have risen from a simple thorn in the side to a worldwide nuisance. The duo managed to take advantage of the absence of Seele and destroy his Academy, using his wife's emotions as the detonation. They knew after that moment, there was no turning back. The collapse of the school and the loss of Debra on this plain caused the magical prison of Alcarcalimo to be shattered. Andrew felt the faint brainwaves of the individual and released him from the physical prison. Little did they know what they were unlocking..

Alcarcalimo brought with him the idea of expanding what Andrew and Victoria started. He recommended they expand into a group (after viewing future events via Coilean) so that they could get more done for their 'cause'. During all of this, Andrew received news that would soon change his life. He was going to be a father.

With a baby on the way, Andrew was afraid that he would lack the skills necessary to be a good dad so he did the only logical thing (to him). Kidnap the newly born Coilean (which was already 'experienced' by the adult Coilean from the future). He took the role of father very seriously, taking amazingly good care of the baby thus far with Victoria.

When Alcarcalimo suddenly enlisted the help of his son TRVD without informing anyone, Andrew and Victoria couldn't help but raise an eye in curiousity as to what the Wizard's intentions are. With a child on the way and the Wizard still doing his own thing, Andrew's one way path to destruction seems to have taken a detour... for now. 1
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