Vanity Personified

Name: Rena Aensland
Age in human years: 29
Race: Succubus
Height: 5'8"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Parents: Unknown
Children: Rhys
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (UNKNOWN)
intelligence (UNKNOWN)
fighting ability (UNKNOWN)
durability (UNKNOWN)
speed (UNKNOWN)
energy projection (UNKNOWN)

Abilities are either dormant or Unknown
Nationality: Citizen of Endless
Likes: Sex, Jude, Sex with Jude, Beauty, Clothing, Attention
Dislikes: Being turned down, Children, Being Ignored
Tattoo(s): None
Sexual Preferance: Jude (Men)
Marital Status: Single
Interesting Fact: Rena is obsessed with Jude, stemming from a one night stand

This is the mother of Rhys, much to Jude's dismay.

A night stand ended with Rena getting pregnant, and Jude was more than willing to take responsibility. Rena however was looking to use her pregnancy to trap Jude in a sort of stable relationship with her, although that's NOT what Jude was looking for.

Showing no signs of caring towards Rhys, Jude took the baby and now raises him.. and Rena doesn't care in the least bit. Rena still wants to get Jude back with her, and will stoop to any level to do so... including endangering Rhys. 1
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