The Queen of Hearts

Name: Debra Seele (Maiden name unknown)
Age in human years: --
Race: Goddess
Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Parents: Unknown (Long Deceased)
Children: RAVENous, Lana, Dane, TRVD
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (2) normal - able to lift own body weight
intelligence (6) super-genius
fighting ability (4) experienced fighter
durability (4) regenerative
speed (2) normal
energy projection (6) able to discharge multiple forms of energy

Can generate a sort of "pure" energy that in small doses is pleasurable but if given in a heavy dose is fatal to the strongest of beings, mastery of white magic, can fly with wings extended
Nationality: Citizen of Endless
Likes: Flowers, Statues
Dislikes: Being lied to
Tattoo(s): None
Sexual Preferance: Men
Marital Status: Married to Seele
Interesting Fact: Debra and Legolas have known each other forever and have a sort of brother/sister relationship

Behind every great man there's a great woman the saying says.

With that said, meet Seele's wife. Debra is viewed as a Goddess to nearly all of endless, but not moreso than her husband views her. Her story tells of a priestess whom was raped and killed by Mr. Williams in the old days of Endless and worked for Heaven as a Cherubim in her afterlife. After learning of the danger that was "Seele", Debra began to watch the man with great fascination. After hearing his voice sing to the heavens.. she was in love.

For her to mearly show herself to another being was enough to cast her out, but for her to fall in love with Seele was enough for Debra to permanantly be banished from Heaven. She was stripped of a lot of the powers she used to have but the ones she remained with are still quite powerful.

Debra is heavily liked in all of Endless and to some is the epitome of what all women of Endless should be. Classy, kind and strong but dedicated to the man she loves.

Since returning from the non-physical plain of existance in which she spent a lot of time with Seele; Debra has shown some changes, the most obvious being her youthful looks. Her attitude has slightly changed as well, her actions having more of a sensualness to them while keeping that classiness she's well known for.

She is now on a quest, a quest to bring back the being she loves. 1
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